I always shudder at the mention of my politics as 'conservative', when I feel I have been pretty anti-conservative in my views and consistent for such a long time...
I support gay marriage. Hell, let them walk the plank, too.
Not really pro-life until you get to the 22nd week. I feel if you want to abort them, do it while they are still developing but not after the 22nd week.
Not too hot on assault weapons. Sorry, 'Nuge, but I don't think you really need those armor piercing 'cop killer' bullets, ok? I know that pisses you off, but so be it.
I'm for legalization. You know what I'm talking about.
I'm against the death penalty.
I could go on and on, but I am constantly being reminded that as a fat, wealthy middle aged white guy that doesn't vote for the 'democrat' candidate, I must by default be a 'conservative'.
Such is my cross.
Recently I had an enlightening conversation with ao good friend from Cleaveland who supports Kucinich and agrees we should have impeached the president. I agree with him now, but not for the reasons he listed.
First off: not putting adequate 'boots on the ground' in Iraq in 2004.
As Napoleon said, if you say you're going to take Vienna, you take Vienna! After his generals told him that the troop strength was not adequate, he waited 3 more years to 'surge' more shock troops there. It is BS to claim 'the surge is working' when his top advisors and sitting GOP Senators ( Like McCain: HELLO! ) told him he needed more BOTG. This is simply 'playing politics' in regards to execution of the war. It showcases bad decision making, which lead to the unnecessary deaths of Americans serving there.
He could have made a hard, wartime decision and suspended 2 German bases to 'surge' more troops there back then: according to the Defense Department's annual "Base Structure Report" for fiscal year 2003, which itemizes foreign and domestic U.S. military real estate, the Pentagon currently owns or rents 702 overseas bases in about 130 countries and the military high command deploys to our overseas bases some 253,288 uniformed personnel alone. Hell, he could have brought a fraction of personell from Camp Butler in Okinawa, one of 10 Marine bases in Japan!
Secondly: The response, and mismanagement of Katrina. Don't misunderstand me: not everything that occurred was his fault, but alot of it was. Putting a 'crony' in charge of FEMA with no real experience was strike one. Getting his picture snapped 'touring the damage ' in Air Force One instead of getting his ass down there until a week later is strike two. Strike three was not using the force of the National Guard to qwell the 'unrest' right away.
That's not to say that region is not to blame themselves. But, New Orleans is like your quirky, entertaining retarded child. You know they aren't as handsome as brother Texas, or as hard working as cousin Mississippi. You know if 'it' hits the fan, you have to spend extra 'special' attention to them due to thier 'special needs'.
I could also say that his breaking of promises on fiscal responsibilty could be number three, or his reluctance to seal the southern border, but I don't think that rises to the levels of one and two.
So there you have it, friends. I would support any impeachment effort on GWB based on those reasons alone.
1 comment:
I sure wish you would do some soul searching on the 22 week thing... not sure if you have children, but if you do... think of how your life would be without them if you had decided to "off them" before 22 weeks
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