Monday, December 29, 2008
Faith...or the Reason for the Season
When it comes to matters of faith, there are always cogent arguments on each side. But there are no absolute 'answers'. Those that do not have faith, actually have 'faith' in their lack of it. I fall into this category, I guess.....
Take for example, Christopher Hitchens. This guy is a wet sock. To be more accurate, he is a pompous self centered douche, much like Bill Mahrer. However, his 'faith' is the absolute belief that there is no higher power. Mahrer chooses to focus on the harm done by 'faith' to the general public from religion. HItchens takes it one step further, comparing the USA to North Korea during the holidays.
Some people, like Glenn Beck or Tom Cruise choose to believe in something told to them by someone that they should 'Trust' ( ie, J Smith ot LR Hubbard...). Yet, Mahrer does not believe in God, but does believe that we humans are destroying the planet. Why? Someone he 'trusts'told him that, so he has 'faith'. Ironic, no?
Consider for instance this article :
"....Even the more cautious scientific acolytes of the official orthodoxy now admit that, thanks to "natural factors" such as ocean currents, temperatures have failed to rise as predicted (although they plaintively assure us that this cooling effect is merely "masking the underlying warming trend", and that the temperature rise will resume worse than ever by the middle of the next decade). "
Bill Mahrer drive a hybrid and has bought into the Man Made Global Warming hoax. Yet, he does not see this as 'faith', and as more and more time goes by and more and more people start to figure this out, like DDT, like 'Acid Rain', like Y2K, like all imagined end of days scenarios, the truly 'faithful' refuse to accept the alternate point of view.
The truly long term trend for our planet is obviously a cooling trend. The earth began as a ball of molten rock and has been cooling ever since. So far in the life of our 4,000-mile-radius planet, the cooling has managed to form a solid crust about 80 miles thick, which floats on the surface of a bubbling sphere of molten rock beneath. Proportionally, the thickness of earth's crust is to earth's radius LESS than the thickness of an eggshell is to the radius of the egg, at the earth's present age.
Now here's what I believe:
Earth is destined of course to end its days as a cold, lifeless, rock at a sub-freezing temperature.
It is blatantly obvious that life on this planet is possible only because we are currently in the midst of a (happily long) interval of moderate temperatures enroute from a state of boiling lava to one of frozen rock. It would be inaccurate, to put it mildly, were this process described as a warming trend. Naturally, there are fluctuations in this trend which are long enough to be of concern to life on earth. But I just thought the perspective of this ultra-long view might bring a little humility to the junk-science dupes who crusade in the religion of man-caused global warming.
Homer Simpson talking to God: “Here’s the deal: you freeze everything as it is, and I won’t ask for anything more. If that is OK, please give me absolutely no sign. [no response] OK, deal. In gratitude, I present you this offering of cookies and milk. If you want me to eat them for you, please give me no sign. [no response] Thy will be done.”
In a related note, my in laws are aghast that I have not baptised my child. I cannot believe in any God that would punish my boy to eternal damnation because his Dad was a stubborn old fool...And, I guess that in itself is a 'faith'.
When I look at the heavens or the scope of this planet,it awes me. I look at us puny humans as a bunch of self important flies that think they can make the shit not stink.We could put every living being on Earth and thier cars in the State of Texas and Oklahoma, and that would include 1000 sq ft for every living being.
But I'll admit I was pretty athiestic before the birth of wonderboy, and watching this creature evolve has me skeptical of my athiesm..So, I guess I'm agnostic.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Hope springs Infernal!
There are so many reasons to be depressed this Xmas.
Last year at this time, I spent most of the holidays in the hospital with my dying father...
There are real possibilities that our economy will crash, and my families lifestyle will take a drastic turn.
My wife just turned 35 and cannot understand why I am reticent to have any more offspring.
And our Falcons now face a nasty competitor in the Vikings, while the vaunted Braves are flailing about in negotiations.
Yet, looking at Xmas through the eyes of my 3 year old lifts my spirits more then any other faith could do. Watching him smile at an Xmas tree, asking for 'Santa', etc, is enough to carry me through any tribulations.
My holidays will be happy, as I have a wonderful wife and a pretty darn good kid, too.
Life is not bad at all. Here's hoping everyone else can find thier own solace in a troubled time.
Peace on Earth Goodwill to Men
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
a little inside baseball....
I first got into journalism because I thought I could make a difference.
I wrote for the school newspaper and did “news” reports on a radio station a friend and I started at my high school in Springfield, Mo. I got my first professional job at age 20, while still in college, at a local radio station’s news department. Three years later, I became a news director, and 12 years after that, in 1995, I was recruited to move to Milwaukee to become news director at WTMJ, one of the largest and most successful news/talk radio stations in America.
That was where my real education occurred.
I worked for three years as news director, and then, in 1998, gained the additional title of assistant program director, a role I held until leaving the station in July 2006. From that position, I worked closely with our talk show hosts and became intimately familiar with how they appeal to listeners and shape their vision of the world. Let me tell you some of the lessons I learned.
To begin with, talk show hosts such as Charlie Sykes – one of the best in the business – are popular and powerful because they appeal to a segment of the population that feels disenfranchised and even victimized by the media. These people believe the media are predominantly staffed by and consistently reflect the views of social liberals. This view is by now so long-held and deep-rooted, it has evolved into part of virtually every conservative’s DNA.
To succeed, a talk show host must perpetuate the notion that his or her listeners are victims, and the host is the vehicle by which they can become empowered. The host frames virtually every issue in us-versus-them terms. There has to be a bad guy against whom the host will emphatically defend those loyal listeners.
This enemy can be a politician – either a Democratic officeholder or, in rare cases where no Democrat is convenient to blame, it can be a “RINO” (a “Republican In Name Only,” who is deemed not conservative enough). It can be the cold, cruel government bureaucracy. More often than not, however, the enemy is the “mainstream media” – local or national, print or broadcast.
Sometimes, it can even be their own station’s news director. One year, Charlie targeted me because I had instructed my midday news anchor to report the Wimbledon tennis results, even though the matches wouldn’t be telecast until much later in the day. Charlie gave out my phone number and e-mail address on the air. I was flooded with hate mail, nasty messages, and even one death threat from a federal law enforcement agent whom I knew to be a big Charlie fan.
In the talk radio business, this concept, which must be mastered to be successful, is called “differentiating” yourself from the rest of the media. It is a brilliant marketing tactic that has also helped Fox News Channel thrive. “We report, you decide” and “Fair and Balanced” are more than just savvy slogans. They are code words signaling that only Fox will report the news in a way conservatives see as objective and truthful.
Forget any notion, however, that radio talk shows are supposed to be fair, evenhanded discussions featuring a diversity of opinions. The Fairness Doctrine, which required this, was repealed 20 years ago. So talk shows can be, and are, all about the host’s opinions, analyses and general worldview. Programmers learned long ago that benign conversations led by hosts who present all sides of an issue don’t attract large audiences. That’s why Kathleen Dunn was forced out at WTMJ in the early ’90s and why Jim and Andee were replaced in the mid-’90s by Dr. Laura. Pointed and provocative are what win.
There is no way to win a disagreement with Charlie Sykes. Calls from listeners who disagree with him don’t get on the air if the show’s producer, who generally does the screening, fears they might make Charlie look bad. I witnessed several occasions when Sen. Russ Feingold, former Mayor John Norquist, Mayor Tom Barrett or others would call in, but wouldn’t be allowed on the air.
Opponents are far more likely to get through when the producer is confident Charlie can use the dissenting caller to reinforce his original point. Ask former Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Publisher Keith Spore, or former Police Chief Arthur Jones. How can Charlie do that? By belittling the caller’s point of view. You can always tell, however, when the antagonist has gotten the better of Charlie. That’s when he starts attacking the caller personally.
But the worst fate comes for those who ignore Charlie when he asks on the air why they did or didn’t do something, and they never respond. That leaves him free to make his point unabated, day after day. The most frequent victims of this were Journal Sentinel Editor Marty Kaiser and Managing Editor George Stanley.
Charlie knew they would rarely call or e-mail to answer his criticism, so he could both criticize decisions they had made and blast them for not having the guts to come on his show and respond. What little credibility they had among Charlie’s audience would decline by a thousand cuts. It would have been far better for them to face Charlie head on and take their lumps so he would move on to the next victim – I mean, topic.
One entire group that rarely gets on the air are the elderly callers – unless they have something extraordinary to say. Sadly, that doesn’t happen often. The theory is that old-sounding callers help produce old-skewing audiences. The target demo is 25 to 54, not 65 and older.
Talk radio, after all, is in the entertainment business. But that doesn’t mean it has no impact on public policy. Quite the contrary.
The stereotyped liberal view of the talk radio audience is that it’s a lot of angry, uneducated white men. In fact, the audience is far more diverse. Many are businesspeople, doctors, lawyers, academics, clergy, or soccer moms and dads. Talk show fans are not stupid. They will detect an obvious phony. The best hosts sincerely believe everything they say. Their passion is real. Their arguments have been carefully crafted in a manner they know will be meaningful to the audience, and that validates the views these folks were already thinking.
Yet while talk show audiences aren’t being led like lemmings to a certain conclusion, they can be carefully prodded into agreement with the Republican views of the day.
Conservative talk show hosts would receive daily talking points e-mails from the Bush White House, the Republican National Committee and, during election years, GOP campaign operations. They’re not called talking points, but that’s what they are. I know, because I received them, too. During my time at WTMJ, Charlie would generally mine the e-mails, then couch the daily message in his own words. Midday talker Jeff Wagner would be more likely to rely on them verbatim. But neither used them in their entirety, or every single day.
Charlie and Jeff would also check what other conservative talk show hosts around the country were saying. Rush Limbaugh’s Web site was checked at least once daily. Atlanta-based nationally syndicated talker Neal Boortz was another popular choice. Select conservative blogs were also perused.
A smart talk show host will, from time to time, disagree publicly with a Republican president, the Republican Party, or some conservative doctrine. (President Bush’s disastrous choice of Harriet Miers for the Supreme Court was one such example.) But these disagreements are strategically chosen to prove the host is an independent thinker, without appreciably harming the president or party. This is not to suggest that hosts don’t genuinely disagree with the conservative line at times. They do, more often than you might think. But they usually keep it to themselves.
One of the things that makes a talk show host good – especially hosts of the caliber of Sykes – is that his or her arguments seem so solid. You fundamentally disagree with the host, yet can’t refute the argument because it sounds so airtight. The host has built a strong case with lots of supporting facts.
Generally speaking, though, those facts have been selectively chosen because they support the host’s preconceived opinion, or can be interpreted to seem as if they do. In their frustration, some talk show critics accuse hosts of fabricating facts. Wrong. Hosts do gather evidence, but in a way that modifies the old Joe Friday maxim: “Just the facts that I can use to make my case, ma’am.”
Hint: The more talk show hosts squawk about something – the louder their voice, the greater their emotion, the more effusive their arguments – the more they’re worried about the issue. For example, talk show hosts eagerly participated in the 2004 Swift Boating of John Kerry because they really feared he was going to win. This is a common talk show tactic: If you lack compelling arguments in favor of your candidate or point of view, attack the other side. These attacks often rely on two key rhetorical devices, which I call You Know What Would Happen If and The Preemptive Strike.
Using the first strategy, a host will describe something a liberal has said or done that conservatives disagree with, but for which the liberal has not been widely criticized, and then say, “You know what would happen if a conservative had said (or done) that? He (or she) would have been filleted by the ‘liberal media.’ ” This is particularly effective because it’s a two-fer, simultaneously reinforcing the notion that conservatives are victims and that “liberals” are the enemy.
The second strategy, The Preemptive Strike, is used when a host knows that news reflecting poorly on conservative dogma is about to break or become more widespread. When news of the alleged massacre at Haditha first trickled out in the summer of 2006, not even Iraq War chest-thumper Charlie Sykes would defend the U.S. Marines accused of killing innocent civilians in the Iraqi village. So he spent lots of air time criticizing how the “mainstream media” was sure to sensationalize the story in the coming weeks. Charlie would kill the messengers before any message had even been delivered.
Good talk show hosts can get their listeners so lathered up that they truly can change public policy. They can inspire like-minded folks to flood the phone lines and e-mail inboxes of aldermen, county supervisors, legislators and federal lawmakers. They can inspire their followers to vote for candidates the hosts prefer. How? By pounding away on an issue or candidate, hour after hour, day after day. Hosts will extol the virtues of the favored candidate or, more likely, exploit whatever Achilles heel the other candidate might have. Influencing elections is more likely to occur at the local rather than national level, but that still gives talk radio power.
By the way, here’s a way to prognosticate elections just by listening to talk shows: Except in presidential elections, when they will always carry water for the Republican nominee, conservative hosts won’t hurt their credibility by backing candidates they think can’t win. So if they’re uncharacteristically tepid, or even silent, about a particular race, that means the Democrat has a good chance of winning. Nor will hosts spend their credibility on an issue where they know they disagree with listeners. Charlie, for example, told me just before I left TMJ that Wisconsin’s 2006 anti-gay marriage amendment was misguided. But he knew his followers would likely vote for it in droves. So he declined to speak out directly against it.
This brings us to perhaps the most ironic thing about most talk show hosts. Though they may savage politicians and others they oppose, they fear criticism or critiques of any kind. They can dish it out, but they can’t take it.
One day during a very bad snowstorm, I walked into the studio during a commercial break and suggested to Charlie that he start talking about it rather than whatever conservative topic he’d been discussing. Charlie assumed, as he usually did in such situations, that I was being critical of his topic. In reaction, he unplugged his head phones, stood up and told me that I might as well take over the show because he wasn’t going to change his topic. I was able to quickly strike a bargain before the end of the break. He agreed to take a few calls about the storm, but if it didn’t a strike a nerve with callers, he could return to his original topic.
The snowstorm was the topic of the rest of his show that day. And afterward, Charlie came to my office and admitted I’d been right. But we would go through scenarios such as this many times through the years.
Another tense moment arose when the Harley-Davidson 100th anniversary was captivating the community – and our on-air coverage – in 2003, but Charlie wanted to talk about school choice for seemingly the 100,000th time. He literally threw a fit, off the air and on, belittling other hosts, the news department and station management for devoting resources to Harley’s 100th coverage. “The Green House” newsman Phil Cianciola countered that afternoon with a joke about Charlie riding a Harley wearing loafers. Charlie complained to management about Phil and wouldn’t speak civilly about him in my presence again.
Hosts are most dangerous when someone they’ve targeted for criticism tries to return the fire. It is foolish to enter into a dispute with someone who has a 50,000-watt radio transmitter at his or her disposal and feels cornered. Oh, and calling a host names – “right-winger,” “fascist,” “radio squawker,” etc. – merely plays into his or her hands. This allows a host like Sykes to portray himself as a victim of the “left-wing spin machine,” and will leave his listeners, who also feel victimized, dying to support him. In essence, the host will mount a Hillary Rodham Clinton “vast right-wing conspiracy” attack in reverse.
A conservative emulating Hillary? Yep. A great talk show host is like a great college debater, capable of arguing either side of any issue in a logical, thorough and convincing manner. This skill ensures their continuing success regardless of which political party is in power. For example:
• In the talk show world, the line-item veto was the most effective way to control government spending when Ronald Reagan was president; it was a violation of the separation of powers after President Clinton took office.
• Perjury was a heinous crime when Clinton was accused of lying under oath about his extramarital activities. But when Scooter Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney’s top aide, was charged with lying under oath, it was the prosecutor who had committed an egregious act by charging Libby with perjury.
• "Activist judges" are the scourge of the earth when they rule it is unconstitutional to deny same-sex couples the rights heterosexuals receive. But judicial activism is needed to stop the husband of a woman in a persistent vegetative state – say Terri Schiavo – from removing her feeding tube to end her suffering.
To amuse myself while listening to a talk show, I would ask myself what the host would say if the situation were reversed. What if alleged D.C. Madam client Sen. David Vitter had been a Democrat? Would the reaction of talk show hosts have been so quiet you could hear crickets chirping? Hardly.
Or what if former Rep. Mark Foley had been a Democrat? Would his pedophile-like tendencies have been excused as a “prank” or mere “overfriendly e-mails?” Not on the life of your teenage son.
Suppose Al Gore was president and ordered an invasion of Iraq without an exit strategy. Suppose this had led to the deaths of more than 4,000 U.S. troops and actually made that part of the world less stable. Would talk show hosts have dismissed criticism of that war as unpatriotic? No chance.
Or imagine that John Kerry had been president during Hurricane Katrina and that his administration’s rescue and rebuilding effort had been horribly botched. Would talk show hosts have branded him a great president? Of course not.
It was Katrina, finally, that made me truly see the light. Until then, 10 years into my time at TMJ, while I might have disagreed with some stands the hosts took, I did think there were grounds for their constant criticism of the media. I had convinced myself that the national media had an intrinsic bias that was, at the very least, geographical if not ideological, to which talk radio could provide an alternative.
Then along came the worst natural disaster in U.S. history. Journalists risked their lives to save others as the storm hit the Gulf Coast. Afterward, journalists endured the stench and the filth to chronicle the events for a stunned world. Then they documented the monumental government incompetence for an outraged nation. These journalists became voices for the voiceless victims, pressing government officials to get help to those who needed it.
Yet, while New Orleans residents were still screaming for help from the rooftops of their flooded homes, journalists were targeted by talk show hosts, Charlie and Wagner among them. Not the government, but journalists. Stories detailing the federal government’s obvious slowness and inefficiency were part of an “angry left” conspiracy, they said. Talk show hosts who used e-mailed talking points from the conservative spin machine proclaimed the Katrina stories were part of a liberal “media template.” The irony would have been laughable if the story wasn’t so serious.
I went to Charlie and Jeff and told them my concerns. They waved me off. I went to Program Director Rick Belcher and told him I thought Charlie and Jeff had things terribly wrong. He disagreed. I was distraught. I felt I was actively participating in something so inconsistent with reality that even most conservative talk radio devotees would see this. But in a way, it was merely a more obvious example of how talk radio portrayed reality selectively.
I was a dedicated program manager. I helped the hosts at my station do show prep by finding stories I knew would pique their interest and fire up their constituencies. I met with Charlie Sykes daily, about a half-hour before show time, to help him talk through topics before going on the air. Charlie is one of the smartest people I know, but he performs at his best with that kind of preparation.
I often defended Jeff Wagner from upset moderates and liberals in the community. Jeff’s a very good talk show host whose brilliance is overshadowed only by his stubbornness.
I helped our program directors try to find the right role for Mark Reardon, who, in my opinion, was always miscast (he wasn’t as right-wing as Sykes or Wagner and his job was switched several times). Ultimately, that miscasting helped his career, because WTMJ laid him off, after which he became a talk show star in St. Louis, a much larger market.
I worked with news and sports hosts, too – Robb Edwards, Jon Belmont, Ken Herrera, Jonathan Green, Len Kasper, Bill Michaels – to help them craft ways to sound human and “real” behind the microphone without violating the separation of church and state that existed between the station’s talk and news programming. Sometimes I succeeded. Sometimes I didn’t.
And we were successful, consistently ranking No. 1 among persons 12 and older and in the top five in the advertiser-coveted 25 to 54 demo. Yet I was often angrily asked, once by then-Mayor John Norquist, why we just didn’t change our call letters to “WGOP.” The complaints were just another sign of our impact.
I left WTMJ with some regret, attracted by an offer to work in the cutting edge field of digital media at one of the nation’s largest news and entertainment conglomerates. By then, I had worked more than 26 years in radio news and more than 23 as a news director. In the constant push for ratings, I had seen and helped foster the transformation of AM radio and the rise of conservative hosts. They have a power that is unlikely to decline.
Their rise was also helped by liberals whose ideology, after all, emphasizes tolerance. Their friendly toleration of talk radio merely gave the hosts more credibility. Yet an attitude of intolerance was probably worse: It made the liberals look hypocritical, giving ammunition to talk show hosts who used it with great skill.
But the key reason talk radio succeeds is because its hosts can exploit the fears and perceived victimization of a large swath of conservative-leaning listeners. And they feel victimized because many liberals and moderates have ignored or trivialized their concerns and have stereotyped these Americans as uncaring curmudgeons.
Because of that, there will always be listeners who believe that Charlie Sykes, Jeff Wagner and their compatriots are the only members of the media who truly care about them. "
a response here:
I first got into journalism because I thought I could make a difference.
I wrote for the school newspaper and did “news” reports on a radio station a friend and I started at my high school in Springfield, Mo. I got my first professional job at age 20, while still in college, at a local radio station’s news department. Three years later, I became a news director, and 12 years after that, in 1995, I was recruited to move to Milwaukee to become news director at WTMJ, one of the largest and most successful news/talk radio stations in America.
That was where my real education occurred.
I worked for three years as news director, and then, in 1998, gained the additional title of assistant program director, a role I held until leaving the station in July 2006. From that position, I worked closely with our talk show hosts and became intimately familiar with how they appeal to listeners and shape their vision of the world. Let me tell you some of the lessons I learned.
To begin with, talk show hosts such as Charlie Sykes – one of the best in the business – are popular and powerful because they appeal to a segment of the population that feels disenfranchised and even victimized by the media. These people believe the media are predominantly staffed by and consistently reflect the views of social liberals. This view is by now so long-held and deep-rooted, it has evolved into part of virtually every conservative’s DNA.
To succeed, a talk show host must perpetuate the notion that his or her listeners are victims, and the host is the vehicle by which they can become empowered. The host frames virtually every issue in us-versus-them terms. There has to be a bad guy against whom the host will emphatically defend those loyal listeners.
This enemy can be a politician – either a Democratic officeholder or, in rare cases where no Democrat is convenient to blame, it can be a “RINO” (a “Republican In Name Only,” who is deemed not conservative enough). It can be the cold, cruel government bureaucracy. More often than not, however, the enemy is the “mainstream media” – local or national, print or broadcast.
Sometimes, it can even be their own station’s news director. One year, Charlie targeted me because I had instructed my midday news anchor to report the Wimbledon tennis results, even though the matches wouldn’t be telecast until much later in the day. Charlie gave out my phone number and e-mail address on the air. I was flooded with hate mail, nasty messages, and even one death threat from a federal law enforcement agent whom I knew to be a big Charlie fan.
In the talk radio business, this concept, which must be mastered to be successful, is called “differentiating” yourself from the rest of the media. It is a brilliant marketing tactic that has also helped Fox News Channel thrive. “We report, you decide” and “Fair and Balanced” are more than just savvy slogans. They are code words signaling that only Fox will report the news in a way conservatives see as objective and truthful.
Forget any notion, however, that radio talk shows are supposed to be fair, evenhanded discussions featuring a diversity of opinions. The Fairness Doctrine, which required this, was repealed 20 years ago. So talk shows can be, and are, all about the host’s opinions, analyses and general worldview. Programmers learned long ago that benign conversations led by hosts who present all sides of an issue don’t attract large audiences. That’s why Kathleen Dunn was forced out at WTMJ in the early ’90s and why Jim and Andee were replaced in the mid-’90s by Dr. Laura. Pointed and provocative are what win.
There is no way to win a disagreement with Charlie Sykes. Calls from listeners who disagree with him don’t get on the air if the show’s producer, who generally does the screening, fears they might make Charlie look bad. I witnessed several occasions when Sen. Russ Feingold, former Mayor John Norquist, Mayor Tom Barrett or others would call in, but wouldn’t be allowed on the air.
Opponents are far more likely to get through when the producer is confident Charlie can use the dissenting caller to reinforce his original point. Ask former Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Publisher Keith Spore, or former Police Chief Arthur Jones. How can Charlie do that? By belittling the caller’s point of view. You can always tell, however, when the antagonist has gotten the better of Charlie. That’s when he starts attacking the caller personally.
But the worst fate comes for those who ignore Charlie when he asks on the air why they did or didn’t do something, and they never respond. That leaves him free to make his point unabated, day after day. The most frequent victims of this were Journal Sentinel Editor Marty Kaiser and Managing Editor George Stanley.
Charlie knew they would rarely call or e-mail to answer his criticism, so he could both criticize decisions they had made and blast them for not having the guts to come on his show and respond. What little credibility they had among Charlie’s audience would decline by a thousand cuts. It would have been far better for them to face Charlie head on and take their lumps so he would move on to the next victim – I mean, topic.
One entire group that rarely gets on the air are the elderly callers – unless they have something extraordinary to say. Sadly, that doesn’t happen often. The theory is that old-sounding callers help produce old-skewing audiences. The target demo is 25 to 54, not 65 and older.
Talk radio, after all, is in the entertainment business. But that doesn’t mean it has no impact on public policy. Quite the contrary.
The stereotyped liberal view of the talk radio audience is that it’s a lot of angry, uneducated white men. In fact, the audience is far more diverse. Many are businesspeople, doctors, lawyers, academics, clergy, or soccer moms and dads. Talk show fans are not stupid. They will detect an obvious phony. The best hosts sincerely believe everything they say. Their passion is real. Their arguments have been carefully crafted in a manner they know will be meaningful to the audience, and that validates the views these folks were already thinking.
Yet while talk show audiences aren’t being led like lemmings to a certain conclusion, they can be carefully prodded into agreement with the Republican views of the day.
Conservative talk show hosts would receive daily talking points e-mails from the Bush White House, the Republican National Committee and, during election years, GOP campaign operations. They’re not called talking points, but that’s what they are. I know, because I received them, too. During my time at WTMJ, Charlie would generally mine the e-mails, then couch the daily message in his own words. Midday talker Jeff Wagner would be more likely to rely on them verbatim. But neither used them in their entirety, or every single day.
Charlie and Jeff would also check what other conservative talk show hosts around the country were saying. Rush Limbaugh’s Web site was checked at least once daily. Atlanta-based nationally syndicated talker Neal Boortz was another popular choice. Select conservative blogs were also perused.
A smart talk show host will, from time to time, disagree publicly with a Republican president, the Republican Party, or some conservative doctrine. (President Bush’s disastrous choice of Harriet Miers for the Supreme Court was one such example.) But these disagreements are strategically chosen to prove the host is an independent thinker, without appreciably harming the president or party. This is not to suggest that hosts don’t genuinely disagree with the conservative line at times. They do, more often than you might think. But they usually keep it to themselves.
One of the things that makes a talk show host good – especially hosts of the caliber of Sykes – is that his or her arguments seem so solid. You fundamentally disagree with the host, yet can’t refute the argument because it sounds so airtight. The host has built a strong case with lots of supporting facts.
Generally speaking, though, those facts have been selectively chosen because they support the host’s preconceived opinion, or can be interpreted to seem as if they do. In their frustration, some talk show critics accuse hosts of fabricating facts. Wrong. Hosts do gather evidence, but in a way that modifies the old Joe Friday maxim: “Just the facts that I can use to make my case, ma’am.”
Hint: The more talk show hosts squawk about something – the louder their voice, the greater their emotion, the more effusive their arguments – the more they’re worried about the issue. For example, talk show hosts eagerly participated in the 2004 Swift Boating of John Kerry because they really feared he was going to win. This is a common talk show tactic: If you lack compelling arguments in favor of your candidate or point of view, attack the other side. These attacks often rely on two key rhetorical devices, which I call You Know What Would Happen If and The Preemptive Strike.
Using the first strategy, a host will describe something a liberal has said or done that conservatives disagree with, but for which the liberal has not been widely criticized, and then say, “You know what would happen if a conservative had said (or done) that? He (or she) would have been filleted by the ‘liberal media.’ ” This is particularly effective because it’s a two-fer, simultaneously reinforcing the notion that conservatives are victims and that “liberals” are the enemy.
The second strategy, The Preemptive Strike, is used when a host knows that news reflecting poorly on conservative dogma is about to break or become more widespread. When news of the alleged massacre at Haditha first trickled out in the summer of 2006, not even Iraq War chest-thumper Charlie Sykes would defend the U.S. Marines accused of killing innocent civilians in the Iraqi village. So he spent lots of air time criticizing how the “mainstream media” was sure to sensationalize the story in the coming weeks. Charlie would kill the messengers before any message had even been delivered.
Good talk show hosts can get their listeners so lathered up that they truly can change public policy. They can inspire like-minded folks to flood the phone lines and e-mail inboxes of aldermen, county supervisors, legislators and federal lawmakers. They can inspire their followers to vote for candidates the hosts prefer. How? By pounding away on an issue or candidate, hour after hour, day after day. Hosts will extol the virtues of the favored candidate or, more likely, exploit whatever Achilles heel the other candidate might have. Influencing elections is more likely to occur at the local rather than national level, but that still gives talk radio power.
By the way, here’s a way to prognosticate elections just by listening to talk shows: Except in presidential elections, when they will always carry water for the Republican nominee, conservative hosts won’t hurt their credibility by backing candidates they think can’t win. So if they’re uncharacteristically tepid, or even silent, about a particular race, that means the Democrat has a good chance of winning. Nor will hosts spend their credibility on an issue where they know they disagree with listeners. Charlie, for example, told me just before I left TMJ that Wisconsin’s 2006 anti-gay marriage amendment was misguided. But he knew his followers would likely vote for it in droves. So he declined to speak out directly against it.
This brings us to perhaps the most ironic thing about most talk show hosts. Though they may savage politicians and others they oppose, they fear criticism or critiques of any kind. They can dish it out, but they can’t take it.
One day during a very bad snowstorm, I walked into the studio during a commercial break and suggested to Charlie that he start talking about it rather than whatever conservative topic he’d been discussing. Charlie assumed, as he usually did in such situations, that I was being critical of his topic. In reaction, he unplugged his head phones, stood up and told me that I might as well take over the show because he wasn’t going to change his topic. I was able to quickly strike a bargain before the end of the break. He agreed to take a few calls about the storm, but if it didn’t a strike a nerve with callers, he could return to his original topic.
The snowstorm was the topic of the rest of his show that day. And afterward, Charlie came to my office and admitted I’d been right. But we would go through scenarios such as this many times through the years.
Another tense moment arose when the Harley-Davidson 100th anniversary was captivating the community – and our on-air coverage – in 2003, but Charlie wanted to talk about school choice for seemingly the 100,000th time. He literally threw a fit, off the air and on, belittling other hosts, the news department and station management for devoting resources to Harley’s 100th coverage. “The Green House” newsman Phil Cianciola countered that afternoon with a joke about Charlie riding a Harley wearing loafers. Charlie complained to management about Phil and wouldn’t speak civilly about him in my presence again.
Hosts are most dangerous when someone they’ve targeted for criticism tries to return the fire. It is foolish to enter into a dispute with someone who has a 50,000-watt radio transmitter at his or her disposal and feels cornered. Oh, and calling a host names – “right-winger,” “fascist,” “radio squawker,” etc. – merely plays into his or her hands. This allows a host like Sykes to portray himself as a victim of the “left-wing spin machine,” and will leave his listeners, who also feel victimized, dying to support him. In essence, the host will mount a Hillary Rodham Clinton “vast right-wing conspiracy” attack in reverse.
A conservative emulating Hillary? Yep. A great talk show host is like a great college debater, capable of arguing either side of any issue in a logical, thorough and convincing manner. This skill ensures their continuing success regardless of which political party is in power. For example:
• In the talk show world, the line-item veto was the most effective way to control government spending when Ronald Reagan was president; it was a violation of the separation of powers after President Clinton took office.
• Perjury was a heinous crime when Clinton was accused of lying under oath about his extramarital activities. But when Scooter Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney’s top aide, was charged with lying under oath, it was the prosecutor who had committed an egregious act by charging Libby with perjury.
• "Activist judges" are the scourge of the earth when they rule it is unconstitutional to deny same-sex couples the rights heterosexuals receive. But judicial activism is needed to stop the husband of a woman in a persistent vegetative state – say Terri Schiavo – from removing her feeding tube to end her suffering.
To amuse myself while listening to a talk show, I would ask myself what the host would say if the situation were reversed. What if alleged D.C. Madam client Sen. David Vitter had been a Democrat? Would the reaction of talk show hosts have been so quiet you could hear crickets chirping? Hardly.
Or what if former Rep. Mark Foley had been a Democrat? Would his pedophile-like tendencies have been excused as a “prank” or mere “overfriendly e-mails?” Not on the life of your teenage son.
Suppose Al Gore was president and ordered an invasion of Iraq without an exit strategy. Suppose this had led to the deaths of more than 4,000 U.S. troops and actually made that part of the world less stable. Would talk show hosts have dismissed criticism of that war as unpatriotic? No chance.
Or imagine that John Kerry had been president during Hurricane Katrina and that his administration’s rescue and rebuilding effort had been horribly botched. Would talk show hosts have branded him a great president? Of course not.
It was Katrina, finally, that made me truly see the light. Until then, 10 years into my time at TMJ, while I might have disagreed with some stands the hosts took, I did think there were grounds for their constant criticism of the media. I had convinced myself that the national media had an intrinsic bias that was, at the very least, geographical if not ideological, to which talk radio could provide an alternative.
Then along came the worst natural disaster in U.S. history. Journalists risked their lives to save others as the storm hit the Gulf Coast. Afterward, journalists endured the stench and the filth to chronicle the events for a stunned world. Then they documented the monumental government incompetence for an outraged nation. These journalists became voices for the voiceless victims, pressing government officials to get help to those who needed it.
Yet, while New Orleans residents were still screaming for help from the rooftops of their flooded homes, journalists were targeted by talk show hosts, Charlie and Wagner among them. Not the government, but journalists. Stories detailing the federal government’s obvious slowness and inefficiency were part of an “angry left” conspiracy, they said. Talk show hosts who used e-mailed talking points from the conservative spin machine proclaimed the Katrina stories were part of a liberal “media template.” The irony would have been laughable if the story wasn’t so serious.
I went to Charlie and Jeff and told them my concerns. They waved me off. I went to Program Director Rick Belcher and told him I thought Charlie and Jeff had things terribly wrong. He disagreed. I was distraught. I felt I was actively participating in something so inconsistent with reality that even most conservative talk radio devotees would see this. But in a way, it was merely a more obvious example of how talk radio portrayed reality selectively.
I was a dedicated program manager. I helped the hosts at my station do show prep by finding stories I knew would pique their interest and fire up their constituencies. I met with Charlie Sykes daily, about a half-hour before show time, to help him talk through topics before going on the air. Charlie is one of the smartest people I know, but he performs at his best with that kind of preparation.
I often defended Jeff Wagner from upset moderates and liberals in the community. Jeff’s a very good talk show host whose brilliance is overshadowed only by his stubbornness.
I helped our program directors try to find the right role for Mark Reardon, who, in my opinion, was always miscast (he wasn’t as right-wing as Sykes or Wagner and his job was switched several times). Ultimately, that miscasting helped his career, because WTMJ laid him off, after which he became a talk show star in St. Louis, a much larger market.
I worked with news and sports hosts, too – Robb Edwards, Jon Belmont, Ken Herrera, Jonathan Green, Len Kasper, Bill Michaels – to help them craft ways to sound human and “real” behind the microphone without violating the separation of church and state that existed between the station’s talk and news programming. Sometimes I succeeded. Sometimes I didn’t.
And we were successful, consistently ranking No. 1 among persons 12 and older and in the top five in the advertiser-coveted 25 to 54 demo. Yet I was often angrily asked, once by then-Mayor John Norquist, why we just didn’t change our call letters to “WGOP.” The complaints were just another sign of our impact.
I left WTMJ with some regret, attracted by an offer to work in the cutting edge field of digital media at one of the nation’s largest news and entertainment conglomerates. By then, I had worked more than 26 years in radio news and more than 23 as a news director. In the constant push for ratings, I had seen and helped foster the transformation of AM radio and the rise of conservative hosts. They have a power that is unlikely to decline.
Their rise was also helped by liberals whose ideology, after all, emphasizes tolerance. Their friendly toleration of talk radio merely gave the hosts more credibility. Yet an attitude of intolerance was probably worse: It made the liberals look hypocritical, giving ammunition to talk show hosts who used it with great skill.
But the key reason talk radio succeeds is because its hosts can exploit the fears and perceived victimization of a large swath of conservative-leaning listeners. And they feel victimized because many liberals and moderates have ignored or trivialized their concerns and have stereotyped these Americans as uncaring curmudgeons.
Because of that, there will always be listeners who believe that Charlie Sykes, Jeff Wagner and their compatriots are the only members of the media who truly care about them. "
a response here:
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
On Joe, Plumbing and writing....
We all know who Joe the Plumber is.
Don't get me wrong: I thought the way they went after him was ridiculous. But, what is even more surreal is watching this guy milk his 15 minutes for all it's worth.
Check out this 'review' of Joe's book by the NYT:
"...I don’t want you writing books. Not when too many good novelists remain unpublished. Not when too many extraordinary histories remain unread. Not when too many riveting memoirs are kicked back at authors after 10 years of toil. Not when voices in Iran, North Korea or China struggle to get past a censor’s gate.
Joe, a k a Samuel J. Wurzelbacher, was no good as a citizen, having failed to pay his full share of taxes, no good as a plumber, not being fully credentialed, and not even any good as a faux American icon. Who could forget poor John McCain at his most befuddled, calling out for his working-class surrogate on a day when Joe stiffed him.
With a résumé full of failure, he now thinks he can join the profession of Mark Twain, George Orwell and Joan Didion.
Next up may be Sarah Palin, who is said to be worth nearly $7 million if she can place her thoughts between covers. Publishers: with all the grim news of layoffs and staff cuts at the venerable houses of American letters, can we set some ground rules for these hard times? Anyone who abuses the English language on such a regular basis should not be paid to put words in print."
Now, who is the bigger douche, the ambitious fruad plumber, or the elitist snob book reviewer?
Anyone who wishes to write a book should do it, no matter what real 'authors' and 'book reviewers' say.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Old friends.
So many old friends.
One of my friends spent 18 months in a Venzuelan prison for trying to smuggle heroin back into the USA...I sent him bribe $$$ while he was down there. He's back now, living with his mom, driving her BMW, and thinking he's going to be the next bestseller recounting his prison stories in print. It's like he never changed at all. NO 'life altering' experience. Same old friend.
I have another old friend, who is the 'goofus' version of identical twins..His brother is married, works numerous jobs and has travelled the world. My friend called last night asking for $$$ and if he could come live with me for awhile...
If I was 30 or 20, I would have told him 'come on down!'. But, I'm 40 with a wife and a three year old. I have my hands full. Yet, I know his identical twin brother and his parents will not help him. And if they do, they will be mad at me because I didn't. Because, in thier eyes 'I'm rich'.
NOw these guys will think to themselves, 'If the situation was reversed, I would help out'. But they dont have wives and kids. They dont know how tough it is.
And to think the ball and chain wants another one. I'm sitting on the microwave!
One of my friends spent 18 months in a Venzuelan prison for trying to smuggle heroin back into the USA...I sent him bribe $$$ while he was down there. He's back now, living with his mom, driving her BMW, and thinking he's going to be the next bestseller recounting his prison stories in print. It's like he never changed at all. NO 'life altering' experience. Same old friend.
I have another old friend, who is the 'goofus' version of identical twins..His brother is married, works numerous jobs and has travelled the world. My friend called last night asking for $$$ and if he could come live with me for awhile...
If I was 30 or 20, I would have told him 'come on down!'. But, I'm 40 with a wife and a three year old. I have my hands full. Yet, I know his identical twin brother and his parents will not help him. And if they do, they will be mad at me because I didn't. Because, in thier eyes 'I'm rich'.
NOw these guys will think to themselves, 'If the situation was reversed, I would help out'. But they dont have wives and kids. They dont know how tough it is.
And to think the ball and chain wants another one. I'm sitting on the microwave!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Gee, who did Latricia vote for?
Single mom, 10 kids. No daddy, not even Micheal Moore. C'mon, MM. You have a gazillion bucks, can't you break some off here?
My wife is sad because she just turned 35, and wants another child. But, we simply cannot afford it. So I have an unhappy wife. Dealbreaker: we are not having another child unless we get an influx of cash, soon.
I would like to live in a mansion, but I cannot afford it.
Where's my bailout?
Monday, December 1, 2008
The frozen nut club
This weekend, I escaped with the missus and the fruit of my loins for a well deserved beach 'break' in lovely Myrtle Beach.
Unfortunately for us, it was cold as hell and rainy.
We stayed @ the 'Dunes Resort' which has an indoor heated waterpark, perfect for the 3 year old swimmer.
Outside our 6th floor balcony, there were 2 heated pools underneath. Well, actually, only one was heated.
Friday night, as my wife and child were dozing off, I heard squeals of delight eminating from the pools under my balcony. A quick investigation showed a cadre of 12-13 years old boys playing in the water. No one else, only a gang of young ruffians, having a blast.
If I sat down in the chair, they could not see me, but I was aware of thier conversations.
One of the boys exclaimed ' let's have a frozen nut contest! We will all go run down the pier onto the beach, and into the sea! Last one to get out wins the 'frozen nut award!'
I giggled to myself, haven't we all done stupid things like this as teens? I watched the group run screaming into the water. Then, almost immediately, 2 boys came flying back, and into the heated pool, laughing maniacally all the way. About a minute later, 2 more arrived, with one of the 2 being the smartass that offered the contest.
That left 2 in the ocean. Then, I started to get a little nervous. I could not see them in the water, but I heard them, and they had been out there for a goodly 10 minutes. I started thinking 'damn, should I do something about this? one of these kids could get hurt or die...'
With that one came running back, and the other waited another minute just to prove a point. As he came running back, they all excaimed 'frozen nut! frozen nut!' and clapped him on the back when he got in the pool.
I felt a little ashamed, having worried for no reason. Then, a little creepy that I had been a part of this without them knowing it....
It lead me to wondering about my boy. Which one of these kids would he be? The first one out? The last one? Or the silly bastard that thought the frozen nut contest up? Or would he just say 'hell no, I'm not going into the cold ass sea in the dark!'
The frozen nut award. Classic!
Unfortunately for us, it was cold as hell and rainy.
We stayed @ the 'Dunes Resort' which has an indoor heated waterpark, perfect for the 3 year old swimmer.
Outside our 6th floor balcony, there were 2 heated pools underneath. Well, actually, only one was heated.
Friday night, as my wife and child were dozing off, I heard squeals of delight eminating from the pools under my balcony. A quick investigation showed a cadre of 12-13 years old boys playing in the water. No one else, only a gang of young ruffians, having a blast.
If I sat down in the chair, they could not see me, but I was aware of thier conversations.
One of the boys exclaimed ' let's have a frozen nut contest! We will all go run down the pier onto the beach, and into the sea! Last one to get out wins the 'frozen nut award!'
I giggled to myself, haven't we all done stupid things like this as teens? I watched the group run screaming into the water. Then, almost immediately, 2 boys came flying back, and into the heated pool, laughing maniacally all the way. About a minute later, 2 more arrived, with one of the 2 being the smartass that offered the contest.
That left 2 in the ocean. Then, I started to get a little nervous. I could not see them in the water, but I heard them, and they had been out there for a goodly 10 minutes. I started thinking 'damn, should I do something about this? one of these kids could get hurt or die...'
With that one came running back, and the other waited another minute just to prove a point. As he came running back, they all excaimed 'frozen nut! frozen nut!' and clapped him on the back when he got in the pool.
I felt a little ashamed, having worried for no reason. Then, a little creepy that I had been a part of this without them knowing it....
It lead me to wondering about my boy. Which one of these kids would he be? The first one out? The last one? Or the silly bastard that thought the frozen nut contest up? Or would he just say 'hell no, I'm not going into the cold ass sea in the dark!'
The frozen nut award. Classic!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
See ya, Vick.
Ryan playing like no rookie before him
By Mark Bradley | Sunday, November 23, 2008, 09:48 PM
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
It was a moment in a game that was slipping away, and if this game slips away then maybe this improbably sunny season does, too. Third-and-10 at the Atlanta 45-yard line, Carolina having closed within 17-13, and here the Falcons looked at their rookie quarterback and said, “Make a play.”
The play as designed fizzled on the launch site. The pocket collapsed and the rookie was forced to scramble to his left, away from his first read, and now he had a choice: He could keep running and come up short of the vital first down, or …
Running left, he threw to his right. Michael Jenkins caught the ball and skittered for 19 precious yards, and five snaps later the Falcons had an 11-point lead. And right about here the realization struck:
In Matt Ryan, we are watching the greatest rookie quarterback ever.
Tom Brady threw three passes his rookie season; Brett Favre threw four. Bart Starr and Joe Montana each started one game as rookies. Troy Aikman had to be benched midway through, having gone 0-11 as a starter. Peyton Manning threw 28 interceptions his first season. John Elway completed 47.5 percent of his rookie passes, Terry Bradshaw 38.1 percent.
Joe Namath was 3-5-1 as a lavishly salaried — he was making $400,000 — rookie. Fran Tarkenton was 2-8 as a first-year starter; Johnny Unitas was 4-3, Bob Griese 3-7. Ben Roethlisberger was 13-0 as a rookie quarterback on a loaded Pittsburgh team but didn’t start until Week 3. Sammy Baugh made All-Pro as a rookie but threw six more interceptions than touchdown passes. Bob Waterfield was league MVP as a rookie but started only four games. (Doubtless he got bonus points for being married to Jane Russell.)
Dan Marino is considered the gold standard of rookie quarterbacks, but his first start only came in Week 6, and he joined a team that had reached the Super Bowl the previous season. And now we consider Matt Ryan, who has started from Day 1 for a dilapidated team the Sporting News pegged to finish 1-15, who stands now as the chief reason the refurbished Falcons are 7-4.
He completed 17-of-27 passes for 259 yards against Carolina Sunday. He completed nine of his first 11 passes in staking the Falcons to a 17-0 lead. Said Roddy White, who ran under a 30-yard rainbow off a Ryan pump-and-go on the second snap Sunday: “Sometimes you luck up and get the guy. We got the guy.”
Eleven games in, the Falcons have stopped waiting for Ryan to have a Rookie Moment. “He hasn’t given me a reason to [expect one],” said Mike Mularkey, the offensive coordinator. And then, asked if Ryan has already absorbed the entire playbook and thereby given the Falcons license to call anything at any time, Mularkey said, “Yes.”
We saw it again Sunday, same as we’ve seen it since August. We saw it in the fourth quarter, the Panthers having drawn within a field goal again, the Falcons facing third-and-11 at their 25 with eight minutes left. We saw Ryan drop back and step forward into a big rush and loft the ball down the right side for Douglas to snatch, and the 69-yard gain positioned the Falcons to bang home the clincher.
“I threw it on time, actually a little early,” Ryan said. “He had man coverage, and I was hoping he’d roll his hips back toward me. But he was able to put his foot in the ground and stop [and make the catch]. It was a great play by Harry Douglas, not me.”
That’s typical Ryan. Everybody else makes the plays. He just carries out his assignments. But we on the periphery, having watched all along, know better. We know this rookie quarterback has made a difference in a way no other rookie quarterback — not Marino, not Roethlisberger, not anybody — ever has.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
and they still pine for this man
Later today, Jerry and I will be making our sunday trek to the Ga Dome to see our rookie lead Falcons take on the Carolina panties....And we will see the same idiots in their Vick jerseys whining about getting their 'dawg' back on the field.
Here's a nice lil article from Friday:
Report: Vick put family pets in ring
Witness in USDA inquiry paints grim picture of dog-fighting operation
The Associated Press
Friday, November 21, 2008
Richmond, Va. — Michael Vick put family pets in rings with pit bulls and thought it was funny watching the trained killers injure or kill the helpless dogs, a witness told federal investigators during the dogfighting investigation that brought Vick down.
In a 17-page report filed Aug. 28, 2008, by case agent James Knorr of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and released Friday under the Freedom of Information Act, a person identified as confidential witness No. 1 said Vick placed pets in the ring against pit bulls owned by “Bad Newz Kennels” at least twice and watched as the pit bulls “caused major injuries.”
The witness said Vick and co-defendants Purnell Peace and Quanis Phillips “thought it was funny to watch the pit bull dogs belonging to Bad Newz Kennels injure or kill the other dogs.”
Vick was sentenced to 23 months in prison in Dec. 2007, and is due to be released from the federal prison at Leavenworth, Kan., on July 20, 2009. He returned to Virginia on Thursday and is being held in Hopewell pending his appearance in Surry County Circuit Court on Tuesday, where he is expected to plead guilty to two felony charges but receive a suspended sentence.
The report, which has some names and other information redacted to protect some of the parties involved, also details the killing of several dogs at property Vick owned on Moonlight Road in Surry County in mid-April 2007, just days before the first search warrant was executed on the property, turning a drug investigation into the one that sent Vick to prison.
It says Vick was administered a polygraph test by the FBI in October 2007 and denied taking part in the killing of dogs in mid-April. When told he had failed that part of the test, Vick recanted his story and admitted to helping hang six to eight underperforming dogs.
The former Atlanta Falcons quarterback, once the highest paid player in the NFL, has been suspended indefinitely by the league and his football future is uncertain. He’s also in the midst of bankruptcy proceedings with $16 million in assets and $20.4 million in liabilities.
Peace, who also was convicted in the case, said there were times he suggested that dogs unwilling to fight be given away, but that Vick said “they got to go,” meaning be killed.
The dogs were killed by shooting, hanging, electrocution and drowning, and in at least one instance, according to one of the witnesses, when Vick and Phillips killed a red pit bull by “slamming it to the ground several times before it died, breaking the dog’s back or neck.”
When he finally admitted to his role in the dogfighting operation, Vick also said he purchased his first pull bull, named “Champagne,” while a student at Virginia Tech in 1999. The dog was never used in fights, but was bred with other dogs, according to the report.
Champagne was among the 53 pit bulls seized from the home in a raid in April 2007.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Chili eatin man
damn hard to play stringed instruments in 36 degree weather, but the whiskey helps.
Or, so I've been told:-)
Friday, November 21, 2008
where are the hard working Americans?
...As I sit here it has been one month since My wife and I rolled out some stocks into hard cash so we could develop our properties. One of the things to be done was cutting down a dead tree that was threatening our domicile.
After the ridiculous city permits were attained, the tree fellers arrived and in all of 45 minutes dispatched the lumering oak~ then left is cut in huge pieces in my yard! Susequent phone calls, and the guys never call back or returned to finish the job.
I interveiwed a landscaping company to tend to my yards. Nothing for 3 weeks now. The only: read this~ ONLY CONTRACTOR that showed up ready to work? The mexican maid service.
Of course, the shitty painter was not done yet.
And were in some sort of economic crisis? You would think the lure of easy $$$ would have these guys a jumpin at the bit. That is not the case.
And this is not the exception. It is the RULE.
American contractors suck. Overall.
No wonder our economy is falling apart.
After the ridiculous city permits were attained, the tree fellers arrived and in all of 45 minutes dispatched the lumering oak~ then left is cut in huge pieces in my yard! Susequent phone calls, and the guys never call back or returned to finish the job.
I interveiwed a landscaping company to tend to my yards. Nothing for 3 weeks now. The only: read this~ ONLY CONTRACTOR that showed up ready to work? The mexican maid service.
Of course, the shitty painter was not done yet.
And were in some sort of economic crisis? You would think the lure of easy $$$ would have these guys a jumpin at the bit. That is not the case.
And this is not the exception. It is the RULE.
American contractors suck. Overall.
No wonder our economy is falling apart.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
why do the French hate Lance Armstrong?
Monday, November 17, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Oh, those 'tolerant progressives'
As the media keeps gushing on about how America has finally adopted tolerance as the great virtue, and that we're all united now, let's consider the Brave Catherine Vogt Experiment.
Catherine Vogt, 14, is an Illinois 8th grader, the daughter of a liberal mom and a conservative dad. She wanted to conduct an experiment in political tolerance and diversity of opinion at her school in the liberal suburb of Oak Park.
She noticed that fellow students at Gwendolyn Brooks Middle School overwhelmingly supported Barack Obama for president. His campaign kept preaching "inclusion," and she decided to see how included she could be.
So just before the election, Catherine consulted with her history teacher, then bravely wore a unique T-shirt to school and recorded the comments of teachers and students in her journal. The T-shirt bore the simple yet quite subversive words drawn with a red marker:
"McCain Girl."
"I was just really curious how they'd react to something that different, because a lot of people at my school wore Obama shirts and they are big Obama supporters," Catherine told us. "I just really wanted to see what their reaction would be."
Immediately, Catherine learned she was stupid for wearing a shirt with Republican John McCain's name. Not merely stupid. Very stupid.
"People were upset. But they started saying things, calling me very stupid, telling me my shirt was stupid and I shouldn't be wearing it," Catherine said.
Then it got worse.
"One person told me to go die. It was a lot of dying. A lot of comments about how I should be killed," Catherine said, of the tolerance in Oak Park.
But students weren't the only ones surprised that she wore a shirt supporting McCain.
"In one class, I had one teacher say she will not judge me for my choice, but that she was surprised that I supported McCain," Catherine said.
If Catherine was shocked by such passive-aggressive threats from instructors, just wait until she goes to college.
"Later, that teacher found out about the experiment and said she was embarrassed because she knew I was writing down what she said," Catherine said.
One student suggested that she be put up on a cross for her political beliefs.
"He said, 'You should be crucifixed.' It was kind of funny because, I was like, don't you mean 'crucified?' " Catherine said.
Other entries in her notebook involved suggestions by classmates that she be "burned with her shirt on" for "being a filthy-rich Republican."
Some said that because she supported McCain, by extension she supported a plan by deranged skinheads to kill Obama before the election. And I thought such politicized logic was confined to American newsrooms. Yet Catherine refused to argue with her peers. She didn't want to jeopardize her experiment.
"I couldn't show people really what it was for. I really kind of wanted to laugh because they had no idea what I was doing," she said.
Only a few times did anyone say anything remotely positive about her McCain shirt. One girl pulled her aside in a corner, out of earshot of other students, and whispered, "I really like your shirt."
That's when you know America is truly supportive of diversity of opinion, when children must whisper for fear of being ostracized, heckled and crucifixed.
The next day, in part 2 of The Brave Catherine Vogt Experiment, she wore another T-shirt, this one with "Obama Girl" written in blue. And an amazing thing happened.
Catherine wasn't very stupid anymore. She grew brains.
"People liked my shirt. They said things like my brain had come back, and I had put the right shirt on today," Catherine said.
Some students accused her of playing both sides.
"A lot of people liked it. But some people told me I was a flip-flopper," she said. "They said, 'You can't make up your mind. You can't wear a McCain shirt one day and an Obama shirt the next day.' "
But she sure did, and she turned her journal into a report for her history teacher, earning Catherine extra credit. We asked the teacher, Norma Cassin-Pountney, whether it was ironic that Catherine would be subject to such intolerance from pro-Obama supporters in a community that prides itself on its liberal outlook.
"That's what we discussed," Cassin-Pountney said about the debate in the classroom when the experiment was revealed. "I said, here you are, promoting this person [Obama] that believes we are all equal and included, and look what you've done? The students were kind of like, 'Oh, yeah.' I think they got it."
Catherine never told us which candidate she would have voted for if she weren't an 8th grader. But she said she learned what it was like to be in the minority.
"Just being on the outside, how it felt, it was not fun at all," she said.
Don't ever feel as if you must conform, Catherine. Being on the outside isn't so bad. Trust me.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Dontcha mind nobody...
....grinnin' in yo face.
Last week, we lost another voice. Cora Mae Bryant sat in the family section over a decade ago as I walked the plank....uh, I mean got married. Shw was the closest thing to a grandparent I had left..
Too many stories to recount. From the first moment I met her to the subsequent gigs we would do together. Cora was a real, valid link to 'the blues'. She grew up in segregated Newton County. Her family was a 'who's who' of blues musicians. She bounced on the drunken knee of Blind Willie McTell and sang spirituals in the cotton fields.
She loved me and my wife, and even got to see my son. Very few things have made me proud: but watching Cora look in wonder at mini me swelled my heart. I will miss Sean Costello, Mr Frank Edwards and Cootie Stark: but I will mourn the loss of my friend Cora Mae Bryant.
I regret going to the funeral, as my last glimpse of her was in the box. I almost wish I did not go, so my memory of her was as she lived. But I will carry the image of her in the casket with me for awhile.
I love you Cora, and I miss you.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The new president!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
if it quacks like a Douche....
...have you ever had a friend that glommed onto a particular craze, and became a zealot for the cause, and years later you find the same friend and they are completely different?
I have an old friend that was a 'Dead Head' who is now a hedge fund mangager. We took acid together numerous times, now he looks like the consumate GOP guy. Suit and all.
He will not tell me what happened to change his life view, because I used to make fun of him and the Grateful Dead. I went along for the free drugs and sex with hairy chicks, but I always told him "I think thier music plain stinks. Kinda like the guy in the hemp sweat pants next to me that hasn't bathed in a week". I can respect the genre, and this band was a part of American history, but when I hear thier off tune singing, it's like nails on a chalkboard.
Because of this, my old friend will not explain his journey to self awareness. I know he believes in the free market capitalist system. I also know he used to think very differently about 'suits'. Now, he is one.
I bring this up because some people who I have been in touch with seem to really like Bob Barr, who is the libertarian candidate for POTUS.
Mr Barr is alot like my friend. He used to be very different. And if you ask him, he will tell you that 9-11 was the event that changed him from GOP attack dog to 'new found' Libertarian.
But, I just do not buy it. Folks, this guy is a phony with a capital P.
Please do not vote for this creep. He does not buy into the LP platforms.
I have an old friend that was a 'Dead Head' who is now a hedge fund mangager. We took acid together numerous times, now he looks like the consumate GOP guy. Suit and all.
He will not tell me what happened to change his life view, because I used to make fun of him and the Grateful Dead. I went along for the free drugs and sex with hairy chicks, but I always told him "I think thier music plain stinks. Kinda like the guy in the hemp sweat pants next to me that hasn't bathed in a week". I can respect the genre, and this band was a part of American history, but when I hear thier off tune singing, it's like nails on a chalkboard.
Because of this, my old friend will not explain his journey to self awareness. I know he believes in the free market capitalist system. I also know he used to think very differently about 'suits'. Now, he is one.
I bring this up because some people who I have been in touch with seem to really like Bob Barr, who is the libertarian candidate for POTUS.
Mr Barr is alot like my friend. He used to be very different. And if you ask him, he will tell you that 9-11 was the event that changed him from GOP attack dog to 'new found' Libertarian.
But, I just do not buy it. Folks, this guy is a phony with a capital P.
Please do not vote for this creep. He does not buy into the LP platforms.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
She left me for Jesus
the last word on bias:
She left me for Jesus:
She left me for Jesus:
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Sports Karma
after last weeks Falcons loss to those damnable Eagles, it's nice to see then get a little bit of the screw job back.
Last Sunday, a poor clock management scaenario collided with an awful call by an official vs the Eagles, and any hopes of a come from behind win or tie ( remember, we did it last game vs the Bears!) evaporated.
Last night, the Baseball commish suspends a World Series Game....Just in time after the Rays tied it up, and guaranteed another night of commercials and vendor revenues.
Now, he could have made a rule in the offseason. Or, he could have called the game before the Rays tied it up. But, it sure appears he screwed the Philly's.
Couldn't happen to nicer guys!:-)
Last Sunday, a poor clock management scaenario collided with an awful call by an official vs the Eagles, and any hopes of a come from behind win or tie ( remember, we did it last game vs the Bears!) evaporated.
Last night, the Baseball commish suspends a World Series Game....Just in time after the Rays tied it up, and guaranteed another night of commercials and vendor revenues.
Now, he could have made a rule in the offseason. Or, he could have called the game before the Rays tied it up. But, it sure appears he screwed the Philly's.
Couldn't happen to nicer guys!:-)
Monday, October 27, 2008
For a glimpse into a very frightening world:
"Don’t believe one optimistic word from any public figure about the economy or humanity in general. They are all part of the problem. Its like a game of Monopoly. In America, the richest 1% now hold 1/2 OF ALL UNITED STATES WEALTH. Unlike ‘lesser’ estimates, this includes all stocks, bonds, cash, and material assets held by America’s richest 1%. Even that filthy pig Oprah acknowledged that it was at about 50% in 2006. Naturally, she put her own ‘humanitarian’ spin on it. Calling attention to her own ‘good will’. WHAT A DISGUSTING HYPOCRITE SLOB. THE RICHEST 1% HAVE LITERALLY MADE WORLD PROSPERITY ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE. Don’t fall for any of their ‘humanitarian’ CRAP. ITS A SHAM. THESE PEOPLE ARE CAUSING THE SAME PROBLEMS THEY PRETEND TO CARE ABOUT. Ask any professor of economics. Money does not grow on trees. The government can’t just print up more on a whim. At any given time, there is a relative limit to the wealth within ANY economy of ANY size. So when too much wealth accumulates at the top, the middle class slip further into debt and the lower class further into poverty. A similar rule applies worldwide. The world’s richest 1% now own over 40% of ALL WORLD WEALTH. This is EVEN AFTER you account for all of this ‘good will’ ‘humanitarian’ BS from celebrities and executives. ITS A SHAM. As they get richer and richer, less wealth is left circulating beneath them. This is the single greatest underlying cause for the current US recession. The middle class can no longer afford to sustain their share of the economy. Their wealth has been gradually transfered to the richest 1%. One way or another, we suffer because of their incredible greed. We are talking about TRILLIONS of dollars which have been transfered FROM US TO THEM. All over a period of about 27 years. Thats Reaganomics for you. The wealth does not ‘trickle down’ as we were told it would. It just accumulates at the top. Shrinking the middle class and expanding the lower class. Causing a domino effect of socio-economic problems. But the rich will never stop. They just keep getting richer. Leaving even less of the pie for the other 99% of us to share. At the same time, they throw back a few tax deductible crumbs and call themselves ‘humanitarians’. Cashing in on the PR and getting even richer the following year. IT CAN’T WORK THIS WAY. Their bogus efforts to make the world a better place can not possibly succeed. Any 'humanitarian' progress made in one area will be lost in another. EVERY SINGLE TIME. IT ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT WORK THIS WAY. This is going to end just like a game of Monopoly. The current US recession will drag on for years and lead into the worst US depression of all time. The richest 1% will live like royalty while the rest of us fight over jobs, food, and gasoline. So don’t fall for any of this PR CRAP from Hollywood, Pro Sports, and Wall Street PIGS. ITS A SHAM. Remember: They are filthy rich EVEN AFTER their tax deductible contributions. Greedy pigs. Now, we are headed for the worst economic and cultural crisis of all time. Crime, poverty, and suicide will skyrocket. SEND A “THANK YOU” NOTE TO YOUR FAVORITE MILLIONAIRE. ITS THEIR FAULT. I’m not discounting other factors like China, sub-prime, or gas prices. But all of those factors combined still pale in comparison to that HUGE transfer of wealth to the rich. Anyway, those other factors are all related and further aggrivated because of GREED. If it weren’t for the OBSCENE distribution of wealth within our country, there never would have been such a market for sub-prime to begin with. Which by the way, was another trick whipped up by greedy bankers and executives. IT MAKES THEM RICHER. The credit industry has been ENDORSED by people like Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGenerous, Dr Phil, and many other celebrities. IT MAKES THEM RICHER. Now, there are commercial ties between nearly every industry and every public figure. IT MAKES THEM RICHER. So don’t fall for their ‘good will’ BS. ITS A LIE. If you fall for it, then you’re a fool. If you see any real difference between the moral character of a celebrity, politician, attorney, or executive, then you’re a fool. No offense fellow citizens. But we have been mislead by nearly every public figure. We still are. Even now, they claim to be 'hurting' right along with the rest of us. As if gas prices actually effect the lifestyle of a millionaire. ITS A LIE. IN 2007, THE RICHEST 1% INCREASED THEIR AVERAGE BOTTOM LINE WEALTH AGAIN. On average, they are now worth over $4,000,000 each. Thats an all time high. As a group, they are now worth well over $17,000,000,000,000. THATS WELL OVER SEVENTEEN TRILLION DOLLARS. Another all time high. Which by the way, is much more than the entire middle and lower classes combined. Also more than enough to pay off our national debt, fund the Iraq war for twenty years, repair our infrastructure, and bail out the US housing market. Still think that our biggest problem is China? Think again. Its the 1% club. That means every big name celebrity, athlete, executive, entrepreneur, developer, banker, and lottery winner. Along with many attorneys, doctors, politicians, and bankers. If they are rich, then they are part of the problem. Their incredible wealth was not 'created', 'generated', grown in their back yard, or printed up on their command. It was transfered FROM US TO THEM. Directly and indirectly. Its become near impossible to spend a dollar without making some greedy pig even richer. Don't be fooled by the occasional loss of a millionaire's fortune. Overall, they just keep getting richer. They absolutely will not stop. Still, they have the nerve to pretend as if they care about ordinary people. ITS A LIE. NOTHING BUT CALCULATED PR CRAP. WAKE UP PEOPLE. THEIR GOAL IS TO WIN THE GAME. The 1% club will always say or do whatever it takes to get as rich as possible. Without the slightest regard for anything or anyone but themselves. Reaganomics. Their idea. Loans from China. Their idea. NAFTA. Their idea. Outsourcing. Their idea. Sub-prime. Their idea. High energy prices. Their idea. Oil 'futures'. Their idea. Obscene health care charges. Their idea. The commercial lobbyist. Their idea. The multi-million dollar lawsuit. Their idea. The multi-million dollar endorsement deal. Their idea. $200 cell phone bills. Their idea. $200 basketball shoes. Their idea. $30 late fees. Their idea. $30 NSF fees. Their idea. $20 DVDs. Their idea. Subliminal advertising. Their idea. Brainwash plots on TV. Their idea. Vioxx, and Celebrex. Their idea. Excessive medical testing. Their idea. The MASSIVE campaign to turn every American into a brainwashed, credit card, pharmaceutical, medical testing, love-sick, celebrity junkie. Their idea. All of the above shrink the middle class, concentrate the world’s wealth and resources, create a dominoe effect of socio-economic problems, and wreak havok on society. All of which have been CREATED AND ENDORSED by celebrities, athletes, executives, entrepreneurs, attorneys, and politicians. IT MAKES THEM RICHER. So don’t fall for any of their ‘good will’ ‘humanitarian’ BS. ITS A SHAM. NOTHING BUT TAX DEDUCTIBLE PR CRAP. In many cases, the 'charitable' contribution is almost entirely offset. Not to mention the opportunity to plug their name, image, product, and 'good will' all at once. IT MAKES THEM RICHER. These filthy pigs even have the nerve to throw a fit and spin up a misleading defense with regard to 'federal tax revenue'. ITS A SHAM. THEY SCREWED UP THE EQUATION TO BEGIN WITH. If the middle and lower classes had a greater share of the pie, they could easily cover a greater share of the federal tax revenue. They are held down in many ways because of greed. Wages remain stagnant for millions because the executives, celebrities, athletes, attorneys, and entrepreneurs, are paid millions. They over-sell, over-charge, under-pay, outsource, cut jobs, and benefits to increase their bottom line. As their profits rise, so do the stock values. Which are owned primarily by the richest 5%. As more United States wealth rises to the top, the middle and lower classes inevitably suffer. This reduces the potential tax reveue drawn from those brackets. At the same time, it wreaks havok on middle and lower class communities and increases the need for financial aid. Not to mention the spike in crime because of it. There is a dominoe effect to consider. IT CAN'T WORK THIS WAY. But our leaders refuse to acknowledge this. Instead they come up with one trick after another to milk the system and screw the majority. These decisions are heavily influensed by the 1% club. Every year, billions of federal tax dollars are diverted behind the scenes back to the rich and their respective industries. Loans from China have been necessary to compensate in part, for the red ink and multi-trillion dollar transfer of wealth to the rich. At the same time, the feds have been pushing more financial burden onto the states who push them lower onto the cities. Again, the hardship is felt more by the majority and less by the 1% club. The rich prefer to live in exclusive areas or upper class communities. They get the best of everything. Reliable city services, new schools, freshly paved roads, upscale parks, ect. The middle and lower class communities get little or nothing without a local tax increase. Which, they usually can't afford. So the red ink flows followed by service cuts and lay-offs. All because of the OBSCENE distribution of bottom line wealth in this country. So when people forgive the rich for their incredible greed and then praise them for paying a greater share of the FEDERAL income taxes, its like nails on a chalk board. I can not accept any theory that our economy would suffer in any way with a more reasonable distribution of wealth. Afterall, it was more reasonable 30 years ago. Before Reaganomics came along. Before GREED became such an epidemic. Before we had an army of over-paid executives, bankers, celebrities, athletes, attorneys, doctors, investors, entrepreneurs, developers, and sold-out politicians to kiss their asses. As a nation, we were in much better shape. Strong middle class, free and clear assets, lower crime rate, more widespread prosperity, stable job market, lower deficit, ect. Our economy as a whole was much more stable and prosperous for the majority. WITHOUT LOANS FROM CHINA. Now, we have a more obscene distribution of bottom line wealth than ever before. We have a sold-out government, crumbling infrastructure, energy crisis, home forclosure epidemic, credit crunch, weak US dollar, 13 figure national deficit, and 12 figure annual shortfall. The cost of living is higher than ever before. Most people can't even afford basic health care. ALL BECAUSE OF GREED. I really don't blame the 2nd -5th percentiles in general. No economy could ever function without some reasonable scale of personal wealth and income. But it can't be allowed to run wild like a mad dog. ALBERT EINSTEIN TRIED TO MAKE PEOPLE UNDERSTAND. UNBRIDLED CAPITALISM ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT WORK. TOP HEAVY ECONOMIES ALWAYS COLLAPSE. Bottom line: The richest 1% will soon tank the largest economy in the world. It will be like nothing we’ve ever seen before. The American dream will be shattered. and thats just the beginning. Greed will eventually tank every major economy in the world. Causing millions to suffer and die. Oprah, Angelina, Brad, Bono, and Bill are not part of the solution. They are part of the problem. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A MULTI-MILLIONAIRE HUMANITARIAN. EXTREME WEALTH MAKES WORLD PROSPERITY ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE. WITHOUT WORLD PROSPERITY, THERE WILL NEVER BE WORLD PEACE OR ANYTHING EVEN CLOSE. GREED KILLS. IT WILL BE OUR DOWNFALL. Of course, the rich will throw a fit and call me a madman.. Of course, they will jump to small minded conclusions about 'jealousy', 'envy', or 'socialism'. Of course, their ignorant fans will do the same. You have to expect that. But I speak the truth. If you don’t believe me, then copy this entry and run it by any professor of economics or socio-economics. Then tell a friend. Call the local radio station. Re-post this entry or put it in your own words. Be one of the first to predict the worst economic and cultural crisis of all time and explain its cause. WE ARE IN BIG TROUBLE.
So what can we do about it? Well, not much. Unfortunately, we are stuck on a runaway train. The problem has gone unchecked for too many years. The US/global depression is comming thanks to the 1% club. It would take a massive effort by the vast majority to prevent it. Along with a voluntary sacrifice by the rich. THATS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. But if you believe in miracles, then spend your money as wisely as possible. Especially in middle and lower class communities. Check the Fortune 500 list and limit your support of high profit/low labor industries (Hollywood, pro sports, energy, credit, pharmaceutical, cable, satelite, internet advertising, cell phone, high fashion, jewelry, ect.). Cancel all but one credit card for emergencies only. If you need a cell phone, then do your homework and find the best deal on a local pre-pay. If you want home internet access, then use the least expensive provider, and share accounts whenever possible. If you need to search, then use the less popular search engines. They usually produce the same results anyway. Don't click on any internet ad. If you need the product or service, then look up the phone number or address and contact that business directly. Don't pay to see any blockbuster movie. Instead, wait a few months and rent the DVD from a local store or buy it USED. If you want to see a big name game or event, then watch it in a local bar, club, or at home on network TV. Don't buy any high end official merchendise and don't support the high end sponsors. If its endorsed by a big name celebrity, then don't buy it. If you can afford a new car, then make an exception for GM, Ford, and Dodge. If they don't increase their market share soon, then a lot more people are going to get screwed out of their pensions and/or benefits. Of course, you must know by now to avoid those big trucks and SUVs unless you truly need one for its intended purpose. Don't be ashamed to buy a foreign car if you prefer it. Afterall, those with the most fuel efficient vehicles consume a lot less foreign oil. Which accounts for a pretty big chunk of our trade deficit. Anyway, the global economy is worth supporting to some extent. Its the obscene profit margins, trade deficits, and BS from OPEC that get us into trouble. Otherwise, the global economy would be a good thing for everyone. Just keep in mind that the big 3 are struggling and they do produce a few smaller reliable cars. Don't frequent any high end department store or any business in a newly developed upper class community. By doing so, you make developers richer and draw support away from industrial areas and away from the middle class communities. Instead, support the local retailer and the less popular shopping centers. Especially in lower or middle class communities. If you can afford to buy a home, then do so. But go smaller and less expensive. Don't get yourself in too deep and don't buy into the newly developed condos or gated communities. Instead, find a modest home in a building or neighborhood at least 20 years old. If you live in one of the poorer states, then try to support its economy first and foremost. Big business is fine on occasion depending on the profit margins and profit sharing. Do your homework. If you want to support any legitimate charity, then do so directly. Never support any celebrity foundation. They spend most of their funding on PR campaigns, travel, and high end accomodations for themselves. Instead, go to and look up a top rated charity to support your favorite cause. In general support the little guy as much as possible and the big guy as little as possible.
Do your part to reverse the transfer of wealth away from the rich and back to the middle and lower classes.
Unfortunately, there is no perfect answer. Jobs will be lost either way. Innocent children will starve and die either way. But we need to support the largest group of workers with the most reasonable profit margins. We also need to support LEGITIMATE charities (Check that list at This is our only chance to limit the severity and/or duration of the comming US/global depression. In the meantime, don't listen to Bernenke, Paulson, Bartiromo, Orman, Dobbs, Kramer, OReiley, or any other public figure with regard to the economy. They are all plenty smart but I swear to you that they will lie right through their rotten teeth. IT MAKES THEM RICHER. Like I said, you are welcome to run this by any professor of economics or socio-economics. If thats not good enough, then look up what Einstein had to say about greed, extreme wealth, and its horrible concequences. I speak the truth.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I did not leave the Libertarian Party...It left me.
I wish I could take credit for this, but this is an excellent article composed in early 2007 about Bob Barr by my new buddy, Ken Bank:
"... I can think of no better example of the futility of relying on the political process to achieve the goal of a free society than the cynical exploitation of the Libertarian Party by a frustrated career politician.
For those who may not have watched Bob Barr over the years doing his talking head shtick on various news shows, his 15 months of fame came from his role as the apostle of jihad against Bill Clinton for his sexual escapades with Monica Lewinsky. Barr's mouth was spewing forth verbiage to justify impeachment like my dog pooping in the backyard. He did what I thought no other politician could ever do: make Clintonista apologists look attractive. After the case for impeachment collapsed like a bad souffle, Barr continued to make sporadic TV appearances on behalf on gun manufacturers being sued by various municipalities. After the 2000 census, his district was redrawn with that of another Republican Congressman, John Linder, who beat him by a substantial margin when they ran against each other in the 2002 primary election.
Barr's career before and during his Congressional tenure speaks for itself. It is what you might expect from a Georgia Republican elected in 1994 along with other Neanderthal conservatives led by their guru Newt Gingrich. He worked for the Central Intelligence Agency from 1970 to 1978, and Ronald Reagan appointed him United States Attorney for the northern district of Georgia in 1986. He ran unsuccessfully in the Republican primary for US Senate in 1992, but was elected to the House two years later.
As a member of the House, Barr did not display any significant difference from the rest of his Republican colleagues. His record is consistent with that of a phallic libertarian, who is a politician that believes personal liberty begins and ends with the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear symbols of male virility. As a prosecutor and Congressman, he strongly supported the war against people who possess contraband substances, voted for the Patriot Act, sponsored the Defense of Marriage Act and endorsed efforts to curtail a woman's right to have an abortion. This was hardly the stuff that libertarian dreams are made of.
Since losing his Congressional seat, Barr has written numerous articles and columns, mostly about privacy and 2nd Amendment issues. However, he has also written about other issues that are inconsistent, to put it mildly, with a libertarian orientation. He criticized the Bush administration for not doing enough to stop undocumented immigrants from crossing the border, and opposes amnesty for those already here. In other articles, he called for military intervention in South America to stop the drug trade. Even after he proclaimed himself a "card-carrying Libertarian," Barr offered a tribute on his website to his two favorite UN ambassadors: the recently deceased Jean Kirkpatrick and the recently disgraced John Bolton, who were prominent spokespersons for American belligerence against countries they considered threats to its superpower status.
In a recent interview with Reason magazine, Barr refused to recant his support for keeping contraband substances illegal, claiming that he didn't have to agree 100% with the Libertarian platform (I would submit he doesn't agree with 50% of the platform). He also denied he was running for president, but that is about as credible as Bill Clinton denying he ever had sex with Monica Lewinsky. His previous campaigns and craving for the media spotlight are evidence that Bob Barr seeks something more than the 15 months of fame he got as the face of impeachment.
The willingness of Libertarian Party apparatchiks to welcome a standard bearer with Bob Barr's record illustrates the inherent corruptibility of the political process. They are perfectly willing to compromise their core beliefs in exchange for increasing the number of dues-paying members as well as gaining a higher percentage of the electoral vote. I have seen how this works from my own experience as a Libertarian Party activist. A few years ago, Bob Grant, a popular and controversial talk radio host, offered to run in New Jersey as the Libertarian Party candidate for US Senate. Like Bob Barr, he shared some views with libertarians, but on other important issues like gun control, immigration and foreign policy, he was diametrically opposed. In my discussions with other LP activists, there were a significant number who were willing to embrace Bob Grant if it would increase membership and gain publicity. I became convinced that some activists would have put Adolph Hitler on the ballot if they thought it would attract attention. I finally called Bob Grant on the air and, after explaining who I was, confronted him about some of his very unlibertarian positions on several issues. He was receptive to my call, and the following day announced that he would not run for Senate as a Libertarian, but might run as an independent (a few months later, he withdrew his candidacy).
Celebrities like Bob Barr and Bob Grant, among others who have exploited the Libertarian Party for selfish reasons, serve to remind us of the vulnerability of libertarian politics to personal manipulation. In the end, they not only sow the seeds of their own irrelevancy, but they destroy the groups they profess to save. I predict, on the assumption Barr runs for president, that the Libertarian Party will split into factions between pragmatic statists and ideological purists. The result will be the same as Pat Buchanan taking over Ross Perot's Reform Party in the 2000 election, when moderates and populist conservatives fought among themselves and left the party in shambles. Despite $20 million worth of public funding for his campaign, Buchanan only got less than one percent of the popular vote. Though I'm sure Barr will gain publicity for the Libertarian Party and bring in more members, I'm also confident the end result will be disappointment and disillusionment. The only positive outcome of what I believe will be the great libertarian crackup of 2008 is the realization among a large number of liberty advocates that the solution to government oppression is not to be found by participating in party politics and the electoral system. "
Friday, October 24, 2008
urban anger
With less than two weeks until Election Day, liberal Democrats are significantly more engaged and emotionally invested than conservative Republicans in the 2008 presidential election, according to a new poll by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press.
Fifty-six percent of liberal Democratic voters said they would be “angry” if their candidate lost, compared with only 20 percent of conservative Republicans voters.
The study found that liberals are nearly three times more likely than conservatives to have attended a political event this year, 21 percent to 8 percent. Roughly one-third of liberals, 34 percent, said they have contributed money to the presidential candidates. Only 13 percent of conservatives said the same.
Pew also found that, by a double-digit margin, more liberals than conservatives said they would be “worried” or “disappointed” if their candidate lost.
The study revealed a notable gap between liberals and conservatives when it comes to using the Internet for political information. Pew found 43 percent of liberals say they read blogs, compared with 22 percent of conservatives. In addition, about six in 10 liberal respondents said they have viewed “some form of campaign video” (such as a debate or commercial) online, compared to about a third of conservatives.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
hot chicks
Meet Caterina Mete!!!
This little Aussie pocket rocket is one of the world famous Wiggly Dancers on the show, "The Wiggles." Always smiling and shaking her short frame, 27-year-old Caterina not only shows off her boundless energy as a highly-trained dancer, but she has an occasional speaking role at the end of the program, often telling us that she hopes we enjoyed the show....
Ye, we did!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
need a good laugh?
In troubling times, brave comedians and writers do thier part.
Take the time to watch the above link. You will not be dissapointed!
In troubling times, brave comedians and writers do thier part.
Take the time to watch the above link. You will not be dissapointed!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
It's all over but the whining...
The debates sucked. I'd rather have root canal, Panamanian style.
McCain could have distanced himself and won the populace with a stand against the 'buyout', 'bailout', or just plain BS, but he and Obama are 'on the same page'.
Just terrible. I think it's all over, folks. That's all! People want to call John McCain 'McSame': well, he's alot more like Obama then I would prefer.
And here's a good template: the young lady on the view that is outnumbered 4-1 by those haggard wenches, the one that is a 'Survivor', married to a NFL QB, is more of a threat to them then any other woman out there. She shows class,dignity, she is hot and makes them look like b*tches. Angry,bitter shrills clinging to thier ideology and thier Botox. F em.
FRD2K ( Obama ) is here. Be very afraid. But not 'Beck' afraid, hiding your ammo in your safe. Just, wary. IMHO.
By the way Metallica still sucks donkey dicks. And Bono should be a fag, but I bet he's too lazy to screw women anymore, like Sting. Just grab your lute and ride that MILF!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
City to busy to hate.
What a total crock.
I'm in the process of bathroom reading 2 books I got from my late father. One is 'From Sweet Auburn to Peachtree' by a guy named Pomerantz.....And it explains why I have seen such extraordinary stuff lately.
Once this week, I heard a black man exclaim 'I'm a black man before I am an American', which forced my hand. I cannot abide such blatant anti-Americanism. When I responded with 'well, which country would you prefer to live in, if you could?' he actually answered 'France'. This provoked such laughter from me that the guy got visibly upset and asked me 'what's so funny'?
I explained to this guy (who is married to a white woman), that if he thinks the good people of France are going to be any more sympathetic, he was nuts. The outlying suburbs of France are burned it seems every spring, and the reason for it? France colonialized alot of Africa, and now, thier 'chickens have come home to roost', to use a popular phrase. The disenfranchised of France think the same way, and take it out on the property owners and local constabulatory with regularity. Even though France has allowed them to move there, they do not actually become 'French', the are still 'black' or 'arab' or 'African' first. And as such, right or wrong, the old guard of white folks in France do not look to kindly on interracial marriages. In fact, they may be worse or about the same as the old guard from the Antebellum South...
Then this disturbing episode happened...At my regular gig is a raving right wing nut that always begs me to play Toby Keith or other such nonsense, and we generally ignore this guy. But, at the end of the night, when everyone else appeared to be gone, I pulled him aside to play one of my 'New ones', affectionally titled 'I'm like Obama at Nascar'.
This is a CNW comedy number of course, and it was composed at a time when my wife was stressed out and taking it out on me..Here are some lyrics:
Someone isnt feeling right today, and you wont feel right tonight
Maybe those 14 hour days are getting you uptight
Because lately youve been ignoring me with every waking word or thought
You leave me out there in no mans land: like an old dog that cant be taught
Now, I never play this song live, ever. Because some dumbass might think it's
Which is exactly what happened. Even though I waited until everyone split, and was on the side of a building, some uptight bitch heard the chorus of the song, and got right in my face immediately. I could tell she was tipsy, but the words she spat at me were not full of 'forgiveness' or 'hope'. I'll never forget what she said to me that night.
'Just wait. Just you wait until Obama get's elected: AND THEN YOURE GONNE GET YOURS!'
Too busy to 'hate', huh? My ass.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Is this a scam?
Okay, so I post an ad on Craigslist for my rental unit, and here is a response I got back......Does it seem ;fishy; to anyone?
Thanks for the details on the Property, i am satisfied and will like to go ahead with the renting process,i will like you to go ahead and please reserve the property for me.
So i will be needing the following informations so that the check for payment of the deposit $2100 can be processed and posted to you soon.
FULL NAME TO BE ON CHECK:.......................
PHONE NUMBER :...................................
YOUR NEAREST AIRPORT:..........................
I will also want to notify you that i have in the mean time arrange with an interior decorator who will be handling the purchase of furnitures,entertainment system and other appliances that i will need in the property,they will as well be incharge of moving down my luggages down to the states.
So the check of $7900 will be sent over to you which is a relocation grant by my employer, and all you need to do is deduct the deposit $2100 and you will forward the rest to the Decorators so i can have the place all prepared for my arrival. All applications an d lease will be signed as soon as i arrive.
Also for familiarization I am Patrick Ritches,I am 45 yrs of age,a British citizen,I work with PYPUN ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LTD), as a Estate Consultant, I am a Christian, reserved in Nature, Non smoker also i don't keep pets.
I look forward to meeting you and hope to have a good relationship as a tenant with you.
I await the details.
you can reach my at this number Phone:"
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
the HEGI and the HESI
"....Renowned defense lawyer Edward W. Hayes, a self-described night owl, long ago developed two measurements for gauging the ups and downs of Wall Street: the HEGI and the HESI, which stand for High End Girlfriend Index and High End Stripper Index. When the financial sector's business is good, he said, the traders and bankers spend huge sums on high-end girlfriends and in the VIP rooms of Manhattan's pricey strip joints.
Now, said Hayes, who represents many of the woman in the business, he is seeing evidence of the downturn.
"The strippers are getting killed -- it's terrible," he said. "It really started in the last month. What they really need are the guys who go in and spend $500."
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Where was Palin?
Where was John McCain? Not on Capitol Hill!!! Idiot!
From the NY Slimes:
"After interrupting his presidential campaign to come back to Washington on Thursday morning to try to push forward a $700 billion bailout deal, Mr. McCain remained in his condominium in Arlington, Va., until 12:30 p.m. Saturday, when he emerged and made a one-minute trip in his motorcade to his campaign headquarters around the corner.
Mr. McCain, who arrived home at 4 a.m. Saturday from the presidential debate in Oxford, Miss, could be seen in his car talking on his cell phone. But there was no word from his campaign on who he was talking to, or the extent of his involvement in ongoing negotiations.
By mid-afternoon, Mr. McCain’s closest adviser, Mark Salter, told reporters that Mr. McCain would not go to Capitol Hill on Saturday but would make phone calls to try to push the deal along. “He’s calling members on both sides, talking to people in the administration, helping out as he can,’’ Mr. Salter said.
Asked why Mr. McCain did not go to Capitol Hill after coming back to Washington to help with negotiations, Mr. Salter replied that “he can effectively do what he needs to do by phone.’’
Really? Too bad he didn't know he could do this on Thursday of last week. Almost cancelling the debate was the dumbest,most chickenshit thing to do. It reeks of desperate political stunting. You do not cancel a convention due to a Hurricane ( BTW, where's all those celebutwits having telethons for Houston?)and you dont turn down a chance to mae your case in front of the public, even if Wall Street and the FED screwed up.
Stupid, stupid, stupid. And where's Palin? Why is she in hiding? One interview with Perky?!
Something smells rotten in Denmark.
"The Weekly Standard’s Bill Kristol placed some of the blame on the McCain campaign for sheltering Palin from the media, and in turn placing an inordinate amount of pressure on her to perform well in the few prime-time interviews she’s been given so far.
Historian Douglas Brinkley said that after the first presidential debate Friday ended in what he called a “draw” even more attention will be on the vice presidential candidates’ face-off Thursday.
While Biden needs to “watch his tongue,” Palin needs to show that she’s ready to be president, Brinkley said."
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Dave Hampton
One of my favorite things to do is research old sports stories. This is because I'm crazy. Here's the story of Dave Hampton:
Dave Hampton grew up in Akron, and he went to college in Wyoming. That life combination can lead to some crazy karma. You might not know that writer extraordinaire Chuck Klosterman, author of the hilarious Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs, grew up in Wyoming and ended in Akron.* It's clear that weird stuff happens when you mix Akron with those Plains states.
*The reason you might not know this is that Klosterman actually grew up in North Dakota, not Wyoming. But, for our purposes, it's really the same thing.
Hampton was drafted by Vince Lombardi and the Green Bay Packers in the ninth round in 1969. About 20 minutes later Lombardi quit the Packers. About three years later, Hampton was traded to Atlanta. And that leads us to our story.
On December 17, 1972, Atlanta was playing the Kansas City Chiefs, last game of the regular season, and there really wasn't anything on the line for either team. Except this: Dave Hampton had 930 yards coming into the game. That meant, of course, that he was 70 yards away from gaining 1,000 yards for the first time in his career. And it meant even more because Hampton had a chance to become the first 1,000-yard rusher in Atlanta Falcons history. This was in those days when NFL teams only played 14 regular season games, so 1,000 yard rushers were still rare birds. Most of the 53,850 who showed up were undoubtedly there, at least in part, to catch a little Dave Hampton history.
And all went pretty well early on. Hampton rushed for 42 yards in the first half, and the Falcons led going into the halftime. It looked like a lock. Hampton got the ball three straight times to start the second half, and ripped off another 22 yards. So he was six yards away.
The Chiefs, though, scored a touchdown to take the lead, and the Falcons kind of went away from Hampton for the rest of the quarter Then on the first play of the fourth quarter, they gave it to Hampton, and he rushed for five yards. One yard away. The next play, they gave him the ball up the middle, and he picked up the precious one yard, he was at exactly 1,000. Cheers! Celebration! They actually stopped the game right there so the crowd could cheer Dave Hampton. They gave him the game ball. I love when they stop games for really obscure achievements, like becoming the first player in Atlanta Falcons history to gain 1,000 yards. Then, you have to understand that in 1972, there had not been that many great sports moments in Atlanta. The day belonged to Dave Hampton.
But, of course, that would not be much of a story. You know what's coming. A little later in the quarter, Atlanta quarterback Bob Berry dropped back to hand off to Hampton and slipped on some ice. He only barely managed to get the ball into Hampton's hands before four Chiefs defenders came crashing in. You bet. It was a loss of 6 yards. And suddenly that game ball didn't feel so great. And because the Chiefs scored late, the Falcons had to throw the ball to try and come back. Hampton got only one more carry, for 1 yard. He finished with 995 yards.
"Right now," he told reporters, "it's the most disappointing thing that has ever happened to me."
OK, that's a real down. And that's a story many people have heard -- maybe you didn't know the name Dave Hampton, but you have probably heard the story of the guy who gained 1,000 yards and was then thrown for a loss. Great story, right? Well, as it turns out, the story HAS NOT EVEN STARTED yet.
In 1973, the Falcons -- led, poetically enough, by a quarterback named Robert Lee -- won seven games in a row in the middle of the season. They were in playoff contention, at last for a little while. Then, remembering they were the Atlanta Falcons, they got blitzed by Buffalo and slaughtered by St. Louis. The Falcons finished off the year playing a dreadful New Orleans team they beat 62-7 in Week 1. And they still had slim playoff hopes then, but really slim -- they needed Washington to lose to an abominable Philadelphia team, and there was really no way that was going to happen (it didn't).
So, in reality, there wasn't much on the line. Except this: Dave Hampton was, again, the team's go-to running back, and he was again close to 1,000 yards. And coach Norm Van Brocklin decided that, no matter what else, the Falcons were going to get Hampton his 1,000 yard season.
Hampton came into the game needing 87 yards. Now, nobody was really paying much attention to Dave Hampton because that was the same day that O.J. Simpson was trying to break Jim Brown's rushing record. Plus it was freaking cold in Atlanta. People don't know this about Atlanta, because it is in the South, but when it gets cold there it feels like Minneapolis at Christmas. When it's 37-degrees in Atlanta, like it was that day, your bones rattle. Fewer than 40,000 people showed up for the game.
The Falcons gave the ball to Hampton. And gave the ball to him. And gave the ball to him some more. The game was close -- Atlanta had a 14-10 lead, and the Falcons were in field goal range ... but Van Brocklin said no, and they went for it on fourth down so they could give the ball to Hampton. They didn't make it. A little later, they were in range again -- still up only four points -- and they went for it again to give the ball to Hampton. They didn't make it. All in all, Hampton carried the ball 27 times on that day, a bunch in the fourth quarter.
And when everything settled, Dave Hampton had ... 997 yards rushing.
"I appreciate the heck out of my offensive line," he said after the game. "I'm very proud of them. But to be honest, I'm not really sure what my feelings are now."
OK, so there. Now you are sure the story is over. Twice this guy got within five yards of 1,000 yards. That's got to be it. Only it isn't. This story is better than Seabiscuit. In 1974, Hampton had all sorts of injuries. It looked like he was more or less finished. But he worked hard hard to come back, as hard as Billy Dee Williams in Brian's Song, and he was ready when the 1975 season began. And even though the team was terrible, Hampton was once again the Falcons workhorse. He plowed and fought for every yard, just like he always had. Then Atlanta went to Green Bay for the last game of the season, freezing cold, meaningless game, and would you believe it? Dave Hampton came in with a shot at 1,000 yards.
Only the game did not set up well. The game was close for a long time, and the Packers kept a slight lead, and so Hampton was not a big part of the offense. Then with two minutes and 53 seconds left and the Packers up by nine, Falcons coach Marion Campbell made the critical call: He decided the Falcons weren't going to win the game anyway. He sent Falcons backup quarterback Pat Sullivan out with a mission. Sullivan came into the huddle and said: "We got one more chance." Everyone looked up and nodded. Hampton was such a popular guy on the team, and he had gotten so close, and dammit, they wanted to get him his 1,000.
Hampton was still 28 yards short, and this was the last drive, so it would take something pretty special. He carried the ball up the middle for four -- he was 24 yards short. Then, he took a handoff to the right and his dear friend Larron Jackson pulled out in front and crushed the Green Bay linebacker. Hampton was free. He broke through, ran, cut, ran, cut, and finally was dragged down. He had picked up 22 yards. He was only two yards short of 1,000.
The Green Bay crowd was into it ... heck, they had to be into something, both teams stunk. They cheered. The Falcons players on the sideline cheered. Fate cheered. The next play, Hampton carried it over the right side for four yards. He had done it. He had become both the first Atlanta Falcons runner to gain 1,000 yards AND the first Atlanta Falcons runner to finish the season with 1,000 yards. And make no mistake, his season was done. The Green Bay crowd gave him a standing ovation as he came off the field -- no way they were leaving Dave Hampton out there for even one more play. Knowing him, the quarterback would have fumbled, and Hampton would have fallen on it, the loss credited to him.
He had done it -- 1,002 yards rushing. Hampton was named the NFL's comeback player of the year in 1975, ostensibly for coming back from injuries, but no doubt it was more. He had come back from being one of the great victims in NFL history. Imagine Bill Buckner hitting the game-winning homer for the Red Sox. Imagine Jackie Smith catching the touchdown that gave the Cowboys a Super Bowl. Imagine blocking Michael Jordan's shot the next time around. Those would probably be more impressive. Still, this was a great story too. Dave Hampton did it. The next year, the Falcons let him go, then he played for the Eagles in Dick Vermeil's first year. Then, he quit football. Why not? He was two yards on the right side of greatness!
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