So, for Father's day, we went one hour west of atlanta to camp in Jellystone Park...'Bout 9 miles from ALA-BAMA!
It really is a great place. Wonderful for a little kid. Paul cant stop talking about it, even though he is going to Club Med AND Disneyworld soon!
But, I forget sometimes living in the big city in the 'hood just how backwards some are down here. The gut in the tent next to me with 5 lil redneck kids swore like a sailor. Like a sailor in the Muthafuckin' Navy. I was aghast. Luckily, Paul is still too young to understand. BUt it amazed me how this 'father' just tossed out curse words like adjectives.
Then we went to the kiddy pool. There was a rather good looking mama in the pool with her kids, and Paul kept trying to crawl into her lap. I apologised, and said 'Paul, why are you bothering that nice lady? You must look like one of his preschool teachers'....She said 'no sweat, he's a really sweet boy'.
Then, I went to get a beer and Liz came back from the pool with Paul white as a ghost. Apparently, a young black couple and thier one year old was in the pool. When thier little girl grabbed a toy from this lady's kids, she freaked out and yelled at the father. 'I dont want your kid to steal my kids toy!'! Liz was aghast. I'm glad I wasn't there....
Paul still loved the trip, falls and all.
I'll be back when it's not too hot, but I know I'll be in redneck country. It shocks me sometimes....
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Another 'Net Coward dealt with
it's waaaaay past time someone clocked this loudmouthed queen, and who better to do it then a black man?
Here's another perfect example of an 'internet coward', a little man who writes snarky untrue criticisms and just got a fist in the mouth. Goes home crying. Hilarious!
Creeps like this guy make thier living crapping on others who are where they want to be. He showed that with the beauty queen, and now he just got a lesson in 'talkin to a black man'.
You see, 2 things you dont call a brother, and one of them is a 'faggot'. Perez was chickenshit enough to think just 'cause he's gay he can toss that one around. Uh Huh.
I recall during the election arguing with a feminist that was supporting Barack instead of Hillary. She said 'I'm not being sexist' even when she said Palin was just an 'overexposed weather girl' and Hillary was not the right 'MAN' for the job. When I pointed out the obvious, she admitted 'well, I can see where one could take that as 'sexist'?! My advice to her was 'if she didn' know calling a grown woman a 'girl' is not sexist, she might want to watch the use of the term 'boy' at any Obama rally's...Amazingly, she did not get it. Of course, she lives up north.
Another little chickenshit down! Ha Ha!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Everybody feels like SH*T today
Even Poor Paul
But the Good Dr said he's a sick little man
Grandma bought him a motorboat
then he napped
and soon he will be back to:
But the Good Dr said he's a sick little man
Grandma bought him a motorboat
then he napped
and soon he will be back to:
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
who'd a thunk it?
Psychopathy is a personality disorder manifested in people who use a mixture of charm, manipulation, intimidation, and occasionally violence to control others, in order to satisfy their own selfish needs. Although the concept of psychopathy has been known for centuries, the FBI leads the world in the research effort to develop a series of assessment tools, to evaluate the personality traits and behaviors attributable to psychopaths.
Interpersonal traits include glibness, superficial charm, a grandiose sense of self-worth, pathological lying, and the manipulation of others. The affective traits include a lack of remorse and/or guilt, shallow affect, a lack of empathy, and failure to accept responsibility. The lifestyle behaviors include stimulation-seeking behavior, impulsivity, irresponsibility, parasitic orientation, and a lack of realistic life goals.
Research has demonstrated that in those criminals who are psychopathic, scores vary, ranging from a high degree of psychopathy to some measure of psychopathy. However, not all violent offenders are psychopaths and not all psychopaths are violent offenders. If violent offenders are psychopathic, they are able to assault, rape, and murder without concern for legal, moral, or social consequences. This allows them to do what they want, whenever they want. Ironically, these same traits exist in men and women who are drawn to high-profile and powerful positions in society including political officeholders.
The relationship between psychopathy and serial killers is particularly interesting. All psychopaths do not become serial murderers. Rather, serial murderers may possess some or many of the traits consistent with psychopathy. Psychopaths who commit serial murder do not value human life and are extremely callous in their interactions with their victims. This is particularly evident in sexually motivated serial killers who repeatedly target, stalk, assault, and kill without a sense of remorse. However, psychopathy alone does not explain the motivations of a serial killer.
What doesn't go unnoticed is the fact that some of the character traits exhibited by serial killers or criminals may be observed in many within the political arena. While not exhibiting physical violence, many political leaders display varying degrees of anger, feigned outrage and other behaviors. They also lack what most consider a "shame" mechanism. Quite simply, most serial killers and many professional politicians must mimic what they believe, are appropriate responses to situations they face such as sadness, empathy, sympathy, and other human responses to outside stimuli.
Understanding psychopathy becomes particularly critical to law enforcement during a serial murder investigation and upon the arrest of a psychopathic serial killer. The crime scene behavior of psychopaths is likely to be distinct from other offenders. This distinct behavior can assist law enforcement in linking serial cases.
Psychopaths are not sensitive to altruistic interview themes, such as sympathy for their victims or remorse/guilt over their crimes. They do possess certain personality traits that can be exploited, particularly their inherent narcissism, selfishness, and vanity. Specific themes in past successful interviews of psychopathic serial killers focused on praising their intelligence, cleverness, and skill in evading capture.
Experts recognize that more research is needed concerning the links between serial murder and psychopathy, in order to understand the frequency and degree of psychopathy among serial murderers. This may assist law enforcement in understanding and identifying serial murderers.
Over the past twenty years, law enforcement and experts from a number of varying disciplines have attempted to identify specific motivations for serial murderers and to apply those motivations to different typologies developed for classifying serial murderers. These range from simple, definitive models to complex, multiple-category typologies that are laden with inclusion requirements. Most typologies are too cumbersome to be utilized by law enforcement during an active serial murder investigation, and they may not be helpful in identifying an offender.
As most homicides are committed by someone known to the victim, police focus on the relationships closest to the victim. This is a successful strategy for most murder investigations. The majority of serial murderers, however, are not acquainted with or involved in a consensual relationship with their victims.
For the most part, serial murder involves strangers with no visible relationship between the offender and the victim. This distinguishes a serial murder investigation as a more nebulous undertaking than that of other crimes. Since the investigations generally lack an obvious connection between the offender and the victim, investigators instead attempt to discern the motivations behind the murders, as a way to narrow their investigative focus.
Serial murder crime scenes can have bizarre features that may cloud the identification of a motive. The behavior of a serial murderer at crime scenes may evolve throughout the series of crimes and manifest different interactions between an offender and a victim. It is also extremely difficult to identify a single motivation when there is more than one offender involved in the series.
Identifying a homicide series is easier in rapidly-developing, high profile cases involving low risk victims. These cases are reported to law enforcement upon discovery of the crimes and draw immediate media attention.
In contrast, identifying a series involving high risk victims in multiple jurisdictions is much more difficult. This is primarily due to the high risk lifestyle and transitory nature of the victims. Additionally, the lack of communication between law enforcement agencies and differing records management systems impede the linkage of cases to a common offender.
While many political leaders will deny the assessment regarding their similarities with serial killers and other career criminals, it is part of a psychopathic profile that may be used in assessing the behaviors of many officials and lawmakers at all levels of government.
Monday, June 15, 2009
More proof libtalk will not work nationwide.
-- Thus far in 2009, 40% of Americans interviewed in national Gallup Poll surveys describe their political views as conservative, 35% as moderate, and 21% as liberal. This represents a slight increase for conservatism in the U.S. since 2008, returning it to a level last seen in 2004. The 21% calling themselves liberal is in line with findings throughout this decade, but is up from the 1990s.
These annual figures are based on multiple national Gallup surveys conducted each year, in some cases encompassing more than 40,000 interviews. The 2009 data are based on 10 separate surveys conducted from January through May. Thus, the margins of error around each year's figures are quite small, and changes of only two percentage points are statistically significant.
To measure political ideology, Gallup asks Americans to say whether their political views are very conservative, conservative, moderate, liberal, or very liberal. As has been the case each year since 1992, very few Americans define themselves at the extremes of the political spectrum. Just 9% call themselves "very conservative" and 5% "very liberal." The vast majority of self-described liberals and conservatives identify with the unmodified form of their chosen label.
There is an important distinction in the respective ideological compositions of the Republican and Democratic Parties. While a solid majority of Republicans are on the same page -- 73% call themselves conservative -- Democrats are more of a mixture. The major division among Democrats is between self-defined moderates (40%) and liberals (38%). However, an additional 22% of Democrats consider themselves conservative, much higher than the 3% of Republicans identifying as liberal.
True to their nonpartisan tendencies, close to half of political independents -- 45% -- describe their political views as "moderate." Among the rest, the balance of views is tilted more heavily to the right than to the left: 34% are conservative, while 20% are liberal.
Gallup trends show a slight increase since 2008 in the percentages of all three party groups calling themselves "conservative," which accounts for the three percentage-point increase among the public at large.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Wailin' Palin.
Oh good grief. I mean, for Christ f*cking sake.
Palin is mad at Letterman. Aw Jeez.
Don't get me wrong: if this kind of remark was said about a democrat's daughter, even if it might have been true (which in this case was not) there would have been an uproar. When Limbaugh said 'The White House has a new dog' and then showed a picture of gangly 14 year old Chelsea Clinton, women's groups were rightly offended. But, admit it: that was a funny joke. And Letterman's joke was funny as well: because there is an element of truth in all good humor.
But, if Palin wanted to be one heartbeat away from the nuclear football, then she has to grow a thicker skin. And asking for a woman's uprising and demanding apologies from David Letterman is playing thier game. Why give the creep anymore exposure, Sarah? You should know how this game is played, and right now she looks as stupid as Obama being wounded by Rush' remarks that he 'wanted him to fail'!
This is particularly troubling to me. The middle aged, upper middle income bracket white male does not like to see this go down. I don't like to see a possible contender for future POTUS going the 'apologise!' way. It is shameful, and the beginnings of the crack in the armor of the hot mom.
I see alot of my mom in Palin. She would have doine something this boneheaded too: something about the 'wilderness Pacific Coast Mama' thing that would get uppity thinking they were protecting thier children when thier own political aspirations has done more damage then any Letterman joke could ever accomplish.
Ugh. Someone close to her needs to get her back to the wilderness.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
This is a news story?
WASHINGTON (AP) - Strong winds have knocked down a tree on the White House's North Lawn.
The tree appeared to have been snapped off near its base during a storm Tuesday afternoon. The large tree had stood between Pennsylvania Avenue and the West Wing.
White House spokesman Bill Burton says it was a European linden. Grounds crews on Wednesday will grind up the tree to use it for mulch.
Burton says the tree was planted in 1940 but not by a president to mark a special occasion.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Reports indicate that the 34DD-sized Romanian tennis star, Simona Halep, has booked herself into a private hospital for surgery in the fall. When asked about the decision, Simona stated the following: "This fall I'll have a breast reduction operation. The breasts make me uncomfortable when I play. It's the weight that troubles me - my ability to react quickly."
Monday, June 1, 2009
NAB VS The Pols and the Labels.

Hey Metallica? Whay don't you start whining about this, huh?
With Labels hurting financially, they are now trying to get a 'performance tax' levied on Radio Stations. Stations that already pay liscensing fees.
"But but but they are stealing our music! Waaaaah!".
NOw, 'civil rights blowhards' are gearing up to fight the new tax. Gee, I wonder if the NAB might contribute to thier campaigns?
Oh yeah, also note that the new $$$ really only goes to 'established artists' like Douchetallica. New artists get the crumbs.
This is what you get, Motor City. Motown is offically dead.
At the moment, the labels seem more intent on destroying their relationship with radio and the free promo that comes with it - even though it is critical to generating hits, and hits are still the name of the game. They'll probably also continue to sue college students - and lose money!
• Record labels, artists and radio broadcasters have a mutually beneficial
relationship: Free radio airplay of music by local radio stations promotes
record labels and artists, and generates millions of dollars in sales of
• The labels are essentially asking for a bailout – a reward for clinging to a
failing business model. Imposing a performance fee on radio will result in
the loss of jobs, reductions in stations’ non-profit and local charitable
works, less diversity in station ownership and less diversity in music.
• This is the worst possible time to talk about a new fee on local radio.
Thousands of jobs have been lost in the radio business in the last year
due to the economic downturn. A performance tax would force radio
stations to lay off thousands of more employees.
• The kind of revenue loss that would result from a performance tax would
also put the $6.09 billion generated by stations for local non-profits in
donations, airtime and disaster relief at risk. The performance tax would
force many radio stations to cut back on public service and charitable
activities in the communities they serve.
• Three out of the four largest record label conglomerates are
internationally-based. Call it a royalty, a fee or call a tax -- it's irrelevant.
Whatever you call it, this would be a massive blow costing America's
hometown radio stations between $2 to $7 billion annually delivered
straight to the big, foreign-owned record labels.
• Local radio stations introduce and promote artists to an audience of 235+
million people every week. Contrast that with the decades-long
exploitation of artists by record labels -- most recently demonstrated in a
lawsuit against Universal Music Group for allegedly cheating artists like
Count Basie and Benny Goodman out of their contractual royalties.
• Performing artists "get paid" by the record label at the time they sign a
recording contract. It is not the fault of the radio stations that many record
labels have systematically abused artists for decades.
• Local radio stations currently pay $500 million dollars annually to groups
like BMI, ASCAP and SESAC, which goes to compensate songwriters and
music publishers. Broadcasters recognize that songwriters have less
opportunity to monetize their work. Artists, on the other hand, are able to
parlay free airplay into increased album sales, concert sales and
merchandizing opportunities.
• Free promotion by local radio stations generate between $1.5 - 2.4 billion
annually in music sales, according to a recent study by former Stanford
economics professor James Dertouzos.
• Some radio stations that play music will simply switch to another format
-- thereby avoiding having to pay the new performance tax. If radio
stations stop playing music, how does that benefit the artists?
Local radio. Its all about power and money and the first shots are coming across the bow.
Used to be you had to pay to even get on the radio. Now it's called 'payola'. They pass this bill, I say bring back payola. Fair is fair, right Liberals and Whiny pussies like Metallica? Or this clown, Duke Fakir.
"The way I presented the bill to a lot of Congress people, I turned a couple of heads on it," Fakir said. "Some of them didn't know that everything else in radio is paid. Whether you talk, you walk, whatever you do, it's paid -- except for the performers on disc."
Currently, AM and FM radio stations pay ASCAP and BMI, who then pay songwriters and song publishers for radio airplay of songs -- for example, the songwriters Holland-Dozier-Holland and the publishing company Jobete get paid for every spin of "Baby I Need Your Loving" by the Four Tops.
But Levi Stubbs, Duke Fakir and the rest of the Four Tops, who sang the version played on the radio, don't get paid. That always struck Fakir as unfair, when he noticed the checks that the songwriters were getting. "We brought that song to life," he said. "
But Duke, did you write the song? No you did not. You SANG the song,and the publishing company PAID you to sing the damn song. You agreed to thier contract, and now you see they have made $$$ off thier gamble, and you don think that's fair?
Good grief.
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