If you decide to visit the zoo, tour the 'tornado damage' of Cabbagetown, or visit the only Drive In left in the city, your probably going to get off I 20 East and takt the 'Boulevard' exit...But be warned!
This exit is beggers corner.If it's not the ubiquitous bum/panhadler, then you may be treated to a little street theater. (It was @ this intersection I received my first municipal traffic ticket, for ' no turn on red' a nice little fine of 196$)
Sometimes, it is hefty black ladies with some sort of laminated 'permit' that they wear around thier necks, that is difficult to make out until they are in your door window with thier plastic money pots...Or you may get lucky, and get to see the 'fake' school/YMCA 'team funding patrols', like this kid. I'll give it to them, though. They pulled off a pretty good scam~ the local rag printed an article about how they called this YMCA to verify the 'charity', and the director was wondering where the scrimmage jerseys went. This is out city council of the future, friends. But: they got me for a buck, so kudo's to them. At least they are showing some signs if initiative.
I don't mind seeing the firemen with the 'boot', or even the homeless guys, as they will leave you alone. But I do get a little hot when I have to pay exorbitant property taxes, and I also have to watch out for the motorcycle cop behind the hedge, or the aggressive panhandlers....
On another note: hey bike riders. How 'bout a little break, huh? there is a time and a place for everything. Unless you absolutely HAVE TO, why not take your stupid looking Lance-Pants and your expensive wafer thin bike TO THE FUCKING BIKE PATHS, OR THE 3 DEDICATED INTOWN PARKS WITH THE BIKE PATHS IN THEM!!!!??! Nothing is more frustrating then fighting orange traffic cones ( our state flower )and other idiot drivers, especially our hispanic visitors with the tumbling ladders and no insurance, ,but to have to tolerate your narcisism is almost too much. And if you have a toddler, and you tool around with him in a separate buggy attached to the back in rush hour traffic on majot streets: your a very special, dangerous kind of stupid involved there. Forget those Amish kids in Texas, the state needs to take away these kids before thier parents let them grow up and procreate. Darwin can't take care of everything, you know!
Once again, props to Mike Hood and Laffite's for sponsoring another stellar night of N'awlins music. Saturday night and your on Bourbon Street? You simply must go.
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