Blind Faith is a dangerous thing.
I have noted many times how a small, small minded portion of Atlanta Black Folks still cling to the memory of Mike Vick, and cannot come to the conclusion that he is an idiot, a savage and really, not a franchise QB. I've also noted that as a season tix holder for 8 years, and a former employee of 680 the Fan I have seen the 'man love'(no homo) for Vick and the only reason he is getting defended as such is due to the cities racial heritage and the color of his skin. If Vick was white, these same people would toss him to the curb in a second.
I wrote and spoke about this at length in 2007. There was an ESPN Townhall meeting full of Vick nut huggers that gave this city the blackest eye since the Olympics.
They were booing former Falcons defensive standout Chuck Smith for saying that Michael Vick committed a felony and had to pay the price, and when the moderator asked the audience to show by their applause whether or not dog fighting should be legal, the overwhelming response was that it should! Are these people serious? Dog fighting should be legal?
Oh, we have a real QB now, so good riddance to bad trash.
BUt an interesting thing happened to my buddy Snave. You remember him, he was the guy who did a stretch in a pretty dangerous Venezuelan prison. I bring this up because I asked him about lefty hero Hugo, as he was present while he was shutting down private TV and radio stations, and he was telling me what really went down. Remember, Los Teques prison also houses political prisoners, even MLB baseball stars.
I posted a pic of Obama getting 'punked' by Chavez, in a photo op he ambushed him and gave him a book written in Spanish about how terrible capitalism and US foreign policy was to Latin America....I don't have a big problem with him bowing and scraping to heads of state or foreign royalty, after all, you are in thier house, and should show respect. But, in a Summit of AMERICAS situation, that's partly OUR house too, and that goes BOTH WAYS. You let yourself get photographed accepting the book, that's kinda like giving Helen Keller a camera. It's low class, shows a lack of respect and protocol on Hugo's part. Now he can go back to his table and chuckle it up with the other despots about how he got one over on the ignorant 'Obama'.. To claim otherwise is simply ridiculous.
So Snave posts the pic on his Facebook Wall with a caption 'Whats wrong with this picture'. Remember, he was being held in a prison down there for almost 2 years. I think he might be clued in as to what Chavez is all about moreso then Hollywood actors, Cindy Sheehan, or even Obama.
What follows is a spirited debate with local bluesguy Sammy Blue. I know Sammy, I have played with him before and I don't harbor a grudge if he feels that Obama is the greatest thing since sliced bread, but he is clearly wrong and showing the kind of blind knee jerk reaction that the Mike VBick supporters exhibited and continue to do so. Don't get me wrong: I'm not comparing Vick and Obama, only thier respective 'supporters'.
Snave: 'What's wrong with this picture?"
SammyBlew: "What's wrong with this picture? IT'S OVER DUE!"
Snave: "Care to elaborate? 'cause I know you can't mean what I think you're saying."
SammyBlew: "Do Americans really believe that being arrogant and continuing to make demands of people who we look down on
works. Wake up people. No matter what you think or feel
the world is changing and people outside this country can
see that America is not the beautiful city on the hill. All
countries have problems. All people have problems and misunderstandings. But only the WEAK or ARROGANT are... affriad of diplomacy. America like all the so-called super powers, has had it's way with the world for a very long time.
GUESS WHAT, Now the whole world understands the greed
that is the basis for many of America's actions. After 8 years
of the dummest government ever to steal an election. Stop
whinning! The world will continue to turn. But remember,
being an American doesn't make anyone smarter, kinder,
or more deserving than anyone else on this planet. Picking
on the President is just childish and selfendulgent. Now as
an African American, I hold no faith or trust in government."
Snave:"Sentence by sentence:
1.Is that a question? What arrogance are you referring to?
2.I am awake. Widely so.
3.I agree, and have seen so with my own eyes.
6.Diplomacy? Are you referring to the country that expelled our Ambassador last September? ( that case, it would seem that Hugo is afraid of diplomacy.
7.Yes, naughty America. They all hate us. They love Coca-Cola, Nike, McDonald's, Hollywood movies, MTV, Rock'n'Roll, Blues, Rap, really, just about everything we export...but they hate us.
8.So, can we expect you to give away all your belongings and show us how to live a pure life free of material goods?
9.Sentence fragment...but I think you mean 'administration', not 'government', as we still have the same government we have had for the last 222 years.
10.Sorry, I will never stop winning.
11.Right up until the moment the sun goes supernova in about 5,000,000,000 years
12.This is what's called in debating as a 'gratuitous assertion', which means the opposite also holds true, that NOT being an American doesn't make anyone smarter, kinder, or more deserving than anyone else on this planet as well.
13.Hmm...are you saying that you never 'picked' on W.?"
SammyBlew:"That is to say, I don't trust goverenment no matter who the
president is. But you can't blame Obama for America's current
condition. Or for making an effort to do his job. We can agree
to disagree. But that won't change what George Bush and
his people have done to everyone. Not just Americans, the
whole planet. Freedom of speech is a great tool. But it seems
to make people think their right all the time. Sorry, that's not
really possible! When you alienate others you alienate yourself as well. I suggest that americans become more
knowledgeable about the real world, real people, other
societies. In world terms this country has only existed for
a very short time. Do we really believe that we know what's
best for the rest of the planet and all other cultures?
Sigh.....Do you see where this is going now?
Snave:"Sammy - I believe you are reading more into what I'm saying than I'm actually saying, and not reading some of the things I AM saying. Let's take your points one at a time again. First, your distrust of government makes you an anarchist, yet you are availing yourself of the liberties that your government provides you, i.e. freedom of speech and thought. Second, I'm not blaming BHO for our current condition - please show me where you got that impression from, because it simply isn't true. I do, however, disagree with how he is handling the situation at the moment. Third, I agree - Americans are rather ignorant, but I have done my best to educate myself and others - and that includes you at the moment. I have lived in Venezuela, and know whereof I speak. Will you listen? Fourth, you close your epistle by saying that it is arrogant to think we know what's best for others, yet your whole message is telling us that YOU know what's best for others. Watch where you point that finger..."
SammyBlew: "Yes I am saying I never picked on George Bush. Do you really
think that Black people in America are impressed by an Idiot?
There is no need to pick on someone who's own actions make them look like greedy fools. Their obvious! Also, as far as I'm
concerned there are plenty of human rights issues right here
in America that have never been delt with. You can ignore
all that's wrong and harmful in this country if you want. That
still dosen't make America better than any one else. As Americans we seem to want to find bad things about other
cultures to elavate and maintain our national ego. When
most of us have never left the country and have no idea
of what the world is really like. One cannot travel and interact
by watching CNN. Obama overstepped! No. Bush,Chaney,Rumsfild,Rove and others destroyed
all crediability for America world wide. And now some want to
bitch about Obama trying to fix it? On a personal note,believe me when I say it's no picnic being black in America."
Snave:"Sammy - I'm going to ignore the obvious set-up you've given me there...
I never said there weren't human rights violations in the US, I'm merely pointing out some things that you may not be aware of. I would never presume to know what it's like to be black in America; why do you presume to know what's going on in Venezuela if you've never been there?
I'm not 'bitching' about Obama trying to 'fix' something, I'm only disagreeing with his methods.
I found a great many good things in Venezuela, but Chavez isn't one of them - and a large number of Venezuelans would agree with me."
SammyBlew:"Do not chage my words, I intended to say GOVERNMENT!See
this is part of the problem. Some people in this country actually believe they know what the truth is. In reality it's
just an opinion. I believe I can tell that no truth will be spoken
here. Only bitching and moaning about a new black President.
I have traveled world wide and never been approached with
hatred. That's because people around the world clearly know
what group of people in the US and world have controled the
earths resources and people for several thousand years.
Look at where we are now. This is just more of the same short sighted non-vison non-responseability thinking that
got us here in the 1st place. Control and power is the game
no matter how ones rationalizes it. I can only conclude that
opinions are like ass holes, everybodies got one and sometimes they smell."
Snave:"Sammy - don't change MY mention that Obama is black. So he is, but where have I stated that it makes any difference?
Please- take your agenda elsewhere. This is a discussion about Obama and Chavez. If you don't care about this issue, there's the door. You want to fix New Orleans, go fix New Orleans. Did you vote? I'll assume that you exercised your franchise as I did. If not, it's not my fault. As a poor agnostic musician, I'm in the same boat as you, so stop preaching to the choir and address the issue at hand: Chavez is a Socialist dictator who is doing his best to ingratiate himself to some of the worst political factions in the world: Cuba, North Korea, China, and Iran - all avowed enemies of America.
The United States of America is a constitutional republic, and has been so ever since the Constitution was ratified in 1787. This is not an opinion, it is an incontrovertible fact.
I disagree with Mr. Obama's handling of the situation. This is my opinion. Feel free to disagree, but take your racial slant elsewhere - you seem to be the only one talking about the amount of melanin in his skin.
Besides, as Cora Mae Bryant always said to me, "I ain't never seen no black man, I ain't never seen no white man"...we're all varying shades of pink and brown.
Except Edgar Winter. DAMN, that boy so WHITE!"
Another side note: One thing bitter racist blues guys hate is when you take a non bitter blues legend's own words to defend yourself...That usually sets them off. And here we go!:
SammyBlew:"You know people don't get it. Government for which people?
By what people? and what kind of people formed this so called
government? Rich Slave owners who didn't want to pay taxes
to the crown. Are you kidding me? There was an still are times
in America when I'm not treated as a human being just becuse
I'm not white. Give me a brake. Venezuela, WHO CARES?
power to vote, women and blacks had to fightand die for it.
Which of us got to vote on the war, the stimulus package
and waterboarding? This is a great country in many ways
but teling the truth is not one of those ways. We still live
in a "Social Class" ( Money ) based scoiety. Christan country,
What a joke! I wonder what Jesus thinks of America! But then
clearly we as "Americans" wouldn't relate to true selflessness
to acheive anything. We seem to think that winning is having
our way all the time. Sorry kids. Get over it.Take my agenda elsewhere. See this is the problem. You actually think you have the right to be critical of others
but can't face the truth. Agenda! Now you want to believe
you have the right or power to silience a citizen. SICK, WEAK
Evasive thinking! PITIFUL. I have watched ignorance and this
type of arrogance devide people since I was a child. But if
you really think or believe that you'll ever be powerful enough
to stop me from expressing an opiinon your blinded by your own prejudices and fears. I've been very nice to about
this. It is your ridiculus assertions that trigger my response.
Frankly I don't care who's President of any country. Just because you can say or write something doesn't make you
an expert or anywhere near correct. As far tell me what to do. You must know where you can stick that!
Government for select people is more correct. And don't bother to truly get me started, you will not win, ever.
Unless you call definding your own selfish agenda winning.Clearly this type of belief system is why your party was voted
out. Your wrong and most of America says so. I don't have
to have an agenda. But go ahead, out smart yourself. show
your true self like Bush, Chaney and the rest. You like to win?
Well you lost. Grow up. Get over it. and don't blame me if I
don't agree with this ridiculus discussion or your little ideal
world came crashing down around you. Reality has finally
set in and you can't take it. You really sound like many in
the R party. Can't do anything but bitch and moan. Your
very sad. How much more wimmpy can you be. Let's see!
I'm not taking my input any where, now what are you gioing to do about it. You neither my mother or Father so once again, you must really know where you can stick this!
Let's also get one thing very very clear. You are not in the
same vote, situation or skin I'm in so don't flater yourself at
my expense. And never never ever imagine that you can tell
me what, when, how or why to be."
Snave:"Sammy, you're welcome to voice your opinion anywhere you want - but know that others have the right to voice theirs as well. Go out to your street corner and shout at the top of your lungs. Do it onstage wherever you play. I don't care...but HERE, I am discussing a dangerous tin-horn dictator, and everyone else here is staying on topic. You have a Facebook wall; use it to discuss your issues. I do not have the power to stop you - indeed, no one does. However, if I came to your forum and disagreed with you, somehow I doubt you would be as accommodating and tactful as I have been.
Actually, I do have the right to be critical of others, as do you. It's called the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. I'm sorry if you don't like it, but you certainly are exercising it, as am I.
Sammy - what's my party? Who did I vote for? Do you know? If so, mister, you're a better man than I, because I can't see through the curtain at the voting booth.
And my friend, I have already won. I may not have convinced you, but that's not the goal here - I have expressed my opinion, and that's how I won."
YIKES! Steeeerike one for Sammy!
SammyBlew:"This just became useless, absurd. I'm done. "In the same vote as me". Now that's a real insult. You couldn't handle my life if you had 200 years to do it and you never aged!
Now I choose to stop wasting my time. If you can't handle the truth don't start a discussion."
Oh no, Sammy's going to take his bitter ball and go home. Boo hoo!
Snave:"In the same BOAT as you...if you're going to quote me, do so accurately. And sir, you have NO idea what I've gone through. But I look forward with hope, not backwards in anger.
This was useless and absurd a long time ago...I tend to think we all pretty much have the same goals in mind, conservative and liberal alike, we just say things differently, mostly."
SammyBlew:"At least we agree on something! I have no anger towards you. I have no reason to quote you. You've not said anything
worthy of being quoted. Your also right about it being useless
and absurb from the very beginning. Politics and religon are
passinate subjects. I hold no Ill will for you or anyone else
because of a difference of opinion. And you have no idea
who or what I am or how I've arrived at any place. I do not
assume anything about you. I've only reacted to old out
dated ideas about the world at large, proven not to be effective thinking. You have a right to your opinion and I
respect that. But that dosen't give you the right to insult
anyone. I also understand that you're an artist and what that
means in real terms. But that in no way means that everyone
has the same journey. It's not you that makes me angry. It's
superficial agenda thinking. I apologize if I needlessly insulted
you. But you asked for it. Sorry, I'm not the one to play mind
or word games with!"
Snave:"1. Look back 3 posts. You quoted me directly. The proof is there in black and white. You obviously felt it was worth quoting, even if you did so erroneously.
2. I have not insulted anyone, except maybe Edgar Winter. You, on the other hand, have done nothing but hurl useless and absurd invective. I was discussing a dangerous South American dictator and my disagreement with how my president is dealing with it, and you dredged up issues that you obviously feel very deeply about, but the rest of us have gotten over long ago.
3. You have assumed plenty about me. You assume I voted for McCain. You assume I voted for Bush. You assume I have never travelled the world. You have assumed wrongly, my friend.
4. Who insulted who? You called me, and I quote: "
whinning...childish and selfendulgent... RIDICULOUSLY ARROGANT! ...SICK, WEAK... PITIFUL...ridiculus...selfish...wrong...wimmpy..." - and you told me to "stick it", not once, but twice. Now go back and see if I insulted you thusly.
5.Yes, you've reacted to "old outdated ideas about the world at large", but you're the one that brought them to the table, so you have no one to blame but yourself.
6. I did not ask to be insulted or belittled by you - you did this of your own free will. This speaks volumes about who you are.
7. Thank you for your acknowledgement of me as an artist; I, too, bow to the same Buddha nature that is within you...but don't presume to know what I've been through. I may not be able to "handle [your] life if [I] had 200 years to do it and [I] never aged", but I guarantee you that you couldn't handle what I've gone through, either. I saw it break bigger men than you, and I still have horrid nightmares about it. I have a good friend who went through the Tet Offensive in Vietnam, and he says what I went through was many times worse, so don't judge until you are in full possession of the facts."
So, do you see what happened here? A simple 'whats wrong with this picture' went all the way to this. And Sammy's a nice guy, and a helluva talent, but if he feels this way about the USA, our history and would get in Hugo's corner first, I'd say he is a little more then 'misinformed'. I'm not angry Obama got punked, but a white dude ought to be able to question it without this immediate racist response.
The way Sammy went after Snave leads me to believe that if Snave was a brother, the tone of the exchange would have been different...And this is one of the reasons I left the 'Blues Community' here in the ATL. There are great blues people like Cora or Mr Frank or Neal Pattman ( all, RIP ) that welcome non black musicians into the fold. Then there are guys like Chick Willis or Theodis Ealy who think white guys either cannot or should not play the 'blues', and I'm wagering deep in his heart Sammy probably feels this too. He may not say it, he may not show it, but the way he brings race into a political discussion where it does not need to be is like bringing race into the Mike Vick fiasco....Which is really too bad.
But that's okay. Since I'm not a true 'bluesman' I'll just go ahead and keep playing Irish, Cajun and Polka music. Maybe even a little CNW.. At least my skin color wont get in the way.

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