Monday, April 23, 2007

what a joke

So I get an email last week about this lovable ( not so much ) loser named Art Howard. Let me tell you a little about our friend, Art.

Arts first introduction to me was when he was composing his 'jam band fanzine 'Voyager', and he decided to write about Mudcat. Only Art's attention to detail was lacking, he mistook me for Snave ( Glenn Evans ) who was also a founder of Mudcat. So his first words written about me were wrong!

Years later, as I was producing the Mike Rose show, we had Art as a guest. He was okay, but you could tell he was uncomfortable in the 'bigs'. I say bigs, because apparently he was some sort of radio host in Chickenville, Ga. Not the # 10 market ( Atlanta is now #9! ). Anyways, I thought the kid had some promise, and he kind of faded away for awhile.....

Years even later, Mike sent me a link to this whiner's 'blog' where he basically called Mike Rose out for...wait for it....not giving him his own show on 1230/1340 am! This is where the story gets interesting.....

Apparently, this loser had been writing a negative, discouraging narrative called 'Nowhere Fast', where he always ends up on the losing end, but somehow, it's never his fault! Mikey had become yet another obstacle in the 'progressive talk career' of one Art Howard. That's where I stepped in.

I wrote on his blog, that I thought he had promise, but he wasn't quite ready to host his own show yet, but that he was better then alot of the guests we had on, so he should keep trying..That must have been the camelstraw, because then Art starts asking me 'how do you afford to work in radio, drive nice cars, live in trendy housing, etc?'....

So I responded that I didn't actually drive fancy cars, live in trendy housing, and that while working part time at 1230/1340 ( and later 680 producing for C.Rude ) I started my own wedding DJ business. This business ( although it would earn me some scorn from musician 'purists' complaining that I had 'sold out':-) was easy to run, there was an incredible demand, you only work weekends, and it enables one to keep working in the chickenscratch payscale of radio.

Well, it degenerated from there into Art arguing that I only succeeded because my in laws owned a events facility that gave me a platform to do my business. Nevermind that the facility was in Snellville, Georgia, and I stopped doing business with them in 1999, 3 years before I began working for Mike Rose! I have faced alot of this in the past. Angry,bitter losers that see any success I create as a by-product of my in laws wealth, despite the fact I refuse to accept any $$ they offer, and I have years and years of sweat invested in my projects....

It turns out, that Mikey had offered the position I eventually accepted, running the board for Imus. ( ironic, no? ) After Mike had been fired, I stayed on, and then went to work for 680, all the while building my airchex, still promoting my mobile DJ service, working on events within Cumulus, etc.... Of course, Art couldn't 'accept' this lowly position, because he had to 'make a living' and was making better $$ driving a delivery van! Also, there was no way Art was going to get hired at Dickie Broadcasting to host his own show, I mean, really. There are dreams, and then there are pipe dreams.
Like my pipe dream about becoming a Chippendales Dancer( see above pic:-)

So my agreeing to work for Mike Rose did many things: it taught me the production techniques I would utilize on 680, and for the last 14 months, on XM radio 154 for my (paid) contributions to 'National Lampoon Radio'. It opened the door to other work possibilities as well, I became a Strip Club DJ when one the 'calendar girls' mentioned the club needed an am DJ....The $$$ was INSANE! I evetually quit ( on great terms, something Art has yet to master ) when my wife got preggers......

Eventually our discourse went back and forth, and then this chickenshit baby 'took his ball' and went home. He shut down his 'blog' when even his ardent supporters started pointing out his own shortcomings.

So, I gave up antagonizing him, and went back to my lovely life....Then I got this email that Art was 'calling me out again' on his new blog, the one where he 'moderates' comments.....Apparently, someone disagreed with one of his whiny posts, and he thought it was me in disguise! I mean, really. I'm not afraid to 'put it out there' and I don't hide behind 'anonymous' handles. Here's what Artyboy had to offer:

"...Is that the hack, no-talent backup musician Evan staining my site? Why do I feel so certain it is? Cram your washboard up your ass sideways and get off my blog, fat boy.....Maybe one of the people you have to hide behind to appear talented....."

So, this loser thinks I am a 'no talent, backup musician'?

Where to start?

How about it's ridiculous for a boy who whines about not being satisfied musically calling someone else a 'backup'? Isn't being a 'backup' musician in the real world better then the 38 year old single dweeb living in his mommy's basement, playing his latest toy guitar online?

And~ it's rather interesting that the week he composed this scribe the Creative Loafing had advertised on Pg 88 " Evan Lee and the Cabbagetown Criers' at the Northside? Or maybe Art could ask Juneau's Construction how they liked me performing for thier crawfish boil for the fifth time with my own band, that same weekend?

But there's the rub.. For little boys like myopic Art, it's gotta just eat him alive to see a fat bastard like me, owner of multiple houses in Grant Park, happily married with a sweet little man of my own, loads of talent, money, time and opportunity get ahead while the world keeps 'holding him down'!

I would feel sorry for a guy like that, but honestly, I pity this fools parents. As a parent myself, I will always have a roof for my little guy, if he needs it. But if he's smart and healthy at 39, and still living in my house,unable to trick a girl ( or maybe guy, whatever ) into loving him, I will be ashamed. I'll happily keep him from sleeping under a bridge, but I wont be bragging about him at the bingo game. What a chump.

Anyways look for me this wed with Danny @ the Northside, and this weekend 'backing up' Mico Bowles~ and keep tuned to XM 154 for my new parody ' Nappy Headed Hoe Down', it's rated # 11 last week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a creep! give em hell.