Well, time for a little backslapping. I called this one 2 years ago: Cynthia McKinney will leave Georgia, move to the left coast and be courted as the Green Party Candidate!
So, to all her supporters here in Dekalb county: piss off. There's 'your girl'. Twice voted out of office,her daddy blames it on the 'JEWS'.
I once wrote a hilarious Klezmer victory song in 2002 while on 1340/1230 that was equally offensive and bigoted. The differnce is: I was using satire, as I am not a Jew. I received a CnD from this event. I will try to find it and post it here for the 3 people that read me....
Feb 2nd: Lafitte's on Bourbon street with Mike Hood and Mico! Mardi Gras baby!
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