Here is my buddy Pudge's take on the reinstation of VTSD (see the title ):
I'm biased, but if I was in Goodell's shoes, then I wouldn't really trust anything Vick said, which is why I wouldn't be liable to just reinstate him this year. If I'm Goodell, then I have the "Prove It Clause" which is:
I suspend you for this season. And in that time, I'm looking to see some if not all of these things:
1) No arrests. No DUIs, no speeding tickets, not even a jayhawking citation.
2) Pass a number of drug tests.
3) Do you PSAs and some charity work
4) Do your hour long specials on Oprah and the Dog Whisperer
5) Go to gamblers anonymous
And if you can do those things between now and February, then I'll reinstate you.
At this point, my belief has got to be Vick's biggest motivator is money.
As Mr. Silver says, this has the chance to blow up in Goodell's face. After the Pacman Jones incident, I think Goodell has to be choosier now about who he lets back into the league. I know others think that his going to jail was all the proving he needs to do, but I disagree. If I'm an employer and one of my valued employees gets thrown in prison, and then gets out and comes to me looking for his old job back. I'm not going to be able to just give it back to him just because he says he's changed. I'm going to ask him to prove it. Give him 30 days or whatever, to keep his nose clean. Now, it's going to be really hard for him to do that if he's jobless for 30 days. But IMO, if he passes that test, then he proved it. It's messed up, and it's a test designed for him to fail, but that's how you can measure people's true character.
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