Thursday, December 16, 2010

Feed the Pig

Eliminating earmarks might feel good symbolically, but it’s totally meaningless in the grander scheme of things. If we ever want to get our budget back under control, we need to first cut back the MASSIVE increase in spending during the last two years (a Bush $440B deficit vs. an Obama $1.4T deficit).

Then we need to eliminate Medicare Part D (prescription drugs) which is already $11 TRILLION in the hole in unfunded liabilities.

Then we need to look at our defense budget, which could be cut in HALF if you remove the so-called “requirement” to occupy the greater half of Europe (and abroad). Screw lend-lease, we don’t need to have hundreds of thousands of troops stationed overseas. We can go anywhere in the world within hours to drop bombs/troops/etc. The only real reason we extend our permanent umbrella of protection for our “allies” overseas is so that they can free up their budgets to pursue socialized experiments in “free” medical care and “free” education which, in the end, WE are actually paying for, courtesy of our defense budget. (There’s no such thing as free… we’re paying for it, and so are Europeans, that are taxed up through their eyeballs).

Maybe being isolationists again isn’t such a bad thing. We can still defend our allies, but we haven’t needed to station hundreds of thousands of troops overseas for the last 65 years to do it. Again, we can be anywhere within hours (or minutes if you count ICBMs).

And then we can take a look at Social Security, which is the biggest government-sponsored boondoggle of all. It’s a ponzi-scheme that would make Bernie Madoff soil his shorts. It goes something like this… “for every dollar we force you to ‘invest’ in your retirement, we’re going to give you 75 cents back (capped by law).” Gee, I wonder where that other 25% goes??? Amazing… you’d be better off putting all of that money under your mattress. At least you’d get a dollar-per-dollar return. Don’t tell a 'progressive' that. They don’t understand that the government doesn’t “grow” money through investments. The government rapes SSI for everything it’s worth, and places IOUs in the “trust” fund. They seem to operate under the pretense that 100-25=100. They’ve yet to explain how SSI is 65 TRILLION in the hole… raped by every administration and Congress since its inception in 1936.

But, I digress. I could go on and on. Our future has been sold down the river (by both Republican and Democrat) by politicians unwilling to face reality. Kicking the can down the road seems to have been the rule of the day for the last 25 years.

We represent a country of 300 million willing slaves, ready to be conquered by the next economic power, all because of our lust of government-sponsored “goodies.” Apparently, thinking and working for ourselves is out of fashion. We’ve lost our self-preservation mechanism. We’re stupid enough to believe that there’s actually something out there that’s free.

Aside from a dogs love, I’m not aware of anything that’s free. Schools cost money, defense costs money, teachers cost money, buildings cost money, roads cost money, property money. The only imbeciles that I’m aware of that think anything is free are the same imbeciles that are rioting in the streets of Europe because the money’s run out. So much for free. Apparently the imbeciles abroad hadn’t notice 40% of their income being siphoned off for all of that “free” stuff they’ve enjoyed. Well, at least I never accused European society of being intelligent.

What’s truly sad is that, like Europe, we’re only a couple of years behind. We’ll collapse as well, because we have enough useful idiots in North America to override common sense.

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