So last night, I decided to go see the new 'Iron Man' movie. It was so sckening, I had to leave. I have only left 2 movies~EVER~ in my life, the other one being " The cook, the thief, the wife and the lover" ( or something to that effect ) where there was a child rape scene.
In this take, Robert Downey Jr ( who does a good job ) portays Tony Stark. The character is a greedy weapons manufacturer who turns hero only after personally witnessing the carnage his products are capable of....
So the first real victims here are the US Military and the Defense contractors. This movie was a blatant slap in the face to anyone who has ever served.
What get's me mad is when Hollywood, who has run out of ideas, takes comic book characters I grew up with, and change them to suit thier political messages.
I saw it happen with the last Superman movie. Daily Bugle headline: SUPERMAN RETURNS! Daily Bugle Editor Perry White: "I want to know everything. Where did he go? Why has he come back? Does he still stand for truth, justice, all that stuff?"
All that 'stuff'? You mean the 'American Way'?! For crying out loud, it was HIS GODDAMNED CATCH PHRASE FOR 50 YEARS! You mean to tell me for overseas release $$$ were going to change the absolute credo the character stood for?
So in this Iron Man, he apparently joins Code Pink.
But hey, do not take my word for it. Here's an interview with rocket scientist Terrance Howard, who plays Jim Rhodes.
“I want to make sure the people that we are fighting are not victims of wars,” he says. “That’s like someone going out to fight the Iraqis right now. You know, you’re fighting people who are just trying to stay alive. That’s what my personal view is right now on that. You know, they’re doing everything they can to get people out of their life and out of their country, so they can come back to their own way of life again, their own little culture. But we’re doing everything we can to try and acclimate them to our world, and that’s not what they want. So, I’m hoping that we continue the tradition of raising certain questions of accountability.”
Iron man, like Superman was a patriotic hero. Superman fought Nazi's and Japs. Iron man fought commies. The character Rhodes played was a vietnam vet:
He first meets billionaire industrialist Tony Stark while flying combat missions in Vietnam. Rhodes' helicopter is shot down by Viet Cong rocket fire, and while trying to get the aircraft airborne again, he encounters Stark, who has just escaped from the prison camp in a bulky prototype suit of powered armor. Together, Rhodes and Stark make their way to a nearby enemy base where they steal another helicopter, flying it back to the American lines.
First, Iron Man was anti-communist, all Marvel characters fought the communists. Hulk, FF and Spider-man fought the Gargoyle, the Red Ghost and the Chameleon. But Iron Man’s technology, “Repulsor Rays,” have always been a defensive weapon and the character for many, many years has had great regret about how others have used his technology.
Secondly, IM was often a character used to promote patriotism and the positive use of military might to achieve noble ends. He spent most of his first several years fighting the forces of Communism in the form of foes like Crimson Dynamo, The Black Widow and others. Iron Man’s basically a walking battle cruiser built and piloted by a weaponsmith employed by the U.S. Government.
Interestingly enough, The IM succumbs to alchoholism and insanity in later years, so Maybe Downey was good typecasting.
They could have made this a great franchise, but all it did was rape me of 8 bucks.
Jon Favreu and all the writes: FUCK YOU ASSHOLES. Please move to France!
1 comment:
hey, thought i'd stop by, looks like i picked a good day
first i will not ask how a man your age knows so much about comic books (it kinda creeps me out)
while i am not quite the aficianado compared to you, i do feel ya brother, my grandfather had some comic books from the 40's, i don't remember the specifics, several superheros fight the japanese and it's all super clean, gung ho and TRIUMPHENT, and, well, shit now we are all 'death race 2000' brainwashed, oh no, wait, there is one who knows, one who remembers, he's a dick, he's a comic book geek, hhhhhhheeeerrrrrreeeessssss
mr lee
man, i was all ready to jump up and start singing 'my country tis of thee', but i was too lazy to jump, anyway, in case you hadn't figured it out by now, i am an AMERICAN, and by this i mean that despite my age, despite me bithching about taxes and politicians, despite me poking fun at the president, despite my nicotine addiction, despite the fact that i would probably not last 5 minutes in combat anymore, despite the fact that i knew i was going to die, i would, if needed, step back up and fight for MY right to be an AMERICAN
so, from me to you, thanks for knowing what you know
now piss off wanker
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