Check out this smarmy Brit that currently resides in Florida.
Normally, I would not repost an entire article, but this one was worth it.
Patrick Lockyer
November 4, 2007
If You or Any of your American friends/family are tortured sometime, you might blame Neil Boortz.
There he is on National Radio (today 11/2/07) directing Americans that torture is ok as anyone not in uniform are not covered by the Geneva Accord? He says 'torture the bastards'. But Who are the bastards? Are they the ones in Gitmo scooped up by a 'dead or alive' campaign where anyone could be sold to the US for $5000 as a terrorist and whom most of had to be released to their home countries as innocent in the UK and Australia and Canada for a start. Are the bastards the ones scooped up erroneously and secretly renditioned to torture chambers in Poland and other places with no morals? Are the 'bastards' the ones who just happen to wear turbans and were scooped up just like the Japanese after Pearl Harbor? Imagine the radical school playing this hate tape of Boortz to fire the hatred and your son ending up in the hands of people able to replay the hatred to the captive? How DOES this great nation even allow this man to speak in your name? Do you ever wonder what the Global community make of this acceptance of such evil diatribe? Do you not understand that just as ALL Germans were considered compliant in what atrocities were committed in Nazi times that likewise Americans ARE considered 'compliant' in all that transpires in your nation and BY your nation. Consider this my friends as you contemplate whether to be a 'Boortz' fan. All the French resistance fighters that history admired would have been qualified for torture according to Boortz. The Germans occupying Paris could have and maybe DID justify their evils as not contravening Geneva Accord when they tortured and annihilated Jews and gays and gypsies not wearing the Swastika? Do you not see where Boortz and Hannity take you and your great nation with this philosophy? Do you know how long it takes to build a national reputation and how long it takes to lose one? Think of Japanese torture or German history. How long WILL it take for those two nations to shed that reputation? Get rid of Boortz and Hannity and Limbaugh as the world hears this hatred and tar us all with that same brush. We had a hateful equivalent in the UK in the 60's in the name of Enoch Powell but he was not on a national platform and did NOT have such hateful fervent national evil support? Enoch Powell was NOT allowed to be powerful but Boortz is? Figure?
I am hearing that Neal Boortz is spouting (recently) that UNICEF is not the cause to subscribe to as they are the United Nations and we have to hate the United Nations and if we subscribe to an American Charity the recipients will love us in America instead of loving the United Nations. According to the majority of people I talk to they appear to consider UN to be Anti American? Wake up America. The United Nations is ‘the world’. They are not a separate entity. You are merely the ‘playground bully’ saying ‘no one loves me’. How do you suppose that UN (the World) is about to love, respect, embrace a nation who openly states that they are 1. Opposed to the rest of the world, 2. Hate the rest of the world and find them Anti American, 3.Do not see any need to embrace and be part of the rest of the world. Is it that UN just happens to be located in the States that makes you so pompous? I don’t think that it SHOULD be located there as Geneva is a much more mature location and much more trustworthy. Do you ever ever hear of any other nation BUT the USA talking of being better than the world and talking of being Anti UN or if you like Anti World?
Boortz is now talking about Britain and how many thousands leave Britain to get treatment abroad as they cannot get it at home. Rubbish, there will always be those who want specialist treatments and especially cosmetic ones, as they are not prevalent in the UK. I myself waited a year to get moles removed for free and it might be that some might be rich enough or impatient enough to go elsewhere and even to get it on the cheap in India or Spain. They probably treat it as a vacation at the same time and there are some here who go to Mexico for treatment for just the same reasons. I have seen some gruesome overgrown moles on people here that you don’t see in the UK. Boortz now is stating that someone in the UK cannot get his or her drug, as it is not commonly used in the UK. There are many drugs available for each condition and many will insist on a particular one just as I heard on Howard Clark that a guy was going to need $37,000 for a Colon Cancer procedure that WAS not available on his insurance. No one need to have any money for a colon cancer operation in the UK and that includes a guy on the street?
Boortz is spreading unfettered crap and is able to spout his nonsense without reply and I can just see him rubbing his hands together at having such good fortune that ‘talk radio’ allows that cr*p. Talk Radio in the UK would mean a statement like he made and then the rebuttal from listeners compromising that standpoint and giving two sides to the coin. It is disgusting that he can orchestrate and misquote at his hearts content. How can free speech America not denounce and remove such a denigration biased radio program?
Now we have Limbaugh going on about the same 70,000 British tourists who go abroad for treatment. He says that Brits must be hard pushed if they want to go to Turkey for an operation. I can assure you that they don’t go for heart surgery and a cheap vacation and a bit of chiropody on the cheap? Now we have Hannity saying about UK and that ‘we are headed for a European type nation’ and I wonder what is wrong with that? All over Europe you see a better life style and you see confidence and stress less old age. You don’t hear of people putting a gun to their heads over losing their jobs. You surely realize that it would not matter whether the Conservative party or the Labor Party were in office in Britain that they are not about to change the Welfare System. No one wants a change. Here, everyone wants a change is the difference.
I don’t care whether Hannity wants to think that the UK is in a bad state but I DO object when they lie about the average Brit not being content with his all? The average Brit is more than happy and many many of them wonder what the hell I am thinking of in wanting to be here? I am not here because the situation was bad and that I could not get medical aid or had to ever wait for anything or for a doctor. I do know that people here are living on a knife-edge in being covered and will lie to try and keep their insurance. My ex wife in Pensacola hid her condition of diabetes and I suffered the consequences of her affliction. There is no way that anyone in the UK would hide a condition or be afraid to tell their doctor in case they were refused insurance at some later date. Social medicine obviously makes for a more open and honest society, as I believe that once you start having to lie to survive then it becomes habit to lie to prosper and survive. Then to advance to the top you will have no hesitation in lying as always.
To the girl on Neal Boortz who lost her brother in Iraq and who IS for torture I would like the opportunity to discuss the matter further. Firstly how is it that so many females are 'for' torture and yet where I come from they are not. Even in your situation. What if you were to be captured with your brother and made to watch his torture and were asked to give your opinion on torture to the perpetrators of your brothers torture because you know that IF you are 'for' torture then you have to be acceptant of your brothers torture also? Are we not all created equal? In your eyes and judging by your comments your brother should not be tortured but the Iraqi should as they are not in uniform? Do you then think that the Gestapo had a perfect right to torture the 'terrorists/French resistance' as they were not wearing the swastika? Do you mean to tell me that these people we see in photos with wires and hoods are 100% guilty and deserve torture for being caught? Were this photo one of a German jail in occupied Paris would you draw the same conclusion that the resister/insurgent deserved the torture or if they were a captured American Revolution soldier in plain clothes? Americans need to step across the pond and look back at yourselves. What do you see? Are you proud? Want to go abroad and brag of being American? Did anyone brag of being German? Do they even now? Figure.
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