Lot's of news about my man, Ron Paul.
Here’s a prediction I’ve been making for a couple of months now:
- Paul continues to rake in millions of dollars and perform well in straw polls and internet polls, while having the strongest net-roots of any candidate
- Paul continues to underperform in scientific polls, although his numbers increase marginally
- Paul does not win Iowa, or New Hampshire, or South Carolina, or any other the other early primary/caucus states, but he stays in the race nonetheless while other candidates drop out
- When the GOP race is down to just two or three “real” candidates left, Paul will still be in it, refusing to drop out. But the Republican Party will decide to bar him from further debates as his numbers creep up a little more
- The GOP nomination is won by someone other than Ron Paul, but Paul still refuses to concede or release his delegates
- Ron Paul demands that he be allowed to deliver an unedited Prime Time speech at the Republican National Convention in exchange for releasing his delegates and giving a luke-warm endorsement to the GOP nominee. These demands are refused, so he basically tells the GOP to go to hell and runs as a Libertarian or Independent.
- Ron Paul is endorsed by Ralph Nader
- Ron Paul’s supporters quickly gather enough signatures to get him on the ballot in most states (40+). He continues to raise millions of dollars, making him the best-funded Third Party candidate since Perot.
- Because the GOP nominee is pro-war, and the Democrat nominee is seen as not sufficiently anti-war, the majority of Ron Paul’s support comes from the far-left.
- In the general election in November 2008, Ron Paul receives millions of votes, possibly as much as 10% of the total number of votes cast. Exit polling shows that the majority of these voters are young people who would have otherwise voted for the Democrat candidate (or not at all). If it’s a close election, this could provide the margin of victory for the Republican candidate.
Assuming the above scenario plays out, who do you believe would be Paul-s running mate?
Would Ron Paul receive endorsements from any major anti-war celebrities?
Would any Republican (or Democrat) Congressmen endorse Ron Paul?
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