What a shitty day. Bob Barr announces he will run as a Libertarian. Thus goes my party. Now, Cyndi 'Jihad' McKinney will imlplode the Green Party. And the GOP nominee is going to to buy into 'free market' solutions to 'Global Warming'.
So come November, what am I to do?
I will most likely pull for McCain.
As per my last post, here's where I disagree with him.
Climate Change, Drilling in Anwar, and staying in Iraq.
That's about it.
Now, look at the 2 Dems: I disagree with plenty more.
I used to be pro choice all the way, until I had my own child. Now, I only support early term abortions. If you wait until 28 weeks to decide, you have lost your right to decide, IMHO. But up until then, go for it.
I think everyone should be allowed to own a firearm. But not an assault rifle. Not 'cop killer' armor piercing bullets. Not grenades. I'm sorry, NRA, but the populace is not prepared to assume ownership of RPG's, lest we become like Iraq.
So there's the grey areas. I'm kinda pro choice,kinda 2nd amendment, and I dont care if Fags wanna marry. It's your funeral.
Taxes: less is more. McCain is the closest 'real candidate' to vote for.
Defense: get out of Iraq and go back to using the air force and just bomb the crap out of them if they get uppity. I hate to admit it, but Clinton had it right. Bomb them from afar, screw the UN. But I don't believe Ms Clinton or Obama would even engage that far. So, I'll give the war hero the benefit of the doubt. I agree with him on waterboarding: seeing as he is the one who was a POW.
I think compromise is important: something he is regularly accused of. Call me silly, but I'm still on my first marraige of over 10 years, and that is a principle component of 'keeping the family together'. It was real cool to admire Bush after 9-11 because he 'would not compromise', but that kind of philosophy is for the playground. Were in the big boy, grownup world here. I like the fact that McCain has the ability to reach across the ailse, he get's decent independants and 'Reagan democrats' percentiles.
I just don't understand all the angst about McCain among self admitted 'conservatives' or 'republicans'? I understand thier anger: they are pissed ( as I am ) at Bush for showing what he really was: a politician. 'No Nation Builing and Smaller Government' was a big lie. We all know it. So why are these folks soooo mad at McCain? He in the 'Anti-Bush'. You would think they would welcome him after the last 8 terrible years!!
Sigh. Shitty day.
Here's a funny clip from ancient Bill O Reilly.
If anyone asks, I have a personal hilarious BOR story about the one time I met him and had to work the board during his radio show...We will see if anyone asks to hear it....My guess is 'no'.....
1 comment:
so, hear are my thoughts, back in desert shield/desert storm i was a grunt, a combat engineer, explosives, landmines, booby traps etc, lightly armed, m16, m203, etc
facing an entrenched enemy, the few weeks before the ground war we watched the bombers fly over and we all were very happy that our country had plenty of bombs, that was then, now, hmmm, still very glad we have the air force but i say pull them all out, protect the oil fields, split the country in half, those that want to kill everyone and everything can be on one side, those that want peace can be on the other side, point the air force in the right direction then it is a done deal
i am pro choice leaning in the direction of pro life, you are right, there has to be a cut off point,
assault rifles, ooooohhhhh, i got 3, and a grenade launcher, and of course 6 pistols, 3 shotguns, a 30/30, and a couple of 22's, maybe a hundred knives or so, a carry permit and a bazillion rounds of ammo, haven't fired a single round since i went to get my permit
i am almost completely sane and i scare me
married for 10 years, what, are you nuts? what are you trying to do, set an example or something, i knew you were some kind of sicko, cmon, join the rest of the crowd, i got two ex wives and my most recent ex girlfriend of 6 years left because (among other things) she is 14 years younger and wanted a ring on her finger and a bun in the oven, yuck (and it might have been a mistake to let her go, but as a manly man i won't admit that, not for the record anyway)
more power to you, hope you make 20
why wait for someone to ask?
piss off
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