Driver Attacked, Injured By Group Of Cyclists In Seattle
I have witnessed 'Critical Mass' demonstrations while I was dating my wife as a student @ UGA. Athens, Ga is not a 'big city', and usually, a couple hundred douchebag cyclists would take over the streets of downtown on a weekend or weeday night and wreak havoc.
Here's a clue, you 2 wheeled dipshits: what you are doing is not a 'protest' or 'demonstration', it is 'thuggery', plain and simple. I did not have a drivers license until I was 25: and I only owned my first car when I turned 30. But, I got around. I rode a bike, but not on busy streets in rush hour traffic. Sometimes I took the bus or cab. I got rides with friends and chicks I was banging.
Here's another clue: if your wearing that ridiculous Lance Pants and stupid shoes, that means you can cough up the 2 bucks necessary to take MARTA, which now has bike racks on every bus and train. Why not take your dumbass outfit to the parks, where you can breathe FRESH AIR, instead of that evil, planet killing CO2? But, noooo. You want to be 'seen'. Your a douche! Get it? You are holding up traffic in rush hour! Go away!
Nothing is funnier to me then seeing a group of 'Lance pants' wearing pricks riding together. On a busy city street, one with no bike lanes. Which, BTW, comes at a heavy cost to the taxpayers and takes land from roadside property owners. These guys NEVER respect the traffic laws, BTW.
The only thing worse then these self pretentious asslicks, is the 'Harley Club'....Yeah, sure 'Loud pipes save Lives' my ass. How about 'I have a small penis, but 8 grand, so listen to me roar?!' You know these guys would be hoppin mad if a 'Ghetto Cruiser' went through thier White Bread neighborhood blaring some Ne Yo. The only difference between a Harley and a Hoover is the position of the dirtbag.
And there is no difference between 'Critical Dumb Ass' participants and a an eco-terrorist. If they pulled this shit with me, with my kid in the car, I would have layed on the horn, squeezed off a round, and screamed 'get away from my car, or become a speedbump'.
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