"..Just one Las Vegas-style casino in downtown Atlanta could generate up to $1.7 billion in economic impact, create 10,800 direct jobs, fill tax coffers with $135.3 million annually and add nearly $3 million to the city's hotel-motel tax fund.
Casinos -- according to a new study by Atlanta hospitality experts PKF Consulting Inc. obtained by Atlanta Business Chronicle -- could be the winning hand downtown needs to stay on top of the convention business, and add a strong leisure attraction.
A downtown Atlanta casino could lead to a massive redevelopment of the central business district, spanning from near CNN Center along Marietta Street to Underground Atlanta. "
But we can't have one, because of those f*cking evil Baptists! Thanks alot, 'Christians'!
"...Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine, a 2010 candidate for the GOP nomination for Governor, today announced he will oppose any legislative attempts to legalize Sunday sales of alcohol in the 2009-10 term of the General Assembly.
"Republicans are supposed to be the party of family values. Where is the value in selling alcohol on the Lord's Day?" Oxendine asked.
Georgia lawmakers are considering legislation to allow Sunday package sales and in grocery stores on Sundays. Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle has said he would allow a vote on the issues in the state Senate.
Oxendine said he will join Gov. Sonny Perdue, the Georgia Christian Alliance, the Christian Coalition of Georgia, the Georgia Baptist Convention, and the Georgia Council on Moral and Civic Concerns opposing Sunday sales.
"I am proud to join hands with them and thousands of other Faith leaders and lay people all across Georgia of so many denominations who have taken a strong stand against Sunday sales in Georgia," Oxendine said. "I share the disappointment of many in the Faith Movement in Georgia that certain elected officials have moved away from the position they promised to support during their campaigns once they were in office.
"Unlike certain elected officials, I will keep my promise on this important issue of safety and faith."
It's crap like this that makes me question religion.
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