I'm sure by now, unless you have been living under a rock, you all have heard the fuss about pill-poppin blowhard Limpbaugh calling soldiers that protest the war 'phony soldiers'. Our good buddy, David ( this time, I'm telling the truth! ) Brock's little site is calling for Rush'head, clearly indicating a lack of reason.
I am not a big fan of El Rushbo, but not because of his politics. I lost any respect for him waaay back when he started suggesting that Elain Gonzales should not be returned to his father in Cuba, which I still think was the right move. His addiction aside, he did open the field for News/Talk programming, so I guess I shouldn't be that mad at him.
As someone who worked behind the scenes in this field, I can tell you that the current flap is truly disgusting. Even if Rush did call soldiers that disagree with the current war plan 'phony', which it's pretty clear he did not, its nothing that should ever be discussed on the floor of the Senate.
But, to add even more clowns to this circus, I would think that the one guy who should not be calling out Rush Limbaugh for calling someone a 'phony soldier' is a guy who lied about his own military service. Just state that to any 'progressive' and they will always respond with : "At least he served! What about YOU?" Trust me, it's so predictable it's not even funny anymore.
from wiki:While running for his Senate seat in 1984, and again while running for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1992, Harkin has faced criticism for claiming that he had flown combat missions over North Vietnam. In a 1979 round table discussion with other Congressional Veterans, Harkin said of his service as a Navy pilot: “One year was in Vietnam. I was flying F-4s and F-8s on combat air patrols and photo-reconnaissance support missions”. These comments were later published in a 1981 book by David Broder. After subsequent inquiries by Barry Goldwater and The Wall Street Journal, Harkin clarified that that he had been stationed in Japan and sometimes flew recently repaired aircraft on test missions over Vietnam. His service flying F-4s and F-8s was later, while he was stationed in Cuba. References to this controversy were deleted from Wikipedia by staffers from Harkin's senate office.
Nice, douchebag.
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