here's an idea. You people of the 'greatest generation' ushered in TV. You screwed the boomers up real good with it. Why not stop bitching and whining while we pay for your medicine and lifetyle, and thank the Lord you will be watching Matlock with soon that you dont live in jolly old England, where you have to PAY a TAX for your TV!!
"...Debra Berlyn, a consultant for AARP, said there is also concern that older consumers might be vulnerable to sales pitches for new, expensive TVs instead of the cheaper converter-box option. AARP has reached out to organizations that make house calls such as Meals on Wheels to solicit volunteers to help seniors with the new equipment.
Sean Venable, 64, has already received his coupon for a converter box. But it expires after 90 days, and he's not sure if St. Mary's Court, his home, will have decided by then whether to hook up cable for the residents. "It's a catch-22," he said.
Tonie Navarin, 86, who lives alone in Arlington, ordered two coupons for converter boxes but is holding off on buying them.
"I may not even be alive by the time this thing happens!" Navarin said jokingly. "I hate to spend $800 on a new TV when these are perfectly good. I just don't think it's fair."
Well, we now know where the Democrats sprang from...It's not FAIR!
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