There are so many reasons to be depressed this Xmas.
Last year at this time, I spent most of the holidays in the hospital with my dying father...
There are real possibilities that our economy will crash, and my families lifestyle will take a drastic turn.
My wife just turned 35 and cannot understand why I am reticent to have any more offspring.
And our Falcons now face a nasty competitor in the Vikings, while the vaunted Braves are flailing about in negotiations.
Yet, looking at Xmas through the eyes of my 3 year old lifts my spirits more then any other faith could do. Watching him smile at an Xmas tree, asking for 'Santa', etc, is enough to carry me through any tribulations.
My holidays will be happy, as I have a wonderful wife and a pretty darn good kid, too.
Life is not bad at all. Here's hoping everyone else can find thier own solace in a troubled time.
Peace on Earth Goodwill to Men
Merry Christmas.
thinking about you buddy. stay warm and safe.
also, thanks for letting the Vikes tank putting the Vickless Falcons in the playoffs!
Now, can you get to work on getting Franken out of there:-)
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