When it comes to matters of faith, there are always cogent arguments on each side. But there are no absolute 'answers'. Those that do not have faith, actually have 'faith' in their lack of it. I fall into this category, I guess.....
Take for example, Christopher Hitchens. This guy is a wet sock. To be more accurate, he is a pompous self centered douche, much like Bill Mahrer. However, his 'faith' is the absolute belief that there is no higher power. Mahrer chooses to focus on the harm done by 'faith' to the general public from religion. HItchens takes it one step further, comparing the USA to North Korea during the holidays.
Some people, like Glenn Beck or Tom Cruise choose to believe in something told to them by someone that they should 'Trust' ( ie, J Smith ot LR Hubbard...). Yet, Mahrer does not believe in God, but does believe that we humans are destroying the planet. Why? Someone he 'trusts'told him that, so he has 'faith'. Ironic, no?
Consider for instance this article :
"....Even the more cautious scientific acolytes of the official orthodoxy now admit that, thanks to "natural factors" such as ocean currents, temperatures have failed to rise as predicted (although they plaintively assure us that this cooling effect is merely "masking the underlying warming trend", and that the temperature rise will resume worse than ever by the middle of the next decade). "
Bill Mahrer drive a hybrid and has bought into the Man Made Global Warming hoax. Yet, he does not see this as 'faith', and as more and more time goes by and more and more people start to figure this out, like DDT, like 'Acid Rain', like Y2K, like all imagined end of days scenarios, the truly 'faithful' refuse to accept the alternate point of view.
The truly long term trend for our planet is obviously a cooling trend. The earth began as a ball of molten rock and has been cooling ever since. So far in the life of our 4,000-mile-radius planet, the cooling has managed to form a solid crust about 80 miles thick, which floats on the surface of a bubbling sphere of molten rock beneath. Proportionally, the thickness of earth's crust is to earth's radius LESS than the thickness of an eggshell is to the radius of the egg, at the earth's present age.
Now here's what I believe:
Earth is destined of course to end its days as a cold, lifeless, rock at a sub-freezing temperature.
It is blatantly obvious that life on this planet is possible only because we are currently in the midst of a (happily long) interval of moderate temperatures enroute from a state of boiling lava to one of frozen rock. It would be inaccurate, to put it mildly, were this process described as a warming trend. Naturally, there are fluctuations in this trend which are long enough to be of concern to life on earth. But I just thought the perspective of this ultra-long view might bring a little humility to the junk-science dupes who crusade in the religion of man-caused global warming.
Homer Simpson talking to God: “Here’s the deal: you freeze everything as it is, and I won’t ask for anything more. If that is OK, please give me absolutely no sign. [no response] OK, deal. In gratitude, I present you this offering of cookies and milk. If you want me to eat them for you, please give me no sign. [no response] Thy will be done.”
In a related note, my in laws are aghast that I have not baptised my child. I cannot believe in any God that would punish my boy to eternal damnation because his Dad was a stubborn old fool...And, I guess that in itself is a 'faith'.
When I look at the heavens or the scope of this planet,it awes me. I look at us puny humans as a bunch of self important flies that think they can make the shit not stink.We could put every living being on Earth and thier cars in the State of Texas and Oklahoma, and that would include 1000 sq ft for every living being.
But I'll admit I was pretty athiestic before the birth of wonderboy, and watching this creature evolve has me skeptical of my athiesm..So, I guess I'm agnostic.
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