Mike Vick the sick dick (ht William Smythe)is getting out of jail, and the Atlanta airwaves are again booming with Vick defenders saying 'he has paid his debt to society' and 'let him play'. He just 'made a mistake'.
Even CBS news get's in the mix:
The media has followed all the pit bull's that were confiscated from his 'farm'.
But, where are the pictures of the 'bait dogs'? You know, the Beagles they would throw to the monsters to whip them up for bloodsport?
Where are THOSE wonderful images?
On a current forum, the topic was ' What does Vick have to do to satisfy you?'
JCW made this great post about Vick:
"Vick is an like an ex-girlfriend. She was loads of fun sometimes. She never really made me feel comfortable during the week, but on the weekends, man we had some wild times. That bitch did things I didnt think were possible. But, she always had a habit of showing her ass, being a little too wild, or being a little too shady about things. It got worse and worse over time(water bottles/weed, Ron Mexico, middle fingers, never seemed like a great leader or spoke intelligently, then got put in the pokie for felony charges...kinda like bitching out my friends, going her own way, cursing me out, stealing my money, and cheating on me).
Anyway, maybe she left, maybe I kicked her to the curb. I dont really remember. But some time ago I got her out of my life and I feel better now for it. I'm with a new girl now. She doesnt do anything I havent seen before like Vick used to, but Ryan sure does all those things you would like a new girlfriend to do well. She wont ever split two defenders in Minnesota on the way to a game closing TD, but she says all the right things, does all the right things, makes me feel comfortable all week...and she sure doesnt seem like the crazy cheating type I need to worry about getting into the shenanigans Vick did.
What would I ask Vick to do now to satisfy me? Just dont call. Dont come by the house. Respect my new relationship and go find another person better suited for living the crazy life. And if you wouldnt mind giving me back as much of my stuff as you can, I would appreciate it (some of that bonus money for cap relief). But at this point, knowing what a dirty scandalous bitch you were, I certainly dont expect to get my shit back.
They say a zebra never changes its stripes...well, I am not the one who wants to test that theory.
The thought of Vick electrocuting and torturing those dogs, the vision of him having fun doing it, disgusts me so much that I cant even think back on those wild/fun moments fondly enough to allow me to enjoy the memory."
Well put!
I wish he would go away and take his idiot followers with him.
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