well, I predicted what would occur, and this NY Times review proves it:
".......“Recount,” an astute and deliciously engrossing film on HBO this Sunday night, retells the tale of Florida in all its bizarre and inglorious moments, from haggling over the “hanging chad” and “butterfly ballots” to the ruckus between the Florida secretary of state, Katherine Harris, and the Palm Beach County Canvassing Board. “Recount” is not satire; it’s a mordantly serious look at a moment when character, political influence and luck fatefully collided.
And it comes at a time when Americans are once again passionately interested in elections and at a juncture where Florida is once again a critical factor in yet another tight and tenaciously fought contest for the Oval Office. "
Any warning flags there?
Here's more
"...The casting of “Recount” is inspired. Kevin Spacey plays Ron Klain, the senior adviser to Vice President Al Gore who ended up leading the Democrats’ Florida recount effort, and Tom Wilkinson is James A. Baker III, the silky-smooth Bush family consigliere who ran the Republican effort. Laura Dern is mesmerizing as Ms. Harris, the legendarily dense public official who also helped organize George W. Bush’s Florida election campaign. Ms. Dern’s portrait comes the closest to parody — the role all but demands it — but she manages to convey some glimmers of humanity behind the thick makeup and thicker skull."..
So, the guy that lost it for Gore, is not described as 'dense', and the other advisors to Gore were not 'recounted' in Mafia terms, like Baker... But what about his campaign mgr, Donna Brazile, who made the false claim 'cops with dogs and guns keeping blacks from voting'?....No mention in the movie AT ALL. Just a passing reference to Jesse Jackson.
I also love how every scene where the GOP is involved is presented: when protestors arrive at a Palm Beach election board, they aren't Cubans, but white, short haired 'pages' from Congress, bussed in to take part in a 'street fight' for the POTUS...When they show the Dems lawyers, they are always drinking beer in a bar, or working hard with thier sleeved rolled up: when the GOP is plotting thier game plan it is from a leather chair in a conference room with highballs and cigars in hand...The Dems lawyers fly home in a small Cessna, Baker goes home in the private jet. The inferences are obvious to any fair person.
Among the people this Aaron Sorkin sordid tale throws under the bus ( IMHO ) is Warren Christopher, Katherine Harris, Joe Lieberman, and the poor stupid democrat woman that designed the damn butterfly ballot in the first place~!
I will say this about 'Recount', it was not totally unfair. It did mention that if Nader hs not run, and if Gore had asked for a statewide 'recount' they might not have lost, which means something.
So for HBO and the makers of 'Recount' ,in a recent “60 Minutes” interview on CBS, Associate Justice Antonin Scalia airily dismissed questions about the 2000 Supreme Court decision.
“Get over it,” Justice Scalia said. “It’s so old by now.”
So freekin old.
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