Okay, I give Glenn Beck a hard time, like Bill O Reilly. I never 'met' Beck, but something about him just struck me as 'off'. Call it a 'gut' feeling.
But, I saw these clips online, and I had to applaud the nuts on this guy:
Ouch: it gets worse:
Oh, Hillary the Evil one is in the news. She just PO'd the Hispanics at one of thier shrines, and is about to get the Sanger Award, named after one of the worst people ever.
How 'progressive'.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
So long, Monster Plantation
Since 1981, this crappy ride, the Monster Plantation bored countless children and adults alike. But, it was a homage to the 'Plantations' of the Deep South.
Now, it's going to be called the 'Monster Mansion' because of the negative stereotypes of the 'Plantation'.
I don't mind them refurbishing it, but must we rename it so as not to 'offend'?
It's like changing 'Small World' because 'little people' get upset.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
The Ghetto Burger.

Where is the best hamburger in the world? In the 'hood near my house.
I take all my friends visiting to Ann's Snack Bar.
If you want even one bite of her legendary Ghetto Burger, you better bring your manners and do what cranky old Miss Ann says. Otherwise you're likely to get a reprimand, or worse, you'll be kicked out of her snack shack altogether. Hang up your cell phone, speak when spoken to, and don't even think about entering if all eight of the stools are full or she'll growl at you to wait outside. And wait you will, anywhere from 20 minutes to three hours, depending on how many other folks are craving Atlanta's largest (and one of its tastiest) burgers.
Once Miss Ann gives you the nod to enter and takes your order, sit back and enjoy the show. Everything is made to order. She hand-forms each hulking burger patty just before it hits the flat top; smears mayonnaise onto rows of soft buns, slices onions as needed; and deep fries--yes, deep fries--bacon to crispy perfection.
The Ghetto Burger, with its cult-like following, is always the plat du jour, and, if you order it, you're in for (easily) a two-pound, chili-slathered, bacon-topped gut bomb. If you're actually able to finish it, you won't need to eat for days.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Seeing beauty through the eyes of the child.

ever since the lad was born, he has been surrounded by beautiful women. Not 'pretty', but jaw dropping, staggering loveliness.
Even his first pediatrician was a hottie.
His first 'teacher' @ Walden stood taller then me and looked strikingly like a cross between J Lo and Indian Model Padma Lakshmi, without the fake rack. She is an awesome single woman that was born in South America but raised on the West Coast.
Now, Paul is in the 'middle' class. He has a slew of unbelievable lasses that attends to his every need. One of his new teachers looks, and I kid you not: exactly like a younger, cleaner Tera Patrick.
Every day when I go to pick him up he is showered with affection from the prettiest and nicest females ever: incredibly hot chicks that work with special needs children.
Now, I realize it's creepy, but I'm still a man, and these ladies would have been square in my sights 20 years ago. But all I can do now is look from afar, not seem like I'm 'staring', and silently hope that when he gets a hug and a kiss goodbye, he's getting an understanding of how lucky a little bastard he is.
I don't know how older guys that go to college, or even teach there, can deal.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Chief Noc A Homa
"Levi Walker Jr. was the third, and most well known, of the people who played Chief Noc-A-Homa, the Braves mascot who had a tepee in the left-field stands at the old Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium from 1969 to 1986. When management removed his tepee in 1982 to add more seats, the Braves immediately lost 19 of 21 games, prompting a fan outcry that resulted in the tepee being reinstated. They then recovered and won the National League West. He and the Braves parted company in 1986, after Walker said the club cited missed public appearances."
The real truth is that political correctness got 'em.
I may go up to Helen to meet the Chief.
This will be the first Braves season in 25 years without my Father.
He was a crazed fan. He NEVER missed a game. EVER. He left my wedding early to catch a 7 pm'er on TBS. He lived, and died with the Braves.
We got a memorial brick for him somewhere in the Ted. I gotta go find it and take a picture of it.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Wow....This weekend I went to the Flea Market @ the Starlight Drive In near my house.
Under 40 bucks I walked out with a perfect condition Fostex X 15, a 'Wiggles' toy guitar, a bunch of produce, a copy of the Qu'Ran (sp?) and three perfect copies of 'Watchmen', 'Slumdog Millionaire' and 'The Wrestler'!!
While everything was worth it's wieght in gold, listening to 25 year old tapes of me and friends I dug out of the basement is equal parts horror and glee.
I could have stayed for hours. What a great deal. It's like everyone who wanted to have a yard sale just ponied up the 10$ fee and drove thier crap there. I was the only white guy in attendance. I simply must brush up on the Espanol...
Friday, March 20, 2009
TP or PC?
6:37 am.
Good Grief, I hope that the echo chamber of AM talk does not get it's collective ass up on it's shoulders over Obama's stupid 'special olympics' remark....But something tells me they will.
When my child was diagnosed on the Autism spectrum at 18 months, I jokingly said to my wife ' I love my little tard, and I will love that tard baby until I die!'. Needless to say, it was not warmly received.
I tried to explain that at some time in Paul's life, he is going to hear the word. I want to render it impotent by using it in comedy. This is a time honored self depricating tradition. All people poke fun at thier shortcomings to alleviate shame....But, I was given a lesson in 'bad taste'. I have 'no filter' or say 'inappropriate' things.
This is not Obama's first tasteless remark. The press gave him a pass when he indicated that he would need to have a seance with Nancy if he had to consult with Reagan regarding the presidency.
And you thought only Biden needs a handler. You put the Democrat leaders (Barney, Obama, Pelolosi, Cox,Reid, Rangel) in one room and it reminds me of that bar scene in a Star Wars movie..........as Obama might say a special olympics convention.
Say what you want about Bush,if he had uttered these words, what do you think the response would be?
Maybe without the teleprompter, Barry is not that special after all?
Good Grief, I hope that the echo chamber of AM talk does not get it's collective ass up on it's shoulders over Obama's stupid 'special olympics' remark....But something tells me they will.
When my child was diagnosed on the Autism spectrum at 18 months, I jokingly said to my wife ' I love my little tard, and I will love that tard baby until I die!'. Needless to say, it was not warmly received.
I tried to explain that at some time in Paul's life, he is going to hear the word. I want to render it impotent by using it in comedy. This is a time honored self depricating tradition. All people poke fun at thier shortcomings to alleviate shame....But, I was given a lesson in 'bad taste'. I have 'no filter' or say 'inappropriate' things.
This is not Obama's first tasteless remark. The press gave him a pass when he indicated that he would need to have a seance with Nancy if he had to consult with Reagan regarding the presidency.
And you thought only Biden needs a handler. You put the Democrat leaders (Barney, Obama, Pelolosi, Cox,Reid, Rangel) in one room and it reminds me of that bar scene in a Star Wars movie..........as Obama might say a special olympics convention.
Say what you want about Bush,if he had uttered these words, what do you think the response would be?
Maybe without the teleprompter, Barry is not that special after all?
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
St Paddy's
Well, tonight I will be doing the 2nd Paddysfest @ Steinbecks!
During my visit to Orlando, I dined @ Raglan Road, a fancy Irish pub complete with entertainment..Only the 3 piece ensemble did only 'acceptable' Irish music: no rebel songs. No 'Molly Malone' or 'Fields of Athenry'. Only non-offensive 'Danny Boy' type songs.
Folks, the Irish catalogue is not complete without playing both types.
Now, I wonder what the 'American' themed bar @ Disney Tokyo or France displays? How could you celebrate the USA while overlooking the Civil War? I would hope to hear 'Bonnie Blue Flag' or 'Johnny comes marching home'in there.
Also, whassup wid dat, Walt? I mean YOU were the anti-semite that made 'Song of the South' for chrissakes. How about a little 'imagination' here?
But, you gotta love long haired big breasted Irish dancers!~
Monday, March 16, 2009
some people should not procreate
With the economy in shambles, resorts are slashing prices in Spring Travel season.
The above pictured kid resort usually goes for 250-300 a night, and it was discounted to 79 bucks!
Of course, this lets in the riff raff, like my brood.
The lady at the top was talking on her cell phone OUTSIDE the toddler area while her out of control child repeatedly kept horsing around on the toddler slide, knowcking down and walking over the little ones, mine included. The other 2 moms took thier own kids out of the area while shooting this fat b*tch dirty looks.
My wife waited patiently a couple times, but had enough when the kid slid down the toddler slide for the umpth time, knocking my boy off his feet.
Finally the pig got the hint when I stormed off looking for security.
What was I to do? Put my hands on her hyperactive girl? Can you imagine?
The lady knew full well what was going on, and did not even try to make an attempt to correct her kids out of control behaviour.
Even though there was a huge waterpark feet away, this a hole let her offspring ruin it for the rest of us. I bet her kid couldn't swim, and she was tired of getting in the pool, so she just put her in the toddler area and chatted away.
Gee, I wonder who she voted for?
Saturday, March 7, 2009
the 9$ hammock....
It is spring break for the good children of Walden School. The kids @ Walden go year round, and get 3 weeks 'break' a year. During these 'breaks' ( save for Christmas ) there are teachers available for 'day care'.
Next week we will be with the Mouse. I travelled the world, literally, wife my wife.
We dated for 4 years and were married for 7 before I found out about her obsession.
Since the boy has arrived, we have been to Disney now 6 times. In 3 years!
I honestly think Paul enjoys it, but he enjoys alot of things.
I bought a cheap camping hammock from the evil Walmart and strung it up in the backyard. He has been in it now for about 2 hours. He doesn't even stay in the pool that long.
Even though it's not 'Disney', he is having a blast just 'hanging out'...
Sometimes you don't require the bells and whistles. The 9$ hammock has already earned it's keep.
I relaxed in the hammock for about an hour 2 nights ago. Even though I'm in d/t ATL, I could still see the stars, moon and millions of aircraft. A glass of beer and an Ipod with Diana Krall, swinging in the southern breeze and all seems right with the world.
But we all know that's only temporary..
Next week we will be with the Mouse. I travelled the world, literally, wife my wife.
We dated for 4 years and were married for 7 before I found out about her obsession.
Since the boy has arrived, we have been to Disney now 6 times. In 3 years!
I honestly think Paul enjoys it, but he enjoys alot of things.
I bought a cheap camping hammock from the evil Walmart and strung it up in the backyard. He has been in it now for about 2 hours. He doesn't even stay in the pool that long.
Even though it's not 'Disney', he is having a blast just 'hanging out'...
Sometimes you don't require the bells and whistles. The 9$ hammock has already earned it's keep.
I relaxed in the hammock for about an hour 2 nights ago. Even though I'm in d/t ATL, I could still see the stars, moon and millions of aircraft. A glass of beer and an Ipod with Diana Krall, swinging in the southern breeze and all seems right with the world.
But we all know that's only temporary..
Thursday, March 5, 2009
ATLANTA — Nearly 10 percent of Georgia state legislators are late filing or paying their state taxes, and state Sen. Robert Brown is apparently among them.
Brown, D-Macon, said Wednesday he’s not sure whether he actually owes the state or federal government any money because he hasn’t filed tax returns. He said he’s gotten extensions, but he declined to give more information or say for what years he received filing extensions.
He told Atlanta station WXIA-TV that he had not filed his income taxes at least in the past two years, according to a report on the station’s Web site. He volunteered the information while arguing against a change in Senate rules that would make it easier for the body to take action against, or even expel, members who don’t pay their taxes.
That effort came in response to the discovery late last week that 19 legislators had failed to pay income taxes, some for several years. Those legislators have not been identified, due to Georgia Department of Revenue and federal Internal Revenue Service privacy policies. But a list, without names, was prepared and given to the chairmen of the House and Senate ethics committees, at their request, Revenue Commissioner Bart Graham said.
Graham said Wednesday that the list has grown to 22, with three of the legislators actually having liens levied against them or wages garnished so taxes could be collected.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
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