Those wacky internets!
My new 'pen pal', who encourages douchebags to 'write conservative blogs' to 'get the message out' is back !
Here's the latest entries:
"OK - game over. But I absolutely cannot see the sexism in the para below, especially since you have taken it out of context. It was meant as a comparison of qualities that are being toted around for the candidates - a comparison of their resumes - surely you can see that! It has nothing to do with Hilary or nayon else's credentials - only the credentials of Palin and Obama. Surely any executive, CEO, small business owner, college or other institution would be making the same type of comparisons when looking for suitable candidates for a particular job! I am 62 years old. If I applied to become a ballet dancer in a working group, I think I would be refused, even though I have danced all my life. Is that sexist? Is it agist? No - it's reality!
I find it highly dangerous to apply such labels where they are not appropriate. I am all for political correctness in many instances and I am glad that we are all so much more aware of these issues than we were - but to apply such analyses where they simply have no place is just not very smart."
Evan's response:
"yes, indeed. game over. If you dont see where mentioning someones experience as a *ahem* weather GIRL is not sexist ( not a 'meteorologist, a reporter, but a 'weather GIRL') then you obvously do not see the real issue. I have many issues w/Palin, but I at least give credit where do. She accomplished alot: taking down an incumbent crooked GOP is a good start. Like it or not, the 'WOMAN' accomplished quite a bit, just like Hillary. To minimize any of it is dishonest, and piss poor politics of personal destruction.
This is the reason Obama only has 6 points over McSame in NY. This is why JM is gaining ground in the electoral college. Now we can play the semantics game all day, but if you are as old as you say, you would realize that to catagorize any woman in that way ( Girl? ) is sexist. plain and simple.
And 'encouraging' people to go argue pointless arguments on GOP websites is not only kinda dumb, but it would seem to me to clean up your own house first.
Women and independants will carry this election, and your email just pissed off 2. That's a recipe for failure.
Remember this if y'all lose: it's this kind of crap that did it."
Here's Obamanuts response to that:
"Well, my mail pissed off 2 but seems to have pleased at least 5 others, from whom I heard.
I actually agree with you about the "weather girl" - you're dead right, THAT is sexist. I missed that - perhaps ebcause, not being an American, I am not used to the incessant labelling and PC - but I agree that it is offensive.
I don't know why you keep bringing up Hillary - I was not a supporter of Hillary for other reasons, but had she been chosen, I would have supported her wholeheartedly as a DEmocrat, not particularly as a woman."
The coupe de grace from me:
"First, let me say welcome to America. I'm glad you take such an active role in our politics.
Here's some advice: since your not very educated on using derogatory terms like 'girl' when addressing a grown, accomplished woman: be VERY careful tossing around the term 'boy' at any Obama event. I promise you, you will learn the true meaning of 'out of context' very quickly. There's a 'freebie':-)
Some other unwarranted advice: many people in 'fly over country' very much resent the implications that being a 'Governor' of a less populated state, or a 'Mayor' of a small suburb, or even a city councilman or woman is not 'experienced'. That's quite a stretch. The simple, plain fact is BOTH Hillary AND Palin have more 'experience' then Obama. You can choose not to believe this, but then you would end up having to admit I was correct about this point as well later on.
As it was rightly pointed out by Paul Begala on May 06 of this year, the Democratic Party cannot win with the 'egghead/African American coalition'. Dukakis tried this and only carried 10 states and gave us G Bush the first. Adlai Stevenson also found this out in 1952. And 1956!!
In order to win the POTUS, you have to appeal to middle class fly over votes. Using sexist terms turns off the all important 'soccer/hockey mom' voters, and poking fun an rural areas kills any real chance of competing in the midwest or the south.
I understand you have 60+ years under the belt, not all of them here. But, trust me, do a little research on American Politics and History and you will learn alot. Once again, the Democratic Party is repeating it's former mistakes. It's well past time to stop making fun of a woman because she was in a beauty pageant, or was a small town mayor or Governor. Ummm, the last Democratic president that actually carried 2 terms was: a rural Governor from a backwater 'small' state. The 'inexperienced' slam did not work then, and it will not work now, since the 3 other males on the ticket have no executive experience AT ALL.
However, for sheer entertainment value, please continue to 'post'. Your 'perspective' is downright hilarious. "
Gotta love it. These idiots are concerned. Steamroller time, huh?:-)
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