There's a newstory out about how some sports franchises are handing out 'red cards', or 'conduct cards' to rowdy fans...If you receive a 'red card', you may be asked to leave! Seattle is the first to take this seriously~ here's a list of infractions on thier 'red card':
•Foul/abusive language or obscene gestures
•Intoxication or other signs of impairment related to alcohol consumption
•Displays of affection not appropriate in a public, family setting
•Obscene or indecent clothing
•Any disruption of a game or event, including throwing of objects or trespassing on the playing field or other restricted areas
•Sitting in a location other than the guest's ticketed seat
•Fighting, taunting or making threatening remarks or gestures
•Intoxication or other signs of impairment related to alcohol consumption
•Displays of affection not appropriate in a public, family setting
•Obscene or indecent clothing
•Any disruption of a game or event, including throwing of objects or trespassing on the playing field or other restricted areas
•Sitting in a location other than the guest's ticketed seat
•Fighting, taunting or making threatening remarks or gestures
and on the other side of the card it reads :
"If you receive this card, we believe that your behavior has crossed this line....Continued abusive behavior will require us to eject you from the ballpark without refund—something we don't want to do."
That stuff might fly out there in 'progressive' Seattle, but not here in the ATL.
I have a buddy that I love to go see sports with. His name is Jerry, and as you can tell from his pic, he is confined to a wheelchair. Jerry revels in taunting oppposing fans, and his heckling is damn near an art form. I went to a couple Falcons games with Jerry, and the amount of abuse this guy heaped on Steelers fans was incredible! A phalanx of Steelers fans were seated directly in front of us~ and Jerry rode these poor creeps like the pony he never got for Christmas! He mocked thier QB, Big Ben for getting injured offseason while riding his motorcycle...Later, in the same game, Big Ben was injured and pulled out. Jerry taunted, derided, and ragged those Steelers fans all afternoon! I was impressed, to say the least.
So last sunday night we went to go see the Bravos defeat the Cubs ( on national tv ), and seated right in front of us was a teenaged, zit faced Cubs fan. It was obvious, as he was proudly wearing his 'Cubs' jersey~ and he was with friends who were Braves fans....The kids name was 'Kyle'. It was not going to be a good night for poor Kyle.....
The series started with some intentional plonking..We hit them, they hit us back. At the beginning of the game, the home base Umpire told both teams 'dont do it'. Lily hits Renteria going for some chin music~ and the fun begins. The dugouts clear and even the bullpen guys rushed onto the field. Within minutes, Lily is ejected from the game. Now, Kyle is forced to watch his beloved Cubs play 'America's Team' with thier ace pitcher thrown out~and Jerry behind laughing, teasing, ridiculing all the way.
"Kyyyyyyle! Kyyyyle! You suck, Kyyyyyle! Ha ha~ Lily is gone,baby, gone! Looooooser! "
Even the kid's friends were cracking up. It may not have been the most pleasant night for Kyle, but it sure was fun for us. Besides, it builds character! Hey~ he want's to be a true Cubs 'fan', well ,Jerry initiated him sunday night. Jerry has a gift for finding just the right button to push ( like teasing the Steelers fans for thier idiot QB not wearing headgear ) opposing fans. And whose gonna hit the guy in the wheelchair? He's got carte blanche when it comes to heckling!
Everyone should have a friend like Jerry, especially if your franchise is lucky enough to go to the playoffs. He is a fan's fan: vocal, proud and loud.
I'd love to see some usher try that 'red card' crap with Jerry!
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