Where is the best hamburger in the world? In the 'hood near my house.
I take all my friends visiting to Ann's Snack Bar.
If you want even one bite of her legendary Ghetto Burger, you better bring your manners and do what cranky old Miss Ann says. Otherwise you're likely to get a reprimand, or worse, you'll be kicked out of her snack shack altogether. Hang up your cell phone, speak when spoken to, and don't even think about entering if all eight of the stools are full or she'll growl at you to wait outside. And wait you will, anywhere from 20 minutes to three hours, depending on how many other folks are craving Atlanta's largest (and one of its tastiest) burgers.
Once Miss Ann gives you the nod to enter and takes your order, sit back and enjoy the show. Everything is made to order. She hand-forms each hulking burger patty just before it hits the flat top; smears mayonnaise onto rows of soft buns, slices onions as needed; and deep fries--yes, deep fries--bacon to crispy perfection.
The Ghetto Burger, with its cult-like following, is always the plat du jour, and, if you order it, you're in for (easily) a two-pound, chili-slathered, bacon-topped gut bomb. If you're actually able to finish it, you won't need to eat for days.
1 comment:
Word from Barcelona!! Probably the best burger reviwe ever!! Tom
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