McCain Feingold:
Soft money sucks. Period. Half a billion dollars in 'issue ads' is not 'free speech', it's 'expensive free speech'.Corporations and unions have long been barred from contributing to federal campaigns, and individuals are limited in the amounts they can contribute. But they have all learned to evade these limitations by giving to political parties, in 'soft money' donations. It's like the Kennedy's hiding thier money in Fiji. It's like Micheal Moore's trust owning Haliburton stock.
Everyone involved was in on the soft-money charade. Parties wink when they accept money secretly earmarked for Senator X's campaign. And when the donor comes by later for a favor, Senator X is well aware of the soft-money gift.Soft money played a key role in blocking Congressional action on generic drugs, tort reform, tobacco-control laws and new accounting rules for stock options. Soft money was a corrupting influence, and McCain was right to do away wuth it, even if it brought out the 527's. It's telling that the big opponents were unions....and corporations.
McCain Kennedy, oh my god they are giving the country away bill:
read the damn thing. It said 'secure the borders, then issue green cards for those here that apply, tax them and the one's that dont apply, send them home( if when they get arrested)'. Oh yeah, it helps those foreigners with actual SKILLS ( like nurses, which we desperately need, or say, doctors, engineers, translators, etc...) go to the front of the line, but they have to pay as well.
Speak English, dammit! Your in My country we stole fair and square from the Injuns with our slave labor! Well, Maccy-Kennedy Hic has a program in there to do just that. Make them learn a little English, stufy some civics, hey....This is is kinda what we do already ! So what's the bitch? Again: this time 2 suspiciously silent parties : Unions and Business. Well, dumbass who do you think has been running this show for the last 70 years? DUH! It will take more the Ron Paul to take down this dynastic duo, even if he does have a blipm I helped pay for.
Still, since he did not allocate rounding up the 20 million yard workers already here, I guess that make it
that's the DNC take this year
here's a link from 2003:
He's no 'Dr No'...But he's 'Dr Not so much'....Except for that whole Iraq thing, which is pretty freekin expensive!
McCain +2.....-1.
Defense. This is a tough one. I want us out of Iraq. But, we need to show we still have resolve. As long as the military is voluntary, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Not like the other 2 ( or one, most messianic black one )and like I said, Ron Paul is not for real. He ran his million dollar campaign like a dunce. And I bet he's not even stoned.
Gay Marriage? Who cares. Honestly, who give a fuck. If your bent about Rosie O Donnell making some other chick miserable you need to get a real life.
Economy? What the other option?
Speaking of that, what was our 'other options'? Romney? C'mon. The guy flip flopped more then Kerry! And~ he is in a cult! Sorry folks, if you think Jeebus came out here in the 1800's to show some polygamist that hated negroes a 'golden tablet', your in a cult.
McCain is no flip-flopper. Just think about his stance against ethanol subsidies in Iowa and federal hurricane insurance in Florida. (And Florida's Gov. Crist still supported him!) Think of his duty-honor-loyalty persona.... Duty-honor-loyalty is part of the American military code of conduct. In this most important sense, McCain is a profoundly conservative man. When he makes a promise, he keeps it.
And I like that he says it straight. He went on Hannity and said ' I would not drill in Anwar, or the Grand Canyon'. I don't agree with that, but he did not tap dance around it, on the 2nd biggest show on radio. You have got to admire that.
So what in the hell is the big conservative bitch about? And~ if your one of those whiny, petulant one's that 'just wont vote for him on principle', better hang on to those bitter bibles and guns, because the next 2 Supreme Court nominees may have something to say aboout that. Now, grow up, pull up your short pants, quit letting Hannity get you all worked up and pull the lever for the war hero like you know you will. And quit bellyaching, for Christ sake!
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