Where to start?
For this 'holiday' season, my progressive Hollywood brother in law gave me a 'Hillary 08' campaign sticker: his attempt to admit that I was correct in assuming she really had plans for the presidency long,long ago. Hey, plenty of New Yorkers believed her when she told them she had no plans to run for POTUS when she ran for office 2 years ago!
I took this sticker and placed it squarely on the backside of my mexican accordion: which I think is just perfect. The damn thing finally has a name, and one befitting a cold old box whose buttons can be easily pushed, and a tough old bag to boot.
I must also do some mandatory 'back patting', as I predicted that Cynthia McKinney would be relocating to California ( along with the Dixie Chicks! )to run as a 'Green' party candidate!
I recall telling Faultneroy that he should be very wary of inviting Micheal Moore ( his filmmaking hero )into the DNC box last election. After all, Moore backed Nader, the Green party candidate in 2000, which actually cost Gore the election.( To this day, brother in law believes the local police conspired to 'steal' that election, despite all the proof to the contrary.) How surprising that Moore today is dismantling all the Democrat contenders, with the glaring exception of Edwards, who MM thinks is sincere in his campaign against poverty? Moore basically begs Gore to run again, as some kind of 'saviour' to the party!
But it's not like the GOP is bringing much to the table. Ron Paul is getting screwed out of the FOX debates, even though he polls better then Rudy and raises tons of $$. Huckabee looks cool playing an American made bass, but he scares the living bat shit out of me religiously. Romney? Sorry, anyone that believes Jesus 'time warps' as a cornerstone of thier beliefs, and isn't too kind with the 'brothers' has no shot. McCain, while I like him the most, appears too old to me. I like Rudy, but let's be honest: he's not getting the NRA vote anytime soon.
I know Ron Paul doesn't have a chance, but as long as he stays in and pisses off everybody else, he's my guy.
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