Friday, June 29, 2007

interesting article from 2000-2001 on Mike Vick, notice anything interesting?

"He is a very motivated person," says Rickey Bustle, Tech's offensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach. "He told me from the first day he wanted to be better than anyone else. But what is great about Mike is that he has fun doing this. You enjoy being around him. He lights up a room. I looked forward to spending time with him. We would always laugh."

That's how Vick likes it, light and positive. He's not particularly glib or flashy, but he's just good company, well-mannered and not full of himself. And he's still a big kid in a lot of ways. He will sit in front of PlayStation 2 all day--"we have these tournaments but you know who is going to win every time"-and go to scary movies with his girlfriend-"those are the kind she likes"-and take on all comers in basketball. He just keeps moving, staying active, not letting things get too deep.

Johnson :frets whether he will be too trusting, too indecisive, but Vick brushes off those worries. "I think things out, I do my research," he says. "I don't have a lot of friends. I don't trust everyone. I know I have to be careful about who I am and the company I keep, and I will be. I have a responsibility to a lot of people, and I won't let them down. And if I see that some of my friends change, I can change, too. In a hurry."

NFL teams are aware of where he grew up; there is concern he could be hanging with the wrong crowd. It's no wonder Bratkowski has urged him to move immediately to his new NFL city, to quickly involve himself in workouts and playbook study. Bratkowski thinks it will help his new teammates to understand Vick's work ethic. But it also will place him in a positive environment.

Sure, he needs to keep growing. But just the other day, Vick was on the Internet, doing research on another interest: .breeding pit ,bulls. His pit bull already has produced one litter and he has what he calls "a budding breeding, kennel" in the works.

"There's more to me than people might think," he says, his eyes twinkling.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Most Fox News watchers are familiar with Kirsten Powers, the outspoken Democrat strategist and political analyst that is often a guest of Bill O’Reilly’s...

On Friday, Powers sat in for Brian Kilmeade on Fox Radio’s “Brian and the Judge.” At issue was the just-released report from the Center for American Progress regarding conservative domination of AM radio.

To say the least, Powers' take on this subject wouldn’t ingratiate her with folks like Hillary Clinton and Barbara Boxer (audio available here, h/t Allah at Hot Air):

".....Here’s the deal with liberal talk radio – it sucks! I don’t know if you’ve ever listened to it…I’m talking like the liberal talk radio, like on Air America which is not free market. It’s a bunch of donors getting together and starting, you know, a business. It’s not a business…I don’t know what it is, I don’t know if the listeners are more naturally conservative, and liberals are already listening to NPR, and they’re not looking for something new. All I know is that I’ve tried to listen to it, and I’m not talking about Alan [Colmes], I'm talking about an Air America, and I just don’t find it compelling. And obviously other people don’t find it compelling, cause it’s not successful."

Incredible, wouldn’t you agree? The Air America folks can’t even get their own constituents to listen to them, and people like Ed Schultz, Hillary Clinton, Barbara Boxer, and the Center for American Progress want the citizens to believe the reason there aren’t more liberal shows on AM radio is because the corporations that own radio stations are all run by conservatives!!

Makes you wonder if these people all believe in the Easter bunny, too.

Monday, June 25, 2007

a good Falcon and a good man

I know I have been throwing Mike Vick under the bus alot lately...

So, allow me at ac-cen-tu-ate the positive by praising my favorite Falcon, Alge Crumpler!

Game after game, I never have to worry about Algernon giving 100%...He always does. He does not 'lay down' and let his team down on purpose..

Plus, he's a married guy with kids. His parents did a good job of raising him, and it shows. Like this pic, where Alge comes and sits right with the fans to support the Arena team that Arthur Blank bought...He's not in the press box~ he's in the stands with the fans.. And he's approachable~ and you can actually talk to him, and understand him when he talks back.

Besides his 'Falcons for fitness' kids programs, guess what? Alge travelled to the middle east to meet with soldiers. Now, this isn't like when rock stars, hollywood types, and politicians go: Alge went to the FOB's~ the forward operating bases where these other types usually avoid. He's been outside the green zone in Iraq and Afghanistan. For free.

You know how much of a pain in the butt it must be to do this? Long flights into Kuwait? Riding in the fold down seat of a C-130 troop transport into a war zone and doing 'combat landings', where they dive and accelerate quickly to avoid getting shot!

All to say 'thanks' to those that serve. This guy is gold. Mike Vick could learn alot from Alge Crumpler.

Since I posted Alge's pic, I figured I ought to post Schaub's, too....Good luck Schaubby!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

top 10 new features of Nike's Mike Vick shoes

10: leaves a bloody sneakerprint on carpets seized by the feds
9: automatically begins running when in the presence of Roddy White
8: prototype fashioned out of dog pelt dug up from 'cuzzins' backyard that you know nothing about
7: American issue: dogs face painted on shoe, Phillipines version: has actual dogs head sewn on shoe by 7 year old girl shackled to stitching machine
6: Dr Scholls unable to cover up 'decomposing' smell
5: makes white boys from Gwinnet wearing them look like clowns
4: while they may make you run faster, your throwing arm decreases accuracy when worn
3: if you click them together and say 'there's no place like home' your transported to jail ( OZ )
2: forget the shoehorn, to get these puppies off, your gonna need a 'breaking stick'
1: rips the tongues out of all the other shoes in the closet

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

way to go Nuge!

Ted Nugent speaks:

I like sizzling meat on the grill. Wild, huh? Anybody? Now, we all know ol' Nuge isn't by any stretch of the imagination a weirdo when it comes to an omnivorous diet.

Especially here in the great Republic of Texas, a smiling, drooling preference for succulent, protein-rich, nutritious backstrap over aromatic mesquite coals is as American and natural and right as Mom, apple pie and the flag. It's beautiful, really.

But a culture war rages against such universal, self-evident truths. It would be laughable if it were not so deranged. Some weirdos actually are on a crusade to outlaw the consumption of flesh.

I have musical touring associates who have been fired from their jobs with ex-Beatle Paul McCartney for sneaking a hamburger.
You heard that right. Fired for eating meat by an animal-rights maniac, hard-core vegan bass player.
The entire agenda of the gazillion-dollar-financed joke known as PETA literally is dedicated to outlawing meat.
Neither I, nor any hunter or meat eater on the planet, has any desire whatsoever to influence any vegetarian's choice of diet or to force them to eat meat. We are the friendly, tolerant Americans.
This is but one of many issues that represent the line drawn in the sand between liberals and conservatives.
Our own intrepid opinion editor at the Trib, my friend John Young, doesn't want to simply make the choice to be unarmed and helpless for himself. He has again recently insisted that you and I must also comply with his soulless condition of unarmed helplessness in "gun-free zones."
Nobody from our side wants to force anybody to have a gun or defend themselves. It is us, the conservatives, who are for individual choice.
Taxation, confiscation
As for the American left: One hears the words of Mao Tse-Tung come broiling out of the mouths of its heroes, when Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton et al unflinchingly push for "redistribution of wealth."
Central Texas' own Chet Edwards has the audacity to support taxing the after-tax life savings of American families following the death of a loved one.
The unfair, un-American, unconstitutional death tax literally destroys mom-and-pop businesses across the land. Think about it.
The wall that once symbolized communism is down, yet some still want to give it a shot. Dear God in heaven, help us.
Recently, Danny Glover, an otherwise fine actor, embarrassingly abused his uniquely American freedoms by siding with the communist Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez to finance what clearly appears to be an anti-American propaganda film. Nice.
Meanwhile, right there in that communist country, old Hugo is shutting down an entire media network for daring to challenge his heavy handed, corrupt, dictatorial policies.
This is a leader who has proudly sided with terrorist support groups, and Danny Glover gives him a big hug.
If a Venezuelan citizen were to do so with President Bush, I am confident that Chavez would not respect that individual's right to free expression.
Venezuela gives its citizens no right to free expression. Glover must be blinded by the trees in that forest.
Examine the agendas of the liberal "party of peace." Its members clearly don't believe you and I are smart enough or capable of making our own choices in life.
While conservatives "live and let live," the left arrogantly thinks it knows better than we do and will burden "we the people" with more government control until we are taxed to death.
Watch them. Listen, pay attention and blow whistles.
Educate your family, neighbors, friends, co-workers and hunting buddies on how dangerous such control is against the American Dream of individual pursuit of happiness.
Throw off the shackles of government-run slavery. Stand up for individual independence. Enough is enough.
Hey, Hugo and Hillary, leave me alone.
Nice, huh?

Monday, June 18, 2007

A good posting that needs reposting

the following was a short article culled from Democratic Underground from early 2005, by progressive activist "James Gatz':

If you're one of those progressive blog enthusiasts who is confident in their knowledge that George W. Bush STOLE the 2004 election, specifically through the use of pervasive voter fraud in the state of Ohio, deletion of Kerry votes, creation of Bush votes, or the replacement of the former with the latter, you may want to stop reading right now. From the many of you I've met and/or read, I realize that this belief comforts you in a way I can't appreciate, and I don't think there's any reason for me to disillusion you.

However, if you happen to be one of the many who suspects that something was amiss in 2004, but isn't sure if you buy the grand conspiracy theory, then please do follow along with me as I de-construct this myth, and why I think we (as progressives, in general) need to work diligently to overcome it before it sinks our current strong prospects and does long-term damage to the progressive movement.

The following diary is in three parts: 1. The several reasons why I do not believe the outcome of the 2004 presidential election was manipulated.2. Reasons why that progressives and many others have nevertheless developed the belief that the outcome WAS manipulated.3. Why this is potentially harmful to our cause, and ought to be guarded against.
I have many reasons to be confident in the outcome of the 2004 election, however, I think the following 5 are most compelling:

1. Reasonable overall expectations (based on history and current politics) suggested that Bush would win Ohio.2. Final polls conducted BEFORE Election Day strongly suggested that Bush would win Ohio.3. The sheer scale of Bush's Ohio victory would have required a conspiracy of such magnitude as to be improbable and beyond reasonable belief4. Why not Wisconsin? The over-complicated method of fixing the election suggested by believers.5. The overwhelming endorsement of the results (explicit or implicit) by a wide range of individuals and groups whose own interests ought to have made them highly willing to embrace any signs of fraud.
Beginning with the first point, let us remember several key facts about Ohio. It has an overwhelmingly Republican history: it has a GOP Governor, and last elected a Democratic Governor 20 years ago in 1986. It has two GOP Senators, and last elected a Democratic Senator in 1992 (and that was John Glenn, a national hero with far more cross-party appeal than John Kerry could have hoped for).It has voted for Republican Presidential candidates in 7 of the last 10 Presidential elections, and what's more, it has not given a Democratic candidate 50%+1 in ANY of the last 10 elections (Carter, and Clinton twice, each won with less than 50% of the total, helped strongly in Clinton's case by the presence of Perot on the ballot). In fact, the 2004 total of 2,741,167 official votes for Kerry was both the most ever received by a Democrat in Ohio and the highest percentage (48.71%) since Carter in 1976.

George W. Bush himself won the state just four years earlier by 165,019 votes, in an election year when he LOST the nationwide popular vote by over a half-million votes. In 2004, Bush improved his nationwide popular total (winning by 3 million plus votes nationwide), and yet lost ground in Ohio, winning by just 118,601. [All presidential numbers are from the official Ohio SoS site, at]

Ohio has 18 members of the US House of Reps, and 12 of them are elected Republicans. In fact, on the very same day when John Kerry got 48.7% of the vote, Democratic candidates for the House got a collective 48.5% of the vote, meaning Kerry slightly outperformed the Democratic House candidates statewide.

There was no strong historical reason, nor was there a political balance in Ohio, which suggested that Nov. 2, 2004, was going to be a good day for John Kerry in Ohio.

Which brings me to point 2, the polls. At least, those polls conducted BEFORE the day of the election. The final polls conducted by Zogby, Strategic Vision, Survey USA, Rasmussen, American Research Group, and Opinion Dynamics all showed Bush either winning or tied going into the election. Only an Oct. 31st daily poll conducted by Gallup showed Kerry ahead in the final week. I had a good friend working in Philadelphia on the 2004 campaign, who was steadfastly monitoring all polls and conducting his own poll-of-polls to give us an early hint of what was going to happen. On the night before the election, his model projected every single state would vote exactly as it did, with one exception: he predicted Bush would win Wisconsin by .1%, when in fact it went Kerry by roughly .4%. Ohio he had Bush winning 51-48, nearly dead on. [ps, remember that note about Wisconsin]. I'll get to the famous exit polls in a later part of the diary, about the reasons why so progressives believe Kerry won.

Point three relates to the scale of Presidential elections. I think this is one of the harder points to explain to average Jane progressive, who wasn't a full-time campaign staffer (disclosure: I was. I spent 13 months of my life trying to unseat GWB, first working for Dean, then ultimately a PAC focused on voter turnout in swing states). Presidential elections are huge things, and in a state like Ohio, the single greatest defense against manipulated election results is the number of votes that would have to be forged. Florida in 2000 showed us that extremely close elections can be determined by factors other than the will of the voters, but 2004 in Ohio just wasn't that close. As I mention above, Bush won by an official 118,000 votes. If Bush won through deceit as the believers claim, then this would have to mean that literally hundreds of voting machines in dozens of polling locations around the state were tampered with, each to the tune of hundreds or thousands of votes. Such an operation would have required not only the complicity of hundreds of Republican-favoring poll workers and watchers, but also numerous Democrats empowered in counties around the state to man the polls, check the machines, etc. For none of these people to have had second thoughts and come forward, for no one in power to claim to have been approached about fixing the election and rejected the suggestion, defies probability.

Furthermore, if such a result were created, it would almost certainly be obvious in analysis of the final tally; however, aside from the highly-publicized (on the blogs, at least) anecdotes of a precinct here and a precinct there where the final tally seemed off, there isn't anything like a list of hundreds or thousands of precincts where the final tally doesn't make sense when compared to the partisan makeup of the area. Furthermore, if in fact Kerry votes had been deleted or changed to Bush, then why does the final result still show Kerry with a record-breaking number of votes for a Democrat? Are we to believe that in `reality' Kerry broke the record by an even more astounding margin? To wade into the anecdotal territory myself, why is it that (as Matt Bai notably reported on in the NYT magazine under an article titled `who lost Ohio?') ACT, MoveOn, and the Coordinated Campaign all met their vote goals in Democratic areas, and were not in the least disappointed by their turnout operations. Isn't it more likely that just as Bai suggests, the loss of Ohio is simply attributable to the fact that the Republicans turned out their folks just as well, and there are just a bit more of THEM? Doesn't it make perfect sense that in the most heated Presidential election in a lifetime, and the one where the votes in Ohio mattered more than perhaps they ever had before, the voters in Ohio simply realized it was important to get out to the polls and thus recorded their roughly 72% turnout rate statewide, with high turnout in both Republican and Democratic areas?

My fourth point asks you to step into the shoes of the hypothetical conspirator determined to forge the election results for Bush. Where would you fool with the results? In Ohio, a state Bush won last time, seemed fairly likely to win again, and which is large enough to require a massive fraud operation? Or in a state like Wisconsin, which also had enough electoral votes to flip the outcome (if Bush had lost Ohio, but won Wisconsin, he would have had 276 electorals), but less than half as many voters, had voted narrowly for Gore in 2000 (thus making it a `pickup' if Bush won it), and was too close to call in the late polls? As I mentioned above, the biggest surprise for those closely watching the election was that Kerry managed to hold on to Wisconsin. This was achieved mostly because of record-breaking turnout in the area around Madison (and, to a lesser extent, Milwaukee). Why would the hypothetical conspirator ignore such an easy target, and one where a Bush victory would have gone just as unquestioned, and instead target a larger, more monitored state (and there had to be thousands of poll watchers from various groups in Ohio, see my next point) which Bush might have won anyway? It again defies probability.

My final point against the `Bush stole Ohio' claims is that none of the groups and individuals who would have had every reason to claim fraud if they detected the signs of it did so. Not only did Kerry/Edwards quickly accept the results, but groups like ACT (which had spent over $130 to try to win swing states) and MoveOn (which had spent over $30 million, and had precinct captains across Ohio), and organizations like Election Protection and the Carter Center, which both had independent monitors in Ohio all agreed that the outcome was valid. These groups, which collectively had thousands of volunteers and staff on the ground in Ohio, each separately made the decision that there were no significant or credible reports of fraud, and none made any effort to challenge the results in the immediate aftermath of the election.
In fact, the only complaints by any reputable individuals, such as those in the Conyers Report, point most convincingly to a general pattern of disenfranchisement of minorities and other progressives, but not to voter fraud. It's one thing to acknowledge that our electoral system needs to do a better job of giving the vote and encouraging it to be used by 100% of eligible Americans, another to suggest that at the end of the day John Kerry actually received more votes than George Bush in Ohio.
---------------------------------------- -----------
So, why do so many people who frequent the progressive blogs insist that the election WAS in fact stolen? Well, I have two main theories: first, that the string of defeats in the last few years by a group of hard-line radical rightists who most progressives find repulsive to the point of physical illness have hit us so hard that we search for suggestion that it just isn't so, and second, that it's all the exit poll's fault.

As to the first, I don't think I need to go into too much detail here. Clearly, it is far easier for a progressive (especially one living in, say New York or California, surrounded by fellow progressives) to simply deny the results of the last Presidential election than it is to accept them. Especially after the way in which Bush gained the White House in 2000 (without the popular vote, and thanks mostly to disenfranchised African-Ameicans and complicated ballots in Florida), suggestions that he stole the 2004 election as well certainly fell on ears hoping to hear them.

As for the second of these points, let me talk a moment about exit polls, and why I wish journalists would stop promoting them, especially in close races and before the official votes are tallied. Exit polls are the least scientific, and most clearly flawed political polls currently conducted. Unlike telephone polls, they are opt-in, which mean voters can choose to go up to an exit pollster at their location and tell them how they voted, or can choose to keep their vote private, which inherently skews the poll in the direction of the candidate whose voters are more EXCITED about voting for him (see: NH primary exit polls from 04, which showed Dean within 2 points of Kerry, when in fact he lost by more than 12). They are also released within hours or minutes of being conducted, without the time for careful demographic weighting that professional pollsters perform on pre-election polls. Finally, they are extrapolated from a few polling locations to estimate the whole state's vote, even though in any given election certain polling locations will slightly under-perform or out-perform the pre-election expectations for them, unlike pre-election polls which are extrapolated to a constant number, the number of registered voters in the state. The only accurate way to conduct an exit poll would be to have a poll taker at EVERY location in the state, polling a constant percentage of the voters at each one, and then to demographically weigh these results after the entire day is over. Even then, the poll would have a margin of error of probably at least 3% (very few polls ever do better than that), which would mean that it could, for example, predict Kerry with 51% when in fact he would come in with 48.7%. Sound familiar? But of course, CNN posted the raw exit poll results on their website anyway, and give birth to the conspiracy theory du jour.
So why should you care? Well, because if you're anything like me, you want to win next time. I want to win midterm elections this year and give control of Congress to the Democrats. I want to elect a Democratic President in 2008. And I think both of these things are quite possible, if we work hard to organize progressives, to talk to swing voters, to turnout infrequents, to dispel popular myths about the parties (like the one that says Republicans are fiscally responsible, or Democrats are weak on terror), and to nominate strong, inspiring candidates. Hell, even with John Kerry as our candidate, up against the smear machine of Karl Rove in high gear, and with an incumbent `War President' wrapping himself in the flag and insisting that a vote for him was a vote for The Troops, we still managed to get within 18 electoral votes. But if you believe in the `Bush stole the election' story, why should you even try next time? After all, as Mark Miller's book points out right there on the cover, they'll "Steal the Next One Too." So why bother donating to Dems, or doing the hard work of canvassing and phonebanking. It doesn't matter anyway, since the fix is in. Why even bother addressing the widely acknowledged problems with our democracy, like the gerrymandering of districts, the campaign finance system, the disenfranchisement of former felons, the difficulty of voting itself in many inner-city areas and on college campuses, the fact that roughly one quarter of Americans aren't even registered, or any of the others, since no matter how many young people we register, no matter how many African-americans, Hispanics, women, college students, and other progressives we turn out, the machines will just count their votes for the Republicans anyway? That's what I hate about the 2004 conspiracy theory, and why I wish we progressives would move past it before it really becomes a widespread belief (and no, I don't think the theory itself is a conspiracy by Republicans to discourage Democrats, I think this one's entirely of our own doing).
Who's with me?
-An American Progressive Patriot.

Friday, June 15, 2007


The Federal Emergency Management Agency overpaid victims of the Gulf Coast hurricanes by at least $485 million and is struggling to reclaim the money from tens of thousands of people it says shouldn't have been given aid, a USA TODAY analysis shows.
Agencies such as FEMA routinely seek repayments after disasters, though never before has the government done so on such a massive scale. Disaster aid records show that FEMA has so far recovered $15.6 million — about 3 cents for every dollar its auditors have identified as being improperly paid.
A federal judge in New Orleans ordered FEMA late Wednesday to stop trying to collect any money until it gives aid recipients better explanations of what they owe. FEMA was reviewing the case Thursday, spokesman Aaron Walker said.
'I DON'T HAVE IT': Aid recipients struggle to pay back
The order follows sharp protests from lawyers, lawmakers and residents still struggling to rebuild nearly two years after Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma obliterated much of the coast.
FIND MORE STORIES IN: Hurricane Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA Agencies
"FEMA should aggressively pursue cases of fraud and misuse of funds, but I think they have to keep that effort separate from harassing taxpaying, hardworking storm survivors to pay back money FEMA either put in their hands or encouraged them to take," said Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., who heads a disaster recovery subcommittee.
The back-to-back storms triggered $7 billion in aid for rental housing and property replacement. With so much need, it was a "no-brainer" that FEMA should overpay up front, said Donna Dannels, who runs FEMA's Individual Assistance program. The alternative, she said, would have been to delay badly needed assistance for months while requests for aid were reviewed.
Federal law requires that FEMA recover any improper payments. Once the money was doled out, the agency reviewed more than 120,000 aid registrations in which auditors concluded people were paid too much money or should not have been paid at all. FEMA also is trying to get back $64 million from other disasters since 2004, collecting about 15 cents on the dollar.
Reclaiming payments from the 2005 hurricanes will take years, but "we expect to get a lot more money back," said David Garratt, FEMA's assistant administrator for disaster aid.
Audits suggest the overpayments go beyond what FEMA is trying to recover. The Government Accountability Office, Congress' investigative arm, estimated that the improper aid payments may total $1 billion.
FEMA can turn over collection efforts to the Treasury Department, which has authority to take part of people's tax refunds and Social Security checks.
Crystal Utley, a Mississippi lawyer who coordinates clinics for storm victims, said FEMA should "leave people alone and let them get back on their feet."

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

no red card for Jerry

There's a newstory out about how some sports franchises are handing out 'red cards', or 'conduct cards' to rowdy fans...If you receive a 'red card', you may be asked to leave! Seattle is the first to take this seriously~ here's a list of infractions on thier 'red card':
•Foul/abusive language or obscene gestures
•Intoxication or other signs of impairment related to alcohol consumption
•Displays of affection not appropriate in a public, family setting
•Obscene or indecent clothing
•Any disruption of a game or event, including throwing of objects or trespassing on the playing field or other restricted areas
•Sitting in a location other than the guest's ticketed seat
•Fighting, taunting or making threatening remarks or gestures
and on the other side of the card it reads :
"If you receive this card, we believe that your behavior has crossed this line....Continued abusive behavior will require us to eject you from the ballpark without refund—something we don't want to do."
That stuff might fly out there in 'progressive' Seattle, but not here in the ATL.
I have a buddy that I love to go see sports with. His name is Jerry, and as you can tell from his pic, he is confined to a wheelchair. Jerry revels in taunting oppposing fans, and his heckling is damn near an art form. I went to a couple Falcons games with Jerry, and the amount of abuse this guy heaped on Steelers fans was incredible! A phalanx of Steelers fans were seated directly in front of us~ and Jerry rode these poor creeps like the pony he never got for Christmas! He mocked thier QB, Big Ben for getting injured offseason while riding his motorcycle...Later, in the same game, Big Ben was injured and pulled out. Jerry taunted, derided, and ragged those Steelers fans all afternoon! I was impressed, to say the least.
So last sunday night we went to go see the Bravos defeat the Cubs ( on national tv ), and seated right in front of us was a teenaged, zit faced Cubs fan. It was obvious, as he was proudly wearing his 'Cubs' jersey~ and he was with friends who were Braves fans....The kids name was 'Kyle'. It was not going to be a good night for poor Kyle.....
The series started with some intentional plonking..We hit them, they hit us back. At the beginning of the game, the home base Umpire told both teams 'dont do it'. Lily hits Renteria going for some chin music~ and the fun begins. The dugouts clear and even the bullpen guys rushed onto the field. Within minutes, Lily is ejected from the game. Now, Kyle is forced to watch his beloved Cubs play 'America's Team' with thier ace pitcher thrown out~and Jerry behind laughing, teasing, ridiculing all the way.
"Kyyyyyyle! Kyyyyle! You suck, Kyyyyyle! Ha ha~ Lily is gone,baby, gone! Looooooser! "
Even the kid's friends were cracking up. It may not have been the most pleasant night for Kyle, but it sure was fun for us. Besides, it builds character! Hey~ he want's to be a true Cubs 'fan', well ,Jerry initiated him sunday night. Jerry has a gift for finding just the right button to push ( like teasing the Steelers fans for thier idiot QB not wearing headgear ) opposing fans. And whose gonna hit the guy in the wheelchair? He's got carte blanche when it comes to heckling!
Everyone should have a friend like Jerry, especially if your franchise is lucky enough to go to the playoffs. He is a fan's fan: vocal, proud and loud.
I'd love to see some usher try that 'red card' crap with Jerry!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

sniff sniff ...hey!

BANGKOK (Reuters) - Two Thai street mutts who became ace sniffer dogs at an airport near the notorious "Golden Triangle" opium-producing region have been fired for urinating on luggage and sexually harassing female passengers.
The pair, Mok and Lai, had been plucked from obscurity under a program initiated by King Bhumibol Adulyadej to turn strays into police dogs, the Bangkok Post said on Sunday.
Although they won plaudits from police for their work in sniffing out drugs at northern Thailand's Chiang Rai airport, near the border with Laos and Myanmar, so many passengers complained about their behavior they had to be fired.
"He liked to pee on luggage while searching for drugs inside," Mok's former handler, Police Lieutenant Colonel Jakapop Kamhon, said. "He also liked to hold on to women's legs."
"Both were just as good as foreign dogs trained for use in drug missions," he added. "But they were stray dogs, so their manners were worse than those of foreign breeds."
Mok and Lai now work on a farm, herding chickens and pigs, the paper said.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

God.....I love you tube!

public access TV in LA....This guy needs his own syndicated deal!

Speaking of nut jobs......Here's a nice little link for those Micheal Moore fans that believe all the 'spin' about how 'great' Cuba's healthcare system is...It is good, if your a 'tourist' , or 'lucky'.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

rap translation

Lyrics:First things first, I poppa, freaks all the honeysDummies - playboy bunnies, those wantin’ moneyThose the ones I like ‘cause they don’t get nathan’But penetration, unless it smells like sanitationGarbage, I turn like doorknobsHeart throb, never, black and ugly as everHowever, I stay coochied down to the socksRings and watch filled with rocks

TRANSLATION:As a general rule, I perform deviant sexual acts with women of all kinds, including but not limited to those with limited intellect, nude magazine models, and prostitutes. I particularly enjoy sexual encounters with the latter group as they are generally disappointed in the fact that they only receive penile intercourse and nothing more, unless of course, they douche on a consistent basis. Although I am extremely unattractive, I am able to engage in these types of sexual acts with some regularity. Perhaps my sexuality is somehow related to my fancy and expensive jewelry.

Lyrics:And my jam knock in the MitsubishiGirls pee pee when they see me, Nava-hoes creep me in they tee peeAs I lay down laws like I lay carpetStop it - if you think your gonna make a profit

TRANSLATION:I enjoy playing my music loudly on my car stereo. Apparently, women enjoy this also because they become sexually aroused when they see me driving. Oddly enough, when I visit the Native American reservations, some of the more sexually promiscuous Indian women attempt to seduce me in their homes. Their intent is to divest me of my earnings. Such actions are unacceptable.

Lyrics:Don’t see my ones, don’t see my guns - get itNow tell ya friends Poppa hit it then split itIn two as I flow with the Junior MafiaI don’t know what the hell’s stoppin’ yaI’m clockin’ ya - Versace shades watchin’ yaOnce ya grin, I’m in game, begin

TRANSLATION:Understand this fact: you can have neither my money, nor my weapons. I suggest that you inform your peers that we engaged in violent sexual acts. Currently, I am rapping with my associates, the Junior Mafia. I’m having some difficulty understanding why you refuse to approach me. I am attempting to make eye contact with you through my expensive glasses, and as soon as you respond with a smile, I will approach you.

Lyrics:First I talk about how I dress and thisAnd diamond necklaces - stretch LexusesThe sex is just immaculate from the back I getDeeper and deeper - help ya reach theClimax that your man can’t makeCall and tell him you’ll be home real lateLet’s sing the break

TRANSLATION:I prefer to open the conversation with light banter about my wardrobe and jewelry, then I like to discuss my collection of expensive cars. This is more than enough to convince you to have sexual intercourse with me. I am able to insert my penis further into you when I enter you from behind. Furthermore, you will be able to reach orgasm. I understand this to be a problem with your current sexual partner. He needn’t be concerned about your whereabouts. Please phone him and inform him that you won’t be home for a while. By the way, please sing the chorus of the song for me also.

Lyrics:She’s sick of that song on how it’s so longThought he worked his until I handled my bizThere I is - major pain like Damon WayansLow down dirty even like his brother KeenanSchemin’ - don’t bring your girl ‘round meTrue player for real, ask Puff Daddy

TRANSLATION:Your current love interest no longer wishes to hear your fabrications about the length of your member. After I had sexual intercourse with your woman, she became enlightened as to the proper way it is supposed to be performed; violently and immorally. It would be in your best interest to keep your woman away from me as my sexual prowess is very strong. If you are unconvinced, ask Puff Daddy.

Lyrics:You - ringin’ bells with bags from ChanelBaby Benz, traded in your Hyundai ExcelFully equipped, CD changer with the cellShe beeped me, meet me at twelve

TRANSLATION:Despite the fact that you attempted to win her at her doorstep with bags full of expensive clothes and a car (the lower end model Mercedes Benz which you financed by signing over your current vehicle) containing an expensive stereo and a cellular phone, your woman has contacted me through my pager indicating that we should rendezvous at midnight.

Lyrics:Where you at? Flippin’ jobs, playin’ car notes?While I’m swimmin’ in ya women like the breast strokeRight stroke, left stroke what’s the best strokeDeath stroke - tongue all down her throatNuthin’ left to do but send her home to youI’m through - can ya sing the song for me, boo?

TRANSLATION:You, on the other hand, jump from job to job, barely able to maintain payments on the Mercedes Benz you purchased for your woman. Meanwhile, I continue to engage in sexual intercourse and commit lewd osculatory acts with your women. My only remaining option is to request that she leave my home and return to you because I have reached orgasm and no longer have a need for her presence.

Lyrics:So, what’s it gonna be? Him or me?We can cruise the world with pearlsGator boots for girlsThe envy of all women, crushed linenCartier wrist-wear with diamonds in ‘emThe finest women I love with a passionYa man’s a wimp, I give that ass a good thrashin’

TRANSLATION:The ultimate decision rests with you. Whom do you choose as your sexual partner. I can take you on cruises around the world. I will dress you in the finest jewelry and footwear. You will be envied by women worldwide in your fine clothes and jewelry. There is a special place in my heart for beautiful women. I will defeat your man in an altercation because he is effeminate.

Lyrics:High fashion - flyin’ into all states.Sexin’ me while your man masturbates.Isn’t this great? Your flight leaves at eight.Her flight lands at nine, my game just rewinds.Lyrically I’m supposed to represent.I’m not only the client, I’m the player president

TRANSLATION:You will be dressed in finest clothes on the runways of Paris . I will fly you to every state to shop for fine clothes and jewelry. You will enjoy sexual intercourse with me and your man will be forced to pleasure himself through manual stimulation. What a life! I’ll return you to LaGuardia in time to catch your 8 o’clock flight. The timing is perfect because I have scheduled a date with a second woman who arrives at the same gate at 9 o’clock. I’ll seduce her in the same way that I seduced you. I rap well and I am a positive reflection of my home town. Not only am I a sexually deviant, misogynistic, immoral, wealthy, male prostitute, but I also sit on the board of directors of the organization that governs others of my kind.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

1683 guitarists 'take off work' to set a record

"It was cool to see little kids playing, people who had been playing for their whole lives, like older people, and then I'm sure there were people like me who just picked up the song a couple days before," said Autumn McPherson, of Winfield, a senior at the University of Kansas.
Preliminary numbers show 1,683 people played the popular early '70s guitar riff on Sunday at CommunityAmerica Ballpark.
"I thought it was going to be kind of cheesy," said Hannah Koch, of Prairie Village, who came clad in an elf costume. "But after I got here, I got caught up in the excitement of it."
Tanna Guthrie, a morning show host for KYYS (99.7 FM), came up with the idea for the record attempt. She said her station will send participant sign-up lists, photos, videos and copies of media coverage to Guinness seeking official recognition of a record.
Guthrie said she chose "Smoke on the Water," a track off Deep Purple's "Machine Head" album, because it's one of the first songs many guitarists learn.
"You never know if you can pull something like this off," she said.
One of the participants, John Cardona of Hanford, California, said he brought felt-tip pens so he could get others to sign his guitar.
"It was the guitar I learned on," the 41-year-old said. "It was very dispensable on the way here, but very valuable to me now."

Monday, June 4, 2007

Universal Hair Care

Democrat presidential hopeful John Edwards today unveiled the centerpiece of his 2008 White House bid, a budget-neutral proposal to provide universal hair care to every American.The former North Carolina senator and 2004 vice presidential candidate is the acknowledged “hair policy wonk” among Democrat candidates.
Speaking to a convention of stylists and cosmetologists yesterday, Mr. Edwards described “the vast divide between the well-coiffed and the un-coiffed masses — a divide as sharp as the part in my own tawny locks.”“Haircuts averaging $250 to $800, which I receive, are out of reach for people who live in the other America,” said Mr. Edwards. “As a result, we see far too many getting what I call back-alley haircuts for $15 to $25, or relying on home remedies for hair conditions which really need professional attention.”
The Edwards universal hair care proposal would not boost the federal deficit, or result in real tax increases, Mr. Edwards said, because the government would negotiate favorable pricing from hair care providers, and thanks to the savings wealthy Americans could subsidize the styling of the poor.