Tuesday, May 1, 2007

bad economy? where?

Nothing is quite as humorous to me as reading how 'terrible' our economy is right now.....
Be assured, if it was not a republican sitting in the oval office, we would have been treated to 24 hr coverage of the strong state of the economy. Instead, we get these crazy theories about 'how doomed' we all are.
Lets look at some cold hard facts. Unemployment is below or at the rate it was during Bill Clinton's reign, and has remained thus for 2 terms. Now, some whiny lefties will tell you 'that only counts those still looking for work, not those that gave up already'. Huh? So, we should count those that 'gave up'? While dozens of migrant workers stream across the border daily, with no intention of 'giving up'? Really.
Look, I am not a Bush apologist, but at least give him some credit for not screwing the economy up as bad as his foreign policy or his domestic response to natural disasters. But that is just me.
I've got another week of local appearances: this Wednesday @ the Northside Tavern for Cora Mae Bryant's B day, and cinco de Mayo this saturday as well. Plus a 'cajun gig' with John Ferguson and Ross Pead this sat afternooon will keep me a happy boy!!
stay tuned for more impressive thoughts.;-)

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