Enough you douchebag. Quit the smug 'maybe I will run after all' crap.
Look. I admired what you did. I liked you making the media wear 'Jackal' badges, and that you stayed true to your promise to only serve one term. I stood with you when you stormed out of the Wellstone wake. But, now your a qualified nutjob.
There are no 'questions' about 9-11. Popular Mechanics: look into it.
Cut your hair, dude. You look pathetic.
You embarrass me for supporting you many years ago. It almost seems like you cant handle being irrelevant.
Jeese, you are the Brett Favre of politics. Now please, go away.
He's smarter than you on demolitions. Have you taught at MIT?
Nope. Just on TV.
While it's true Jesse (who I used to like alot) is smarter then me on 'demolitions', he is not smarter then the 'demolition experts' at popular mechanics, who have more experience and knowledge the a former UDT frogman who was trained to infiltrate and blow up stuff that isn't as bis as WTC 7.
Quite frankly, Jesse would prove himself a 'statesman' if he humbly admitted he did not know what he is talking about (concerning 'demo') or that the guys @ PM are 'smarter' then him. That's why he's Jesse 'The Brain' Douchebag.
all together now....
piss off!
What about th demo experts who say it was a demo job. They are every bit as trained at demo as the experts at PM.
Puhleeze provide such 'experts'. Until that time, the experts at PM are the bona fides.
FYI, Ventura did not 'teach' at MIT.He 'taught' at Harvard, and it was not 'demo' it was 'politics'. Just sayin.
Hey, I make music. That does not make me 'qualified' to score an opera. I can make 'judgements' on other's work, but as far as scoring an entire opera, above my head. Same thing with Jesse. Just 'cause he was taught how to blow up bamboo shacks 30 or 40 years ago with c4 doesn't mean he 'know's how to take out a superstructure.
get a clue, buddy.
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