Thursday, October 18, 2007

Sunday in the Park

So last sunday, after I shook off all the Pivo I indulged in the evening before, I agreed to watch my nephews while the newly single mother did some non-mom stuff...A trip to the Zoo in Grant Park where we live was in order. Since were members, we can take visiting in laws kids to the Zoo free of charge.

I enjoy these two chuckleheads. They are in a rough spot, one I can empathize with, but like most kids, they are happy go lucky.Anyways, we get to the park, and I notice a bunch of moonwalks and vendor tents set up! I asked the zoo employee 'hey, what's going on in the park today?'

She replied ' it's muslim day!' And on the the nephews says ' aren't we supposed to hate them?' I almost fainted. I told him, 'nope:only the crazy ones'. But it was a glimpse into something dark and scary for me...

Well, it looks like Farrakhan was in town to rile up the dumb masses. WTG, Louis.

The fiery orator spoke for nearly 2 1/2 hours, touching on issues including the disparities blacks face in areas such as education, health care, voting and incarceration, the Jena Six case in Louisiana, last weekend's arrest of Atlanta rapper T.I. on federal weapons charges, the war in Iraq and the Michael Vick federal dogfighting case.

What does Mike Vick have to do with disparities? He is not poor! Why even bring this old tired dog of a ridiculous argument up again? The guy is pondscum, yet so many of my neighbors thinks he is above reproach.

I had to buy some champagne for a work party my wife is hosting, so I went to the Tower Liquor store on Memorial drive. As I was checking out, the black lady behind the counter commented on my Falcons cap. I tossed off my latest lame one liner: 'Did you hear Mike Vick got a new show contract? HUSH PUPPIES.'

cricket cricket. This lady was not amused. She warned me not to tell that joke 'round these parts', as some people might take it 'personally'.

These parts? My neighborhood?

How much you want to bet if the black guy delivering the hennessee told the same joke, they would have laughed, or groaned, but not acted like they did when I told the joke? That's wrong right there: this guy did a bad thing, but a white guy who funds his team cant tell a lame pun like that without 'offending' the righteous sensibilities of the young madam with the tatoo on her neck and the 4 inch nails on the left hand!

Why is Mike Vick portrayed as a sympathetic creature?

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