On New Years Eve, I broke last years resolution not to play out on NYE in 2008.
When a friend of mine asked us if we could play at a local Theater as the 2nd band in a 3 band show, I was hesitant. I knew that the promoter was not taking into account the current economic times, and that there would be no contract involved. So I guess I broke a couple vows there....
The first band was (I kid you not) 2 very young girls and thier parents. They were cute, and it appeared most of the crowd was there to see them perform thier sparse set. I'll give it to them, though. They were nervous as hell, but got on the stage and performed admirably.
Then it was our turn.
We did our standard 45 min set, and left the stage with one hour and 15 minutes until midnight.
The headliner got and stage and did a good set. They clearly were professional and well rehearsed. I'm not a huge fan of thier genre, but I'll admit they put on a great show.
I was fascinated by all the gozmo's the guitar player used...Here's a short list:
AnalogMan Bi-CompROSSor
AnalogMan Boss DS-1 w/ Pro mod
AnalogMan Boss SD-1 TS-808/Silver mod w/ symmetrical/asymmetrical clipping
Bad Horsie Wha
Boss AW-2
Boss CE-3
Boss CS-2
Boss DD-3 (2: 1 MIJ & 1 MIT)
Boss DF-2
Boss FT-2
Boss GE-7
Boss NS-2
Boss OC-2
Boss PS-2
Boss PSM-5
Boss TU-2
Budda Bud Wah
Hughes and Kettner Tube Rotosphere ver 1 & MK II
Keeley BossDS-1 ULTRA Mod
Keeley Boss SD-1 w/Diode Switch
Maxon AF-9
Pro-Co Rat 2
Vox Reissue....
You get the idea.
Is all this really necessary? Or is this the ultimate in nerd-dom?
I also love that there were a few effects that were redundant. That there were 2 or 3 of the various effects that were the same effect in a daisy chain.
A good amp and maybe a few pedals is really all you need, IMHO. If your packing one of these setups, you probably are single, or still live with the parents.
I'll try to post some video this weekend.
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