This just in :Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean urged Florida and Michigan party officials to come up with plans to repeat their presidential nominating contests so that their delegates can be counted.
"All they have to do is come before us with rules that fit into what they agreed to a year and a half ago, and then they'll be seated," Dean said during a round of interviews Thursday on network and cable TV news programs.
The two state parties will have to find the funds to pay for new contests without help from the national party, Dean said.
"We can't afford to do that. That's not our problem. We need our money to win the presidential race," he said. The DNC offered to pay for an alternative contest in Florida last summer but was turned down, officials at the party say.
Officials in Michigan and Florida are showing renewed interest in holding repeat presidential nominating contests so that their votes will count in the epic Democratic campaign.
awwww....ain't that sweet?! Give the crybabies a 'do over'.
All this yet again from .........the birthplace of the dangling chad!
Ckeck out this quote from fladems :
"The Rules say you had to try to stop the primary move, but Democrats voted for the law. What gives?"
Initially, before a specific date had been decided upon by the Republicans, some Democrats did actively support the idea of moving earlier in the calendar year.
Here's the kicker:
"The primary bill, which at this point had been rolled into a larger legislation train, went to a vote in both houses. It passed almost unanimously. The final bill contained a whole host of elections legislation, much of which Democrats did not support. However, in legislative bodies, the majority party can shove bad omnibus legislation down the minority’s throats by attaching a couple of things that made the whole bill very difficult, if not impossible, to vote against. This is what the Republicans did in Florida, including a vital provision to require a paper trail for Florida elections. There was no way that any Florida Democratic Party official or Democratic legislative leader could ask our Democratic members, especially those in the Florida Legislative Black Caucus, to vote against a paper trail for our elections."
So, as I see it, either the GOP outfoxed the Dems and attached a 'paper trail' rider that guaranteed it's passage, which means the Dem party down there are pretty stupid.
Or, these guys voted to make themselves 'more important' in determining the primary outcome early, and cost themselves the delegates, which roughly translated means ' they are pretty stupid'.
Do I have that right? And isn't the reason we now need a 'paper trail' is due to these idiots inability to use the old butterfly ballot, which brought us the evil E-voting?
And Howard Dean. Way to show leadership and intelligence and try to avoid this nightmare. Good work, Doc!
Just hilarious:-)
With apologies to Aesop:
A donkey with an apple in its mouth once walked across a bridge. In the pond below, it thought it saw another donkey with a bigger, redder apple. The donkey reached down for the reflection of its apple, and dropped the real apple instead.
Moral: that’s what happens when jackasses overreach.
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