Every now and then, I catch something in the news that I find interesting, yet I don't have any experience in, and blogging allows me to ask questions of other's that may have.
This is an interesting report on "The Age Of The Millenials....."
They are young adults (born between 1980 and 1995..) and have been coddled by their parents to the point of being ill prepared for a demanding workplace. Morley Safer reports on the generation called "Millenials."
Now, having never worked in a truly 'corporate environment' ( radio was the only stint I did that could be 'considered' that..)I wonder how 'actual' Morley's 'Factual' really is...
I wish William Smythe would watch this piece, and then comment on it. He works in the belly of the beast, and is cranky enough to either verify or refute 60 Minute's report....
Then there is his buddy, bubba bark .
Bubba has served in combat, so this is a question he can speak to....Recently, there was some upheaval.. The federal appeals court in California on May 22nd reinstated a lawsuit challenging the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, which allows gay men and lesbians to serve in the armed forces so long as their sexual orientation remains private...
So, Bubba, if your reading this: what do you think about 'don't ask, don't tell'? Is it BS? Have you ever served in combat with any homosexuals (or guys you suspected)? Does it even matter? On one hand, I feel like if they want to serve and get shot let 'em...But then I wonder if having gays in forward operating combat units would hurt unit morale? Only a guy like Bubba can answer this....
Today, I am probably going to see the Brave's on a 'businessFan's special'...Because heaven knows if we call it businessMan's special, the dykes will get upset!
Now let's see who actually reads this crap..
greetings my little biotch, and thanks for the invite
true story: while in iraq we had a little down time on occasion, in typical government clusterfuck fashion several units were thrown together some being combat and others support, in one particular support unit that happened to be assigned to us for a few weeks there were a couple lesbians that would join us for a few impromptu foot ball games, the girls could give as good as they got and to most of us they were as equal as anyone else, they wore the uniform, they did their job despite the fact that, like us, they really were not sure what it was all about
my opinion was this, 'don't really give a fuck, let's all get this done and get back home'
i also knew a couple of 'nancy boys' who caught more shit than the lesbians, but again, they were doing their time in the sand pit, i could care less who was fucking who as long as my ass was covered (no pun intended) and now that i am back home (and safe) i do sometimes make light of the homosexual lifestyle, but if push came to shove i would defend their lifestyle because we all gotta be free
that being said, i think you are more of a dick now because you made me get all serious
dude..... millenials.....motherfuckers are hard to work with, being a service manager for a repair company you can certainly see the age gap in employees, these younger kids can be such a pain in the ass
me: "hey, serviceman A, go fix that"
serviceman A: 'but it is dirty and it is almost break time and we never covered that in school and it will take 3 hours to fix and i get off at five and tomorrow is a holiday and i think i deserve a raise.....'
me: click, BANG, thud, 'hey, serviceman B, go fix that'
i only have 27 years to go until i can draw social security but will most likely be serving a life sentence without parole if i have to keep putting up with these sniveling little pansy ass bitches
oops, can't say that because it might offend someone and then there will be a lawsuit (as long as it doesn't fall on a holiday)
ahem, i hope i answered your question, excuse me while i go clean my pistol, i think i need to have a company meeting on monday
me: click, BANG, thud, 'hey, serviceman B, go fix that'
priceless! very funny
thank you very much, and, honestly, on some days i really wish it was that simple
Evan Lee, I watched the 60 minutes thing and am thinking hard about it...not much time to blog the past couple days.
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