Oh good grief. I mean, for Christ f*cking sake.
Palin is mad at Letterman. Aw Jeez.
Don't get me wrong: if this kind of remark was said about a democrat's daughter, even if it might have been true (which in this case was not) there would have been an uproar. When Limbaugh said 'The White House has a new dog' and then showed a picture of gangly 14 year old Chelsea Clinton, women's groups were rightly offended. But, admit it: that was a funny joke. And Letterman's joke was funny as well: because there is an element of truth in all good humor.
But, if Palin wanted to be one heartbeat away from the nuclear football, then she has to grow a thicker skin. And asking for a woman's uprising and demanding apologies from David Letterman is playing thier game. Why give the creep anymore exposure, Sarah? You should know how this game is played, and right now she looks as stupid as Obama being wounded by Rush' remarks that he 'wanted him to fail'!
This is particularly troubling to me. The middle aged, upper middle income bracket white male does not like to see this go down. I don't like to see a possible contender for future POTUS going the 'apologise!' way. It is shameful, and the beginnings of the crack in the armor of the hot mom.
I see alot of my mom in Palin. She would have doine something this boneheaded too: something about the 'wilderness Pacific Coast Mama' thing that would get uppity thinking they were protecting thier children when thier own political aspirations has done more damage then any Letterman joke could ever accomplish.
Ugh. Someone close to her needs to get her back to the wilderness.
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