Was a roaring success. The only problem was, it wasn't a party for me at all, instead my band was hired to play a BBQ at a 'golf course community' ( read: older folks then me )called Sun City Peachtree. Oh well, they pay well, and it allows me to show off the little man to some of my musician friends, who rarely get to see him in the clubs!
It's kind of touching, because the little dude want's to be a drummer! I know, he's only 2, but he is not intimidated by loud noises or strange looking folks ( Like Lil Joe Burton, awesome horn player, and Ross Pead, redneck guitarist deluxe ). The other toddlers present ran around holding thier ears, or hiding from the snare. Not my guy. He want's to be in the mix!
On a sadder note: I'm officially off the Libertarian bandwagon. How could they nominate Bob F*cking Barr?! The guy who can't stand an oval office BJ and medical marijuana?
I have no other option now to vote for Mccain. Worst election ever.
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