This douchebag has never met an 'end of the world' scenario he didn't just LOVE. Now, it's French scientists.
"GLENN: You know they start that Super Collider tomorrow? So I don't know what time it starts up. The Bible says that no man shall know the date or the time. I'm thinking tomorrow around 8:30 ish? So grab an early dinner, grab your kids and then we'll all be sucked into a black hole tomorrow around 8:30. "
Now, I'm sure someone will explain that he was being 'sarcastic'. But anyone who has ever listened to his show know's this guy falls for every EOTW pitch he hears. Oh No! Russia just invaded Ukraine! It's the EOTW! Uh, not so fast, Beck.
How many times can this guy come up with these scare tactics before everyone wakes up and realizes he is Chicken Not So Little?
Media Matters sucks, but they at least have some entertaining film:
I'm sorry, man, but I still love Glenn.
Yeah, I still listen, but when he starts with his crazy predictions, I change the channel.
I wish he would step back from the politics a little. Get back to more on football and American Idol chat. Mix it up a little.
He got his Marconi, though, so I'll shut up now:-)
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