Ever met a Kosovar? How about A Serb, Croat or Monte 'negro'?
The pictures above are one's I took while in the region, one showing the area that is fenced off and verboten for 'foreigners', only from crew members....But, music is an international language, one that has opened hearts and doors for me worldwide, from the Burmese triangle to the Former Soviet Union.
The 'sailors' on the ferry's over there ( there's a joke in there somewhere ) were former Serb soldiers, but after NATO stepped in, they became Kosovarian 'underclassmen' overnight...They now drive the Taxi's, wash the ships, etc...
And they HATE Bill Clinton..And I'm sure now, they HATE GWB.
I learned this lesson well before 9-11. So I consider it a grave mistake to have stepped in a nations 'civil war', and in 10 years we will be 'policing' Mesopotamia in the name of 'freedom'.
I just knew this day was coming: you cannot provide autonomy for a 'portion' of a sovereign state and it's major city, and think the Serbs are going to be happy about it.
That's why Greece, Cyprus and other neighboring countries are not going to 'recognize' Kosovo. They don't want that crap coming home to roost.
It is also very hypocritical for our Govt to 'recognize' this fledgling democracy in flagrant violation of international law, but to turn away from the Cypriot Turks, who have been segregated and promised autonomy since 2004. Disgusting.
I hope Hannity will recall how much he (righteously) blasted Clinton for 'nation building' and 'meddling in ancient tribal grudge wars' , but will he extend the same courtesy to GWB? I think not.
How about the fact that to this day, the bombings by Clinton and NATO are still in flux? The UN Security Council opposed 'use of force' due to 2 veto votes by....Russia and China.
Gee, who was against our Iraq intervention? The UNSC. But hey, why look at history?
Some may ask ' what should we have done? Let Slobodan slaughter the Albanian separitists?'....Why not? We stood by and watched a genocide occur in Africa, and didn't do anything about it, and currently we are watching another genocide happening on the African continent, but we are too busy policing the 'Sunni Triangle'?!
Instead, we got our cruise missiles involved, and now 10 years later....Well, let's just say I'm glad I dont operate a 'McDonalds' franchise anywhere near there. If I ever go back, I'll have to watch my back like a Jew in Iran.
Everyone makes fun of 'Ron Paul' for his 'simpleminded' foreign policy, but he is right.
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